Prom Night:

Warnings: onesided malemale slash, language

Disclaimer: I do not own Queer as Folk

This story is told in Chris Hobb's point of view.

I was dancing with Connie. Faded by SoulDecision was playing over the speakers. He was dancing with Daphne. The baseball bat was outside. Everything was going perfectly...and yet...

I can't do this.

I realized with a frown. If I do that, I tear up everything he's accomplished this year. Maybe i'm just jealous. Wow. I'm actually rationalizing with myself. When did I go crazy? No. You're going to do this. Go. Move your feet. There you go. Walk up to him. GO NOW YOU IDIOT.

Yay. I'm walking towards him. He's laughing with Daphne. I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him off of the dancefloor, not rougly but enough to get him to follow. Despite his stature the queer is fucking strong.

"What the fuck are you doing Hobbs?" Justin inquired, his breathing hitched. I shoved him out the door and into the hallway. "Well, I was thinking about dragging you out here, taking that baseball bat over there," I motioned to the bat against the wall. "And beat the living shit outta you."

Justin chuckled, then his face went stony again. "Why aren't you doing it then? huh? You wanna fuck me?" My breath caught in my throat and I knew I was in trouble. "N-no. What are you talking about? I'm not a fag."

Justin rolled his eyes, "Yeah. Then why didn't you stop me in detention hmm?" I couldn't find the words, "I-I don't want you!" I cried out.

That guy that Justin was with on Liberty Avenue walked up behind him. "Well, that's good, 'cause he's mine. Come on Justin. Let's go relive my youth." Justin turned around, and smiled at him. He then wrapped his arm around the other guy's and walked back into the dance.

I turned around and looked at the bat.

This is all your fault Justin.