
Nami smiled warmly up at him.

His heart swelled – she was just that beautiful. Sitting up on their new bed, she giggled as he sauntered towards her. Then her gaze turned shy, and he knew she wanted something from him – something new to add to what they had done on their honeymoon. It was only their first night back from that glorious resort where he had napped on her bosom and had so very gently coaxed her out of her uneasiness and into their new life as a married couple.

As he began to strip out of his shirt and pants, her eyes roved down his chest and abs. He could see her toes curl. That little smile disappeared when he left his clothes lying on the floor however, and she lifted a brow while crossing her arms.

"Luffy," she said.

Blinking, he raised up his hands – partially in defense and partially in incomprehension. "What?"

"Pick your clothes up," she said. "We're not at the hotel anymore; this is our home." She glanced behind him at the door, "And you should probably shut that before Nojiko walks by and gets a show."

"It'll be a good show."

Her cheeks burned, "There'll be no show unless that door's shut!"

Laughing, he turned to shut and lock the door before picking up his clothes, and he tossed them into the hamper. He said, "Can I come to bed now?"

Nami pretended to think, tapping her lips, "Actually …"


"I wanted to talk to you about something."

He sat on their bed with a pout, really wanting to try the new mattress out, but did his best to wait. Crawling over, she sat in his lap. This greatly interested Luffy, and his manhood pressed almost painfully against her soft, naked flesh. She touched his shoulders, gently rubbing them as he strived not to bump and grind – Nami was just that pretty and wonderful, and she was his wife. Did he not have a say in those matters?

"I know we just got back," she said, "but I was hoping …" There she stopped, lowering her head a bit while a blush touched her cheeks.

Luffy grinned, grabbing her hips, and he pushed her onto their new bed, hovering above her. He said, "Nami, you know I'll do anything you want. Just tell me." Leaning down, he kissed her cheek, and then whispered into her ear, "Is it naughty?"

"A little bit," she said, her smile returning gradually.

"Shishi!" Resting his forehead on hers, he made circles on her hips, and he said, "Do you want on your hands and knees again?"

"No, I want to face you for this."

He kissed her, and then said, "So tell me what you want. I'll give you anything."

Smiling a little brighter, she said, "Luffy, will you make a baby with me?"

He blinked, "A baby?"

"Please," she said. "This island hasn't seen a baby in years. I want to make a family with you, Luffy." His eyes softened, and he began to lay kisses on her face and neck. "Oh …"

"I don't mind giving you the baby you want," he said, and then he blinked in thought. "How is it naughty though?"

She giggled, "You won't be wearing a condom for this. I'll be feeling your skin inside of me."

Luffy kissed her hard, pressing her into the sheets then, and he shuddered with delight as her slightly smaller body wriggled and arched. Grasping her breasts, he lowered his head to catch a nipple, and listened to her softly cry his name. Her fingers fisted in his hair, and he felt a thrill rush through him.

She coiled her long legs around his waist, and he could feel her welcoming heat against his stomach, causing his member to engorge further. Sitting up a bit, he grinned down at her, stroking up and down her pretty thighs while her face turned interesting shades and her hips squirmed.

She had been right – it was a sensational feeling to touch her without anything between them. The heat and her constricting muscles around him were familiar, but the added consciousness of how damp he had made her drove Luffy wild. He slid in entirely, nerves jangled by her sultry, tight, moist caverns, and he fisted the sheets, attempting to regain control of himself as he remained in her to the hilt with a heaving chest.

Suddenly he was aware of warm hands on his face, and his eyes shot open to stare at her concerned face. When their gazes crossed, she smiled, "Luffy, we're making our baby."

Luffy couldn't stop it – Nami had swelled with the radiating glow of her hopefulness, and he could see the love in her eyes and feel it pulsing in her veins around him. Usually his eyes closed, so overwhelmed by his senses that he couldn't handle the additional overload of seeing, but her adoring expression – parted lips with her eyes wide and wavering – was part of the pleasure, and his seed finally soused her heated passage.

He collapsed over her, panting softly while Nami touched his cheeks and neck, and then he kissed her after he caught his breath.

Her face flushed with a pretty, soft pint tint on her cheeks, and she said, "Oh, my."

"I love you," he said, and it felt like it had just realized it – every time he met her eyes or touched her hand or made love to her caused him to relive the feeling all over again. She was perfect and beautiful.

"I …" Nami seemed surprised by his stamina that night, but how could he explain to her how wonderful her body – her whole body, inside and out – felt, and how she brought his blood to a stifling boil. "I love you too," she said, fighting the tears of pleasure coursing down her cheeks.

"I bet … this first night will do it," he said.

"I want to keep trying though," she said with a moan.

He kissed her, "I won't stop then."

