A/N: Another fic that I hope turns out better than my first one. I hope you all enjoy and if you have any questions feel free to ask me or give me ideas for the story.
disclaimer: I DO NOT own any of the Inuyasha Characters they are Rumiko Takahashi's. I also have no claim to Te Vaka's song Tamahana although i have tweeked it a bit. Although I do have some small claim of the word confuddled :D

The evening was warm and soft, the breeze winding in and out of the trees as the creatures of the night orchestrated their music. It was early spring, the forest life blossoming again into its most magnificent form. A night such as this was a rare one for our priestess, between school finals and shard hunting peace was hard to come by. Feeling the soaring of her spirit Higurashi Kagome, sitting in the clearing that housed the Bone-eaters well, contributed her own song.

Oooo Baby...why did you have to go...

Loneliness it sits outside my window, Waiting to come in to hinder my heart

The memories of you I'll let it linger, While you are away my thoughts they wonder

Leaning up against the well Kagome closed her eyes and allowed the wind to flow through her hair, soothing the hurt of her heart.

Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love, Is there someone else you're still thinking of Will I realize the truth will break my heart, Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love

Slowly the tears traveled down her cheeks, reflecting the tears inside.

If there's someone, you then girl don't mislead me, Tell me now and let my heart go gently

Ill be thinking of you still from time to time, Seeking for a love I wish was mine

Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love, Is there someone else you're still thinking of

Will I realize the truth will break my heart, Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love

Lifting her hand she felt her power swell and rise, swirling around into two figures who resembled lovers. The two danced evasively around the other gently stroking the other before flowing away to repeat the action until they danced together as one.

If there's someone, you then girl don't mislead me, Tell me now and let my heart go gently Ill be thinking of you still from time to time, While I'm Seeking for a love I wish was mine

Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love, Is there someone else you're still thinking of Will I realize the truth will break my heart, Tell me why do I have to wait to fall in love

Tell me why, Do I have to wait, To fall In Love Oh with you

Tell me why do I have to wait To fall In Love With You... Oh with you... Oh baby

Why do I have to wait, To fall in love with you, Cant you see my heart Is making for you

Slowly the figures parted once again. One turning away as the other remained, reaching out. Then both faded with her last note and then exploded into pink sparkling dust sinking down into the swaying grass.

Kagome sighed, turning her gaze into the twinkling sky. 'Why? Why must I wait for love? I've moved on from Inuyasha and Kouga-kun has moved on from me. How will I find someone when I'm seen only as a means to collect Shikon shards?'

Deciding enough time had past Kagome sighed and then gathered her trusty yellow bag and headed down the small weather beaten path to the village of Edo.

"Oi Wench! What took you so damn long?!" the hanyou stubbornly crossed his arms staring her down. Sango and Miroku sighed predicting yet another fight between the two. Kagome lowered her eyes, her shoulders slouching "I apologize Inuyasha. It won't happen again" then she deftly maneuvered around the puzzled form of Inuyasha and the stunned forms of Miroku and Sango, and into Kaede's hut.

Miroku looked to the still gaping Sango and snapped her mouth shut. Sango glared daggers at him. "What dear Sango? I was ensuring your non-consumption of insects?" he said innocently. She whacked him upside his head, "Don't call me that! What do you think is up with Kagome-chan? That was nothing at all like her to be so submissive, especially with Inuyasha."

"What? Its about time she found her place! I aint got no complaints with it as long as I'm not getting sat for it." Inuyasha grinned but his ears twitched anxiously revealing his concern for the usually fiery miko.

Monk and Taijiya shared a look and both hit Inuyasha on the head, successfully knocking him unconscious.

"Sango-chan, do you think this will come to be a long term occurrence with Kagome and Inuyasha?" The crease in his brow darkened the young monks face Sango noticed, "I do not know Houshi-sama but I hope not" sighing as she felt her neko friend leap onto her shoulder silently lending her comfort.

Inside the hut:

"Hello Kaede-sensei, do you wish for me to do anything for you?" Kagome asked as she began to unpack and organize the renewed supplies. "No child. Ye are free to do as you wish today. In the morning we shall continue ye training. Tell me, have ye progressed any further in your studies?"

"Oh yes Kaede-sensei!! Just this evening I was able to form two figures resembling human. I was even capable of creating motion!" Kagome excitedly told the elder miko of the event.

Although their enemy was defeated the tachi's journey continues. With the destruction of Naraku came the unknown aftermath. It had been a year since that day and two more before that. The group was three years older and wiser including little Shippo. Although Inuyasha's growth could be questioned. Since the jewel was completed and re-absorbed into Kagome's body and magnifying her power the group took to traveling to help quel the restlessnes of all of them. Kagome knew she no longer loved the Inu-hanyou romantically but as a brother, an annoying one but one none the less. Inuyasha had mutual feelings toward Kagome but not used to having a family didn't know how to act, as usual.

"Aye child that is quite the accomplishment" Kaede smirked patting the 18 year-olds head the returning to assorting her herbs. Kagome turned to the curled up mass of red fur in the corner of the hut and smiled gently at the site of her kit's small paws scraping the air while softly yipping, 'He must be chasing those butterflies he so loves to torment.' Giggling Kagome slowly woke up the dreaming Shippo, saving the butterflies in his dream. '3,2,1' "Kagome!!!" thud.. Pushing herself into a sitting position she cradled the kit giving him a hug of welcome. "Miss me did you??" Kagome joked. "Of course Kagome-chan! Did you bring me any candy?" Big green tear filled eye were shown in her face, pouting for the candy. Kagome chuckled and reached into her pack for a lolly-pop for the kitsune. Shippo quickly scampered off her lap to eat his treat. Kagome shook her head then cleared out the unneeded supplies and packed the necessities such as the first aid kit, food, clothes, and other such items.

