Sister care takers

Today was Saturday, (I don't know what day they get of school back in Asia, but who cares…) sakura got up and ran to the kitchen were mistook was making breakfast with the maids helping her and fugaku reading once again the morning news.

"morning" she sat next to her father who reach for his tea and change the page and nodded his head. "good morning miss sakura " said the maids.

Sakura look at her father her mother who wore now at the table eating, "mom… dad, can I go with naruto-kun and eat at the ichakaru".

Fugaku who was drinking his tea spit out the tea and hit the table, while Mitoko clap her hands with happines.

"yes sakura…of course you can, just be back at 5 o'clock, ok".

Fugaku in the other hand said, "absolute not, my daughter going on a date…that will not happen, you will not go…" he rambled about how he want her daughter not to be with boys. (imagine fugaku a protective father)

"but, dad I promised naruto-kun that I will go", she whined, while she hold his sleeve.

Mitoko went to fugaku side, "fugaku-kun, please…don't be like that, and any ways sakura is just hanging with a friend", she smile sweetly at him.

"alright…only in one condition… sasuke goes with you".

"yay…" both sakura and Mitoko cheered.

"thank you daddy" she hug him and kiss him in the cheek, then went to her room and sasuke. (sasuke now share rooms with her, he just love been with her)



She open the door and jump at the bed were she and sasuke sleep at. "Sasuke-kun…sasuke-kun".

"what…?", said a sleepy sasuke while trying to cover his face with the sheets, but was pull by sakura.

"daddy, said I can go with naruto-kun, isn't great!".

He jump out of bed and yelled, "WHAT…, no way your going with the dobe, sakura". "that what daddy said, but he said you can come", she look at him while she braided her hair and pouted.

"…alright, it better I go, who now what that dobe will do".

"yay… me, naruto-kun, and brother are going to have ichakaru". she jump and tossed around her stuff animal.



Naruto sat in the breach waiting for sakura, he whistle a happy tune.

"naruto-kun…", yelled sakura running to him and waving.

"sakura-chan, eh…" he was cut of when he saw the girl brother walking behind her looking to the ground with his hands in his pockets.

"what is teme doing in here?".

"that boy, he can never leave his poor sister alone" said the kyubi,

a inner-naruto who is a fox, and that what naruto call him.

Naruto only nodded, and try to smile for the sake of the girl he adores.

"so naruto-kun were are going?", she smile brightly to him, he smile back while he blushed, Sasuke in the other hand just look naruto with angered and held onto his sister hand warning him to stay away from them.



They arrived into naruto favorite place in the world the ramen shop.

"uhh… naruto" sakura was about to said something, but was interrupted.

"don't you have a better place then to take us here dobe", sasuke who sighed knowing to well how that he will take them to the worst place in the world, that what he thought.

"shut up teme, first the ramen shop is the better place to go and eat delicious ramen, and second I dint even invited you, I invited sakura-chan, not you teme!" yelled naruto.

"so your taking my sister to this dump"



"I mean no, yes…the ichikaru is not a dump, you jerk"


"you know what teme, im going to…"

"ano…sasuke-kun, naruto-kun can we eat now, im hungry", sakura put her hands in her stomach signaling that she was hungry and look at them with her big innocent eyes.

Naruto and sasuke stop arguing, after hearing sakura and blushed when she look so cute.

"yeah" they both said together.

"why are you coping me now"

"im not coping you"

"stop…" they both yelled at eacher other as the seated down next to sakura, on in the left and other to the right.

Sakura in the other hand was after all naïve, thought they wore just playing just ordered and ate happily.



"wow, that was the best pork ramen I ever had", naruto smile his goofy smile after he finished his 10 bowls of ramen.

Sasuke in the other hand wanted to go home and was glad that he dnt have to spent any minute with the blond idiot and his little sister

"so naruto were do you wanted to take us", ask sakura who was dieing to know.

After hearing that sasuke start coughing as he was choking on air (yes, believe me you can choke on air, I was one of those victims. I thought I was going to die).