Nami hiccupped, "I want this baby so much."

Luffy groaned, and he said through pants, "You're going to be a beautiful mother – more beautiful than you are now."

"You think I'm beautiful?" She clung to his chest, and he tenderly brushed her hair away from her eyes.

"Always thought so," he said, "since that first smile, Nami." Grabbing one of his hands, she kissed his palm and sucked on his fingertips, and he felt his control start to slide right out of him, "So – so beautiful."

Whimpering, she stuck his fingers right into her mouth, suckling away while he watched headedly. Swallowing hard, he continued with renewed vigor, feeling his skin's temperature rise.

She shuddered hard, and wrapped her legs around his hips, "Luffy! What's happening?"

Attempting to focus again, he realized that his skin was a bright, flushed pink, and steam was rising slowly into the air around him. Clenching his teeth tightly, he arched deeper into her, "I don't know, baby. Do you like it?"

"Yes …! You're so warm, and it feels so good," Nami said, twisting her hips, and then she groaned, falling back into their bed. The reason for this became exceedingly apparent to Luffy when she contracted around him. The fierce grip on him made his thrusts become more rapid, and he wheezed above her, riding out through her orgasm before he couldn't stand it any longer, joining her during the remainder of her peak.

In the aftermath, she looped her arms around his waist, still trembling, and sometimes kissing his hand. Luffy felt more drained than normal, but he was very happy with the results while she stroked his hair, and kissed his hand. He nuzzled her bosom, popping a teat into his mouth to listen to her soft moans. Planting kisses up her chest, and then her neck, he stopped at her lips, drawing out her tongue languidly. When their lips parted momentarily for air, he found himself smiling widely.

"Luffy?" His wife blinked a few times at his face.

"If it's a boy, let's name him Rex."


"Ah!? Why not?"


Nami was bright red the entire time she was out in the market. In the past year, she had grown accustomed to going out to the market every other day to buy food for herself, Nojiko, and their unexpected guest. However, that seemed like a long time ago after the wedding, and at the moment, she was certain that everyone was staring at her.

This was silly, naturally, but she did notice that people seemed to smile a bit longer at her. The baker's wife had started giving her marital advice right in the middle of bartering. So flustered by the woman – never mind the advice itself – Nami had spent a little more than usual just to get away from her!

Even so, she was happy. After everything that had happened, she was free, married to a wonderful man, and possibly expecting. A smile warmed her face at the thought, watching some children scamper by the road, and towards the schoolhouse.

She was just turning to go to the butcher's when she noticed the ship at the docks.

Blinking slowly, she began to walk towards it where a small group was clustering near by. Seeing Genzo, she approached him, and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Gen-san, what's going on?"

He said, "It's some captain from the Marines."

"Who? It's not Nezumi, is it?"

A grim line formed on his hard face. She had been hoping to see him smiling along with the other villagers, but then this mysterious ship had appeared. He said, "He showed up while you two were away for your honeymoon, but we chased him off – I thought it was for good."

Nami started to frown, "But why? What did he want from you?"

"It was about you," Genzo said.


"Aha!" She heard a creepily familiar voice, and Nezumi stepped through the crowd, "The cat burglar, Nami."

"That's Monkey Nami now," she said. "I'm not a thief anymore."

"You see, Captain Smoker?" Nezumi turned to a man with gray hair that she hadn't noticed before. He was rather handsome with a wreath of smoke swirling about his head from the two cigars clenched between his teeth.

Captain Smoker didn't answer.

"She admits to the first crime already."

Nami blinked, "My 'first crime'?"

"Of course," he said, looking back at her since the other captain had seemed to unsettle him. "Your second crime, and the more severe, is your previous affiliation with pirates – particularly the fish-man named Arlong."

With a more a more sizable crowd around them, there was quite the uproar to this statement.

"Nami-chan was just a girl!"

"What about you!?"

"She helped save the entire island!"

"You can't lock Nami-chan up!"

"Nami-chan was forced into it!"

"Silence." The villagers almost jumped in shock at the loud, commanding tone. Captain Smoker finally stepped towards Nami, and she straightened her back as he approached. He said then, shifting the cigars in his mouth a bit to speak clearer, "No matter what these people say, I still have a warrant for your arrest. You'll be brought to a just trial to determine your fate."

Looking down, Nami organized her thoughts before she said, "All right."


"Don't go, Nami-chan!"

"Hey!" Genzo came forward, grabbing her shoulder, "Just what are you doing, Nami? What about-?"

"Gen-san, tell my husband to not worry about me."

"So you're coming quietly then?"

Nami said, facing the Marine Captain, "Of course, I have nothing to fear when I'm innocent!"


Gah … I should be working on TWWOO, but here I am with this instead.