Kagome looked up to see Sango and Miroku enter the hut glancing her way with looks of concern. "Lady Kagome are you alright? Its hardly like you to give up on a fight like that with Inuyasha" Miroku cam to sit in front of her as Sango came to her side resting a hand on Kagome's shoulder. "yeah Kagome-chan is something bothering you? Please tell us so we can help you." Sango lightly coaxed her. Kagome looked to each of her friends before she resigned herself to her fate. There was no way that they would let it go without some kind of explanation, "Its nothing really you guys. Lately even with us still traveling I'm feeling more and more restless and I just don't have the energy to fight with Inuyasha today." Kagome said, not meeting their inquiring gazes.

"Lady Kagome, we understand completely. We too wish for this madening feeling to end and with any luck it will in a short period of time."

"Yeah 'Gome! The only thing we got to worry about is some stupid demon trying to fing the Shikon no Tama and we know that isn't going to work" Sango smiled encouragingly giving her sister a hug.

"I hope you guys are right. Well we better get going before Inuyasha busts a nut!" the group laughed and packed up for the journey West.


Inuyasha was sitting in his favorite tree glaring at the door as the group emerged smiling. "Oi! Kagome your not going to be holding us up are you?" Inuyasha's gruff manner of asking if she was alright. Smiling sweetly Kagome batted her eyelashes at him, "Of course not Inuyasha but are you?" Inuyasha's eyes widened and went to jump away. "Osuwari!" from mid-air our poor hanyou was plummeted to the cold, hard, unforgiving ground. Smirking and snickering the group headed west leaving a cursing Inuyasha to catch up.

Huffing angrily Kagome stomped away. Any other time the site would have been slightly scary…had Kagome not been covered from head to toe in youkai guts. 'Why?! Why am I Always the one to get picked up! Not to mention carried off by some stray ass youkai! Damnit why didn't I sense him!?' the answer to Kagome's question was that she was focused on the other almost identical youkai.


"Inuyasha! The shard is in its forehead!!" Kagome yelled stringing an arrow into her bow. Pulling back the string, Kagome was about to fire when she was jarred away from her position by another Oni besides the one Inuyasha was battling. Sango, Miroku, and Kirara were busy with the first Oni and hadn't noticed the second one. Kagome cursed as the Oni swung his big greenish arms at her. Jumping and diving away, successfully gouging her leg on a rock she quickly sprung up and dashed into the trees for coverage. Although sluggish and dull the Oni had no problem catching up with the miko. "Shit! Oh this isn't good!" straining to concentrate on moving her ki into her legs our clumsy miko tripped on a poorly placed root. Turning to take the brunt of the fall on her shoulder she saw the increasingly close Oni. Landing with an "Oof" she reached back pulling out an arrow. 'Its to close for my bow!!' curling slightly into a protective ball she focused her energy into the arrow as the Oni came upon her. Unfortunately, the Oni unthinkingly just grabbed Kagome, paying no mind that she was a miko, and plopped her in his mouth and swallowed.

Inside Oni's Stomach

'You have got to be kidding me!!! I'm sitting in a god forsaken Oni's Stomach! Ew ew ew ew ew!!!' Kagome true to her nature began to panic slightly. 'How do I get out of here?' Kagome beginning to feel the bile burning at her skin did the first thing she thought of she created a barrier around herself inside the Oni's stomach. 'Ok now I'm semi safe. Hmm I wonder?' Grinning evilly our conniving miko began to expand the barrier slowly.


Stopping from traveling further into the forest the Oni looked at its stomach at the boated feeling. Slowly its stomach expanded then when the Oni couldn't bear it Kagome blew up the barrier twice its size basically the Oni imploded. Sighing with relief Kagome let down her barrier. "I'm free yes!!' twirling around kagome felt a drop of something on her face. Investigating it she found Oni blood. 'Why do I have a very bad feeling about this?' Glancing up Kagome cringed as all the Oni parts she "blew up" came crashing back down.. onto her.


"Never again will I ever do that again!" Giving up and just diving into the small stream she happened to come by while trying to find her way back to the other. Kagome rinsed and scrubbed thoroughly as possible. Now for the most part clean Kagome traveled in a direction she hoped was back to her friends. 'Stupid Stupid Oni going around eating people and then exploding on them! Why can't they just die like every other youkai? No that'd be too damn easy! Damnit! Stupid rock!' Bending down to rub her abused toe Kagome heard a low whining. 'What is that??' Looking wearily towards the apparent guilty bush our miko crept closer not sensing any danger. Sweeping her ki over the area the bush was Kagome was surprised to discover a minimal amount of youki. Although weak it had an undertone of suppressed power not unlike the rough hanyou's. 'It's probably just a squirrel youkai...yeah a squirrel youkai nothing dangerous' finished with her internal pep talk Kagome pushed back the bush gasping and stumbling back. 'Oh kami! Is that what I think it is!' creeping to the bush again Kagome went through to the small whining body. Pale creamy skin, small claws and fangs, and shimmering silver hair with matching triangle ears is what met Kagome's eyes.