"that a surprised" blink naruto and sakura laugh.

"great I thought the food was bad enough, now I had hang with dope some more" thought sasuke.

"yeah it really sux, especially trying to flirted with our sakura" said his inner sasuke.

"great you again, dint I get rid off you in therapy"

"it seem it dint work, but enough about that, we must plan to get our self away from that blond idiot and to spent time with my little sakura" smirk his inner.


"ok, have it you on way, but come crying to me"

Sasuke ignored his inner and focused on sakura and naruto trying to get some moves on her.



Up in a tree, four shadows wore watching the three little kids getting of the ramen shop.

"un, that stupid blond kid, he is touching my little sakura-chan"

"shish…why am I here"

" deidaira-senpai, look their a squirrel eating nuts, oh…he is so cute"


"hey itachi, you been watching you brother and sister for quite awhile, why don't we just go home and…"

"shut it kisame, if you want to go then leave!"

"so what do we do itachi…tobi no I don't want touch that thing!"

"but deidara-senpai, his so cute and cuddly…haaaaaaaaaa he is biting me, no mr. squirrel don't bite tobi he is a good!"

"Hahahaha…you know what I think I will stay"

"oh no their leaving, we must move un"

The trio jump to three to three, leaving a poor tobi behind with a spycho squirrel.

"nooo….mr. squirrel don't it hurt tobi… wahhhh!?"



Sasuke stop and look up in the tree they wore passing, "I thought I herd those idiots and my jerk brother", he said while he turn around to catch up with naruto and sakura.



"Neji", call his uncle who was waiting for him while hinata sat in the porch waiting for her cousin to take her to the park.

"yes, uncle" ran little neji from the stairs.

"ok take care you too" said the leader of the clan hyuga.



At the park

Hinata play in the swing while neji sat in a rock trying to meditate.

"neji-san, are you still up sad that naruto-kun ask sakura-chan out". hinata stop swing waiting for her cousin to answered the question.

Neji open on eye and said, "no" while in his mind saying the contraire.

"no…why did sakura-chan had to go with that dummy head" thought neji.

"I don't know, after all we are good looking then that fox, just look at our long waive hair", neji inner had a mirror out of nowhere and flashes of light wore coming out of nowhere while his eyes wore shinning like stars.

Neji decide not to say anything, until he saw his heart desired her pink rosette girl with an idiot blond and his revile uchihia.

"sakura", he blushed as he said her name smiling to him and running to him and hinata. "hinata-chan, neji-kun…" while she pull both the boys who wore with her.

Neji heart was going faster as his thoughts wore about his pink green apple eyes.

Hinata smile to this, she knew that neji had a crush on sakura and always acted different towards her then to others by been cold.

"hinata-chan, I dint know you guys wore going to be here", smile sakura as she hug her dear friend.

Hinata laugh as she too hugging her.

Sasuke nodes that the hyuga was here, how he dislike him. He too knew that he was chasing his sister too.

Neji dint say anything to naruto and sasuke, he smile to sakura and just say hi.

"oh… we just came here to play", answered hinata.

"hey hinata-chan, neji-kun would you like to hangs with us, naruto-kun was taking us to a special place and is going to be fun if you two come".

"WHAT!!", sasuke and naruto eyes pop out.

"wait sakura, I was hoping you and I can…" , blue eyes blond stop on what he was saying as he look at sakura smiling face, he can never say anything to up sad her.

Sasuke in the other hand was thinking, 'how god hates him'.



The akatsuki trio wore looking behind the bushes.

"this cant be happening, now their that boy who look like a girl (just like deidara) with them, if this continued my dear cherry blossom will be…"

"hey calm down, we are in their tail. Their no way they will take advantage of our little princess"

Itachi decide to ignored his inner, who by now is throwing a dan drum.

"so what we do now itachi, we been following them for hours and if we don't act my cute saku-chan will harm by those nasty boys", deidara nag on itachi.

Itachi then smirk and told them he had an idea.

thanks for waiting and im sorry i dint get my paper chapter finished.

i hope you'll like it and please review!