
Chapter One:

Light sat on his bed and stared at the Death Note that sat on his desk across the room.

"Are you going to kill somebody today?" Ryuk asked laughing.

"I'm not killing them," he shrugged laying back, "I'm just doing what God lacks in doing". He stood up, "besides you know I can't do anything right now. I need to lay low for a while."

He walked to the door and opened it.

"Where are you going?" Ryuk asked following him.

"Well I need something to occupy my time," Light went to the door to leave and opened it seeing L, who was about to knock.

"Hello," L said smiling, "Did you have plans?"

"No, just got bored and decided to go out. I really had nothing in mind". Light stood aside to let L in, "you can come in if you'd like".

"Sure, I wont stay long. I have other plans." L looked around before walking in.

"Where's your room at Light?" He asked

"It's up here." Light walked up the stairs and opened his door. L looked around the door and walked into the room.

Light went in and sat on his bed watching L as he looked around the room.

(Okay I don't remember the rules for the Death Note exactly. About if someone touches the book then it's there's or something like that, but if that's the rule forget it for this story.)

L looked over to Light's desk and looked at the Death Note, "Hmm, sounds interesting. Is this how you kill people?" He picked it up smirking.

"Are you trying to say I'm a murderer?" Light smirked back.

L shrugged tossing the book down, not even looking in it. He pulled the chair out from under the desk. He sat down, NOT in the chair BUT on desk.

"I'm not Kira," Light laughed innocently.

L smirked wider and held his arms out, "Light come here."

Light slowly walked over to him and stopped right in front of him. L's legs touching his sides.

L let his arms rest on Lights shoulders.

Light put his hands on L's upper arms.

"You're a really good liar, Light."

"You read people very well, L."

L laughed and tilted his head up more.

Light slowly moved his hands down L's arms and sides. He rested his hands on L's hips and gently pulled him closer to the edge of the desk so that they were against each other.

He bent down slightly and L sat up more so that their lips met.

The kiss seemed like it took a few minutes before L lightly pushed Light back, "I said I could only stay for a while." He got up and walked to the door his hands behind his back.

Light watched him as L turned to face him.

L let one of his arms go back in front of him holding a black rose, "It's for you."

Light took it and looked it over, "you knew the entire time didn't you?"

"You knew that I knew the entire time," L smiled before leaving.

Light turned to go to his bed.

"What was that? And where did that rose come from?"

Light laid the rose on his night stand and then laid himself down on his bed, "Be quiet Ryuk, I'm tired."