\\Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Harry Potter. Bummer.

"He's a god."

"It's like we have an actual real life Adonis living in our midst."

I rolled my eyes slightly as the twins, Myra and Michelle Jenkins, sighed together, each twirling one of their mini braids around their index finger. They both stared dreamily at the 'Adonis' in question, Myra through gray eyes and Michelle through brown, their light brown faces flushed with thoughts that probably weren't appropriate.

"He's just a regular person you guys," I said, softly, smiling.

"Yeah," our friend, Daniel Brown said, grinning. "He's just a regular hot person."

"The hottest boy in the sixth year," Michelle said.

"The hottest boy in the whole school," Myra said, laughing.

"Absolutely scrumptious," the two girls said, grinning.

I looked to the boy . . . no, the man they were speaking of and my heart fluttered.

Cedric Diggory. The most, handsome, wonderful, funny, smart, cute, and perfect boy around. Right now he stood near the doors of the Great Hall, laughing with some friends with that perfect laugh, that perfect smile, those perfect brown eyes. . . . Beautiful is what Cedric Diggory.

"Come on Evie," Daniel said, tugging on the end of my long brown ponytail. "You cannot possibly say that you don't have a heart throb for the heart throb."

"I won't say that I don't," I said, smirking. "But I'm not going to say that I do."

"Oh, Evie, you have to tell us what kind of girls he likes," Myra said, leaning towards me across her sister.

"Or boys," Daniel said, winking at me.

Once again, I rolled my eyes as my three friends leaned in attentively towards me. We'd been friends since the Hogwarts Express, first year and we became even closer after we were all sorted into Ravenclaw and even closer when we found out we were all Muggleborn. Now, in our sixth year, it was the longest friendships we all have ever had. They were crazy, I had to admit, but we all seemed to fit together in a way that wfas absolutely perfect.

You would think, though, with us being in Ravenclaw in all, we'd have something more important to talk about then boys, but for some reason, that was one of the main topics of our conversation (I blame the twins).

"First off, I know Cedric is not interested in boys," I said, smiling. "Sorry Dan."

"Aww, phoo," Daniel said, putting his head in his hands. "It's always the cute ones who are straight."

"Wait, I thought it was the other way around," Myra said. "You know? They always say it's the cute ones who are homosexual."

"Well, yeah, when you're straight you say that, but when you actually are homosexual, it's pretty much the same concept."

"Second off," I said, "you act as if Cedric and I always talk. We hardly even know each other."

"Oh, don't give us that Evie," Michelle said, frowning. "You spend every other day with him."

"Tutoring him for Charms," I explained, exasperated. "The Charms classroom is not exactly a hot spot to have a juicy conversation."

"Phoo," Myra said. "I wish we knew what kind of girls he liked."

At that moment, Cho Chang came prancing into the room, stopping to talk to Cedric. If possible, his smile got wider; a fact that didn't go by unnoticed by us dedicated fans.

We all sighed at the same time, placing our heads in our hands. "Does that answer your question?" I asked

"What can he possibly see in her?" Michelle asked, angrily. "She's rude, snotty, contemptuous –"

"Beautiful," I said, flatly.

"Everyone's beautiful in their own way," Myra said. "What's she got that we don't have."

"I don't know. . . . Maybe it's her long, flowing hair."

"Our hair is long and flowing," the twins said, flipping their braids over their shoulders.

"Yes, but your hair is fake," Daniel said, smiling.

Both girls gasped, lifting their hands to their hearts in mock pain. "Hey, the hair is on our heads which makes it ours," Michelle said.

"Okay, but who did it belong to in the first place, innyhoo?" Daniel said, clearly enjoying himself.

The twins huffed, turning to me again. "Her hair is simply black," Myra said. "Simply dull and limp and black. So what?"

"So, what else is so beautiful about Chatty Cho?" Michelle asked me.

"Maybe it's her pretty smile," I said.

"She has a gap!" Michelle said.

"Hardly. You probably couldn't even squeeze a piece of string through that. It's not even noticible. Plus, her teeth seemed to glimmer."

"Which you only see when she wants you to see it," Myra said. "Other than that her smile is full of evil. Can't you see it? Besides, Danny has a pretty smile."

