I don't own anything. It all belongs to the genius J.K. Rowling. Kudos to her!

Peaceful intimacy

Hermione closed her eyes and breathed in the soft, warm summer air deeply. She could not remember when she felt like this the last time. She remembered that every inch of her body had longed for this feeling for so long, but never really felt it. It was peace.

The dark, heavy clouds that used to cover the sky over the past two years had vanished directly after the dark lord's downfall.

Sunlight tickled Hermione's nose and she chuckled silently.

"What is so funny?" a voice asked and Hermione did not need to open her eyes to know who it was.

"Ron, it is not very polite to creep up on somebody. You could seriously scare somebody to death." She did not open her eyes while talking. She knew she sounded like his mother and smiled inwardly.

Ron started laughing. "You recognized me anyway…" he justified himself.

Hermione opened her eyes only when she noticed that he had laid down himself next to her.

He had placed himself very near next to her, turned on his side, bent his arm, supported his head and sighed.

She carefully watched every move he made, taking in his looks, his facial expressions, every muscle he clenched.

At first she could not put her finger on the reason which caused the tingling feeling in her stomach.

Probably it was because he lied so extremely near to her that she could feel his warm breath against her skin.

Though he had closed his eyes she could imagine their exact colour. It has been often enough that she had been staring in those deep sapphire blue eyes.

"Do you have to go?" He asked, never opening his eyes.

"What do you mean?" she asked though she knew what he meant.

"Well, I know you need to go, but I don't want you to", Ron stated, opened his eyes and met her gaze.

She was surprised. Ron had never been the one who expressed his feelings that openly. Actually their first kiss had been a month ago and they had not spoken about it yet, let alone repeated it. The thought of their kiss made Hermione blush and she looked away.

"Are you blushing?" Ron teased her and chuckled slightly.

"NO! I am not!" Hermione blurted and the shade of her face turned even redder.

"Oh, yes… You ARE!" Ron could not stop smiling, knowing that he was the one who caused her crimson.

"Maybe I am… What does that matter?" She asked offensive.

Inside her head bells were ringing and wheels were clattering.

Over the past weeks she had lost hope on her personal happy ending. The Weasleys had been dealing with their loss and the only thing she and Harry could do was watching them, maybe even supporting them.

She had felt out of place and selfish when she caught herself looking at Ron, wondering when he would finally make his step.

And now he made his step. And it had been unexpected.

A few hours ago she had told him and Harry that she would leave for Australia to search for her parents.

Why did he have to make his move right before her departure?

"You know that I will go along with you, don't you?" Ron asked and Hermione tried to stop herself from smiling.

"No", she disagreed, but when she saw his disappointment she continued immediately.

"No, I didn't know. Now I DO know."

After Ron had understood her teasing he presented his famous lop-sided grin, which Hermione adored passionately.

"When are we going to leave?"

That's it.

I am trying to write something longer than a one-shot for the first time.

Be kind and leave review! So I will know if I am supposed to continue :-)

Ruth Longbottom :-