

Worries of all types showered my mind like the falling rain. I buried my young face into Impa's back, trying not to let my tears show. But it was the most difficult thing I had ever attempted.

My father had been murdered before my eyes. Paralyzed with horror, I had watched his limp body fall to the ground, the life sucked ruthlessly from it by the magic of true evil. Then I saw the face of it.

Its smile was of one whose mind had been utterly obliterated by the desire for power. In its eyes gleamed the will to destroy all who opposed its black ambitions. Its laugh echoed the sound of insane pleasure at the assassination of its enemy.

Evil had killed my father. Evil's name was Ganondorf Dragmire.

Suddenly, a voice. A kind voice, the sound of it putting my aching heart at ease. It seemed to resonate loudly throughout the world's entirety, but this could not be so, for Impa, my beloved guardian, seemed to hear nothing.

Zelda. It said. You are one who is called the Princess of Destiny. Yours is to enter the ranks of the defenders of justice, they who are called the Six Sages.

The shock that coursed through my body at these words was not that of a pleasant surprise, nor was it that of a dreadful revelation. It was simply shock. No feelings were attached.

However, The voice continued. Your fate differs from them. You shall not become a Sage to merely join them, but to lead them through the oncoming age of darkness, for this age comes swiftly. You must be the driving force that will bring this magnificent land out of the time of despair, and into the age of prosperity.

The feeling of hopelessness that I had been carrying was suddenly lifted. For now I knew that I had the ability to honor my father's memory, to rescue this land from eternal evil, as he would have wanted me to do.

Now, The voice said, accept, young Zelda, the title of Sage of Destiny.

The voice spoke no more. But when it had finished these last words, a feeling of great strength entered my being, as though great power had just been handed to me. I knew now, that with such gifts given to those who would stand against injustice, the Evil King would never triumph.

I knew at once what must be done first with this new power. Blocking out the plodding of the hoofs of the horse Impa and I had escaped on, I relayed a telepathic vision to the boy who might be our greatest chance for victory.