A/N: Chapter 3! I wrote this in one go, when I still had inspiration, so sorry if it seems a bit rushed! Oceans in Hand: I used your suggestion, but I kinda combined the 'weight' and the Pink House fashion. Hope you enjoy it!


"Watari! Watari!" Tsuzuki cried out as she waltzed into the lab. It'd been three days since 'The-Accident-That-They-Are-Not-To-Refer-To', but everyone was still getting used to the idea of having two females around. Tsuzuki still found her new 'abilities' disturbing, since she got much more upset when Hisoka got mad at her. But today she was bouncy and bubbly, which was probably the reason Hisoka was hiding out in the library.

"We're going shopping!" she yelled out, even though the blond scientist already knew. They had had to argue (or rather annoy) with Tatsumi for a whole day before he decided to give them a day off, after all.

"I know!" Watari replied gleefully, "Why does that suddenly make me so happy?" she wondered out-loud. Tsuzuki grabbed her hand and dragged her friend out of the office.

"Don't know, must be a girl thing!" she said ecstatically. She just couldn't wait to get to the mall. Buying clothes, then eating, buying some more clothes, a snack, then dinner… and then dessert; this was going to be great! Wakaba was absolutely brilliant for suggesting this! However, there were two downsides to the whole thing: Hisoka wasn't coming with them, and Saya and Yuuma were coming with them.

"Kyaaaa, Tsuzuki!" they squealed as they gave the brunette a hug that to her more felt like an attempted murder. "You look sooooo cute in that skirt I lend to you! We're defiantly going to buy you one of those as well! Saya, add skirts to the list of things we have to get them!" Yuuma instructed. Saya got a notebook and a pencil out of there purse and started to scribble something down something on the long list of supplies they were supposed to be getting.

"I've always found it amazing how many items women can keep in their purses," Watari said, looking at Saya's purse admiringly. Yuuma had just gotten a mirror out of the purse to show Tsuzuki that she really looked good in a skirt, and a photo camera to take a picture of her.

Saya looked up from her notebook, looking completely shocked. "You mean that you don't have a purse?" she gaped. When Watari shook his head she gasped, started to scribble something else down in the notebook and yelled to Yuuma that they were also buying purses, all at the same time.

This was one thing Tsuzuki found to come in handy: women were apparently able to do multiple things at the same time. Now she could eat a donut, stir her coffee and read her paperwork at the same time. Hisoka was going to be happy about that, she would actually get some work done for a change and would still be able to eat sweets. One thing she was sure Hisoka didn't like was her newfound pleasure in talking. Her partner said it was far too noisy and distracted him of his paperwork.

Tsuzuki snapped out of her daydream when Watari snapped her fingers. "If you wanna go play statue, go and do it another time. We've gotta go. Come on!" Now it was Watari pulling Tsuzuki along. She happily allowed herself to be dragged to the car, waving at Teruzama who just happened to walk by, scaring the hell out of him.


"But it's pink!" Watari said in horror.

"So?" Saya said, pushing the blond girl towards the changing rooms. "Just go and try it on. Tsuzuki's already in there. Yuma's helping her with her underwear."

Watari froze. She did not wanna go in there anymore now. Unfortunately Saya continued to push her in the directions of the changing rooms. Just as they were about to go in, she collided with someone that just came around the corner. Someone who wasn't as tall as her and bumped into her new breasts.

"Kyaaaaaaaaa, Hisoka!" Saya screamed. She bounced up and down with excitement, while Hisoka was blushing at least 200 different shades of red and Watari was rubbing her painful breasts.

"What are you doing her, Bon? Didn't you say that you didn't wanna come?" the honey blond finally asked, while trying to free the poor boy from Saya's grasp. Tsuzuki was going to be happy about this

"Tatsumi told me I should go and see if you were doing alright and to make sure Tsuzuki doesn't blow up the mall," Hisoka muttered. Then he sighed.

"Where is that idiot anyway?" Before they could both do more than blink Saya had dragged them into the changing rooms, where Yuma was apparently having an argument with the curtains.

"Just come out of there! I have to make sure it's the right size, you're pretty big after all!" she yelled.

"No way! It's embarrassing!" came Tsuzuki's reply from behind the closed curtains. Watari thought she had a pretty good idea what the conversation was about, and her cheeks turned pink. Apparently Hisoka hadn't noticed, he just stared at Yuma indifferently.

"I think I'll just leave now," he muttered to no one in particular. Of course this little statement made everyone focus their attention on him. A dreadful silence followed, a silence before the storm.

"Hisoka!!" Yuma squealed. Tsuzuki ripped open the curtains and attempted to hug her partner, only being held back by Watari.

"'Soka! I wanna go back. They're being mean to me!" she yelped. Hisoka's head had turned so red that Watari was sure it was going to explode. Then she noticed what her friend was wearing and she understood just why Hisoka was blushing. And what Yuma had meant when she had said that Tsuzuki was pretty big.

Her breasts were covered in a black bra with little purple roses on it and a little lace around the edges. 'It could have been worse,' Watari thought. At least they were covered.

"I'm defiantly leaving now," Hisoka said. He immediately turned around and walked away, head still as red as a tomato.

"What'd I do?" Tsuzuki asked innocently.

She winced when three different voices yelled at her. "Put on a shirt, idiot!"