Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Beauty From Pain

It was beautiful.

Crimson life dripping onto the floor.

She looked down at it, and marveled.

Marveled how beautiful it was.

The knife in her hand was streaked with blood, some still fresh.

Pale scars on her arms: Some reopened. Others waiting.

The girl wondered how such beauty could exist.

Bright blood brought out her fair skin so nicely.

She lifted her arm, peering at it.

The slashes looked nice, a pattern that none should see.

This took out all that hurt her.

Drained away her pain.

For if she does this, she can go on. Without this, she would fall.

Pale lilac eyes tore their gaze from the dripping blood, and glanced at a shrine.

The shrine is normally hidden from prying eyes.

But this is a special occasion, one that her love should see.

She whispered, "Aren't I beautiful, Naruto-kun? Doesn't this bring out my best?"

She stared into motionless blue eyes, that still hold the happiness of that day.

"You said you wanted to see me again. You wanted to know me."

She laughed, a dry laugh. "Well, look at me." She spread her arms, blood pouring from her self inflicted wounds.

"Without you, I am ugly; worthless."

Tears began to stream down her face. "I need you more than ever now, Naruto-kun."

Sighing, she brought up her kunai and slashed her cheeks, just below her eyes.

"See? I cry so hard, blood comes from my eyes."

Streaks of blood stained her cheeks.

"But that is about to change." She smiled happily.

"This is the last time I shall have to do this to look beautiful for you."

She reached into her kimono and brought out a small vial. She turned it with her fingers, letting the light dance through the pale green liquid inside.

"Now I will see you again, Naruto-kun."

She smiled bitterly. "Remember when I first saw you? First saw you crying, saw you with your barriers down? That's the day we got together for the first time."

A smirk plays on her lips. "That was good right? I was glad to give it to you; I didn't want some stuck up noble to take it from you. For it was always yours to take."

She uncorked the vial and raised it towards the picture.

"To you, Naruto-kun. You were the only true Rokudaime."

With that she downed it and fell to the ground, the wounds on her arms staining the rich carpet. The vial rolled from her fingers, to rest underneath the picture of the smiling blond.

When the others found her, they were saddened. And sicked with themselves for not noticing her pain. But one-who let his headband fall down to reveal his greatest weakness-stood apart and wondered.

Wondered how she was smiling so gracefully and happily.

And how such beauty could come from so much pain.

Urgh...still feeling depressed. And this is the result. If you didn't pick it up, the girl was Hinata. Story: Hinata was in so much pain after Naruto died, so soon after they began dating. She never recovered and so she ended up hurting herself to make her feel better. At the end, Hinata couldn't take it anymore and took some poison to go to where Naruto was. When her family found her, they blamed themselves for her death, since they should've known she was hurting to bad. But Neji, though he also blamed himself, couldn't help noticing that Hinata had never smiled like that before. And that she was more beautiful than ever before.

I'll tell you when I'm out of this depressing slump. Oh, how I hate my Dark-muse: She grabs a sledgehammer and uses it to hit me with ideas. First with a evil jinchuunriki, now with an emo Hinata...I think I need help.