Daniel smiled happily, flipping a lock of blond hair away from his blue eyes. "But I'm also a boy. It doesn't matter that my smile can stop oh so many in their tracks. . . . What else is there, Evie? This is really very amusing."

"Well, she has really pretty eyes," I said.

"Once again, dull is more like it, if you ask me," Michelle said. "People say your eyes are the windows to your soul and her soul must be incredibly uninteresting."

"Um, Evie, I don't know if you looked in the mirror lately, but you've got some of the most beautiful eyes," Myra said, frowning.

"Seriously?" I said, smiling.

"Yeah, I love your eyes," Daniel said. "You can never quite tell what color they are, but it's kinda cool trying to figure that out."

"Come to think of it," Michelle said. "Evelyn, you have all of those things that you just said Cho has. Plus that, your smart, kind, and a crackerjack person all around. So, what has Cho got that you don't innyhoo?"

We all looked at each other before looking back to Cedric and Cho, who were still talking to each other.

"Cedric's attention," we all said together, sighing and slumping down in our chair.

"She didn't even talk to Cedric until after his name popped out of the Goblet," Michelle said. "She's so superficial."

"Yes, but she's liked him for a while now, innyhoo," I said, sighing.

"Yes, but you've liked him since first year, darling, and you know it," Daniel said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

Suddenly, Cho sat down at the table, near her friends and Cedric walked past on the way to the Hufflepuff table. He looked up at me and gave me a small smile as he lifted his hand to his forehead in a polite little salute.

"This year, Evie," Daniel said. "This year has got to be your year. I can feel it."

I nodded my head towards Cedric before turning back to Daniel. "You think so?"

"Positive-alutely," he said, grinning. "All you have to do is talk to him. Like my mum always says, 'When you jump into a puddle, your feet are bound to get wet' . . . . Or, something like that."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, amused.

"It means you need to jump your arse into those puddles, girl!" Michelle said.

"The puddles of course being Cedric's deep, sexy, sensitive, brown eyes," Myra said, grinning.

"Yeah, you know, Evie," Daniel said. "Get your feet wet, talk to him."

"We do –"

"About something other than Charms, darling. When's your next lesson?"


"Well, then, all you need to ask is 'So, Cedric, how was your day?'"

"I always ask that."

"This time let it flow into a conversation. Ask questions about him, you know? Talking about a stuffy subject like Charms isn't going to get you anything but that same smile and salute everyday."

"Yeah, what you want –" Myra started.

"β€”is that fabulous smile he gave Cho," Michelle finished.

They did that a lot but you got used to it. Had to, especially when they brought Fred and George around.

"So besides from the conversation, what else do I need to fix?" I asked.

"You're hair, for one," Michelle said.

"What's wrong with my hair? I thought you liked my hair."

"I do like your hair which is why I'm going to help you. You're hair is always up in a ponytail. Tonight before your lesson with Diggory, Myra and I are going to hook you up."

"You'll look so nice," Myra said, giggling, "Cedric won't even want to concentrate on Charms."

"Either that or you can put a love Charm in his mail," Michelle said.

"Absolutely not," I said. "Don't you even think about it. I'm still recovering from the last time you guys did that."

"Yes well, we were just trying to help," Daniel said, trying to sound remorseful but I wasn't falling for it because of that smile. "Jackson already liked you . . . we just needed to give him a little push."

We all looked down the table to Jackson McDaniel, who was staring at me. A slight blush came to his face and he quickly turned away.

"Whatever," I said, frustrated. "No. No love Charms. And if I find out you've gone behind my back and done it anyway, you'll be getting some rather nasty Charms in your mail."

"All right, all right, no Love Charms," Myra said, holding up her hands in mock surrender.

"Of course except for the lovely Love Charm you'll put on him yourself," Michelle said.

"Just let me handle this myself," I said.

"You got it, girl," Daniel said, grinning.


Thing was, I wasn't even sure how I was going to handle it in the first place.

A/N: So what do you think? New story? Yeah? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it, you know. Please stay tune for the next chapter. Thanks for reading. P.S. there probably won't be teaser's for this story, sorry, but the story will still be fantastic.