First Reactions, Second thoughts

So I know this is going to be a really bad story and the grammar is not correct but I'm just trying this out for now. If no one likes it I will be taking it off but for now I'll see how its goes. I own nothing though I wish I did.


Rory and Lorelai stumbled along the streets holding each other up while laughing over what tattoo Lorelai wanted to get herself this summer. Something to do with John Bender from one of their favorite brat pack movies, something that would remind her of her youth for a long time.

"Mom, seriously just get something plaid tattooed I'm sure Luke will enjoy discovering that!" Rory exclaimed watching the sudden look of delirious confusion flash over her mothers face.

"Why would look find a tattoo on my ass?" questioned the older Lorelai. Even though both girls knew that maybe the mention of Luke was hitting a little to close to home for Lorelai. She had suddenly come to realization that she was head over heals in love with Luke Danes their food supplier, their supplier of liquid oxygen.

As they reached the front of Lukes, Lorelai stopped short of the door as soon as she made eye contact with the owner himself, her heart started beating faster as she watched his gorgeous smile light up his face, the smile she loved seeing. Though this was definitely a secret Rory could not find out or the tremendous teasing she would receive for using corny lines.

Lorelai guided Rory through the door of the diner before she could comment on why her mother was outside analyzing her thoughts for so long and why she couldn't break eye contact with her father figure. They sat down at the counter and to their shock there were two mugs of their life support waiting for them.


Tristan drove soundlessly down the highway searching for that familiar turnoff to the small town of Stars Hollow. Praying he wouldn't run into Rory Gilmore literally the apple of his eye, the girl who left him wanting more. Even those dreaded words she said that day to Bean, "I hate him!" kept playing over and over in his mind. That day he swore he could hear his heart rip in two, he may have resorted to grade school tendencies when it came to getting her attention but could you really blame him she was the only girl he actually had to fight for.

He sighed as he looked in his rear view mirror at the lonely car seat that's centered in the middle of the back seat of his SUV. That car seat held many secrets that not many people knew about with the exception of his parents and granddad and younger sister Abby. That car seat was a reminder of what a prick he truly was but also a reminder of how he would never turn into his father. Excitement was bubbling inside of him as he saw the sign that read Welcome to Stars Hollow. He had been waiting since the Friday he had arrived back from North Carolina to see that car seat in his back seat occupied by a blue eyed blonde little boy.


Anna scrambled around her house furiously trying to pack a bag for her 3-year-old son that would last him for a month. Her boyfriend Brent was chasing said 3-year-old around the living room trying to get him dressed. Jamie jumped on the couch dodging his mom's boyfriend's arms that came for him.

"Sweetie you need to wear more than a pair of jeans if you want to go see daddy!" Anna laughed at her young son who was giggling at the look on Brent's face.

Patience was wearing thin for Brent, its not that he disliked the young boy but at the end of the day Jamie would still be a productive of Anna with another man. And the thought of his lover with another man wasn't one he enjoyed envisioning.

"Okay mommy" cried Jamie as he jumped off the couch and ran for his room at the end of the hall.

Anna sighed she knew they were going to be late, even more so since Brent insisted they met Tristan outside of Hartford so no one he knew would see the interaction with her ex. Honestly she thought that he was acting rather petty and he needed to get over the fact she had a life before him but when it came to talking to Brent it was easier to just agree than get into a fight over nothing.

Finally everything was ready and their car was packed and they were on their was to the small town to meet Anna's ex, Jamie's father and Brent's competition.


Lorelai and Rory were just finishing up their usual meal and life support in a mug when a random silver SUV pulled into the spot in front of the diner. They watched as the blonde man just sat staring at his watch occasionally for about four minutes before he slid out of the car. To Rory he seemed familiar but she knew she didn't know anyone with very short blonde hair or anyone who muscles that defined. He was wearing camouflage cargo pants and a grey tank top, she watched as he walked towards the diner door as a cross around his neck was moving.

"Rory's checking out the new guy" Lorelai whispered jokingly to her daughter.

He opened the door and walked in and over to the other end of the counter, Luke walked out and asked him what he wanted, and it wasn't until he uttered the words "coffee please" did Rory relies who this man was. He was the Spawn of Satan, the boy that tortured her in high school well that is until he finally got himself kicked out of school and shipped off the military school in North Carolina.

"Mom!" Rory cried frantically.

"What child? Mommmies trying to get Lukey's attention away from the blonde man so she can get more coffee!" Lorelai whined.

"I know who that blonde man is though!" Rory thought getting to the point would be the most efficient.

"Really?" Lorelai cried excitedly.

And before Rory knew it her mom was calling to Tristan and asking him to come sit with them.

"Hey you, yeah blondey come sit with us!" Lorelai screamed while waving her mug in the air.

Turning to Luke who just mumbled under his breathe about the woman she waved her empty mug under his face.

"Luke it's empty!" she whined appalled.

"And what would you like me to do about that your majesty?" Luke asked sarcastically rolling his eyes at her, even though they both knew there was a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"Why fill it diner man! I need something to drink while I listen to the lone wanderer's story" Lorelai answered straight-faced.

"Why I put up with you I don't know!" Luke mumbled as he filled her cup and walked away.

Lorelai smiled and turned to Tristan and motioned for him to have a seat on the stool next to her, he did as told and awkwardly positioned himself leaning against the counter.

"So what's your name?" Lorelai inquired.

"Tristan. Tristan Dugrey but I thought Rory would have mentioned that as she shrank in her seat when I walked in" he muttered bitterly.

"Wait your bible boy?" Lorelai laughed. Watching as Tristan stared into his coffee cup and Rory shifted nervously in her seat.

"I guess so," Tristan said.

"So what brings you to Stars Hollow?" Lorelai asked innocently waiting for her answer.

Tristan turned and looked between Rory and her mother before he swallowed the last of his coffee, pulling his wallet out of his back pocket and threw a couple of dollars on the counter, he put his wallet away and answered.

"Waiting for someone important." Was all he said before walking away without a goodbye uttered from his mouth.

"Well he was cheery" Lorelai mentioned to her still silent daughter.

"Yeah well when he left him and I weren't on very good terms, I think the words yelled through the school was "I hate him" I think I was trying to convince dean to stay but I guess I also hoped Tristan would wait so I could explain but he just stormed off a little more than upset" Rory explained to her mother.

"Hmmm, maybe you could have mentioned this um like last year" Loreali feigned shock at her daughter.

"Yeah it was a touchy subject I just really didn't want to get into it again" Rory told her mom hoping she would just drop it for now.

"Alright kid I know that look I'll leave it for now but lets go" Lorelai suggested getting her daughters mind off of it.

"Sure, movie marathon?" Rory questioned as they stood up gathering their things as they wandered toward the exit.

"Alright I'll get the food you get the movies!" Lorelai cried excitedly running down the steps of the diner.

Rory laughed and walked towards the video store, but the laughter stopped as she walked past the silver SUV. She looked inside in time to see Tristan's eyes meeting hers. She blinked and turned her attention to the sidewalk and she walked the few feet to the video store.


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