I may not have finished the next chapter yet, but I decided to post this one anyway. Í haven't had a lot of time to write lately so next chapter might take a little longer. But no worries I'm determined to finish this story!

Disclaimer: Psh, go away.

Chapter 11 – Attraction.

''I still think you shouldn't blame him Paige. I mean he wasn't there. He doesn't know what happened, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't have pushed you to answer if he knew.''

''I know. I may have overreacted, but that doesn't mean it didn't hurt. The last thing I want to talk about the day after is why I divorced my husband. It's just wrong.'' Paige pulled her t-shirt down and snuggled further into the warm arms of her friend. He pulled her closer, keeping her safe. Sometimes she was so much like a little sister to him. The fact that she trusted him blindly warmed him from the inside.

Although the fact that he was gay might've helped a little bit. He'd met her around the same time Henry had betrayed her and at first she'd blown him off, but once she'd found out that he was gay it was like she immediately trusted him. Simon smiled slightly to himself. If he'd been straight Paige would definitely be the right girl for him.

March 18th, 2013

He watched her from the other side of the bar. That was the fourth martini she was downing and everytime she'd downed one she hung her head even lower. Her dark curls had fallen in front of her face, creating a curtain and shielding her face from him so he wouldn't see the tears that occasionally slipped down her cheeks. She'd been playing with the ring around her finger all night long, taking it off, then changing her mind and putting it back on again.

Simon put his empty glass down and got to his feet, making his way over to her slowly. When he slipped onto the barstool next to her she didn't even so much as look up.

''You okay sweetheart?'' he raised an eyebrow when she glanced at him briefly before turning away again and reaching for the martini bottle on the bar.

''I'm not interested.'' Her voice was soft, low and had a slightly frustrated edge to it.

''Oh to be honest, neither am I. I'm way more interested in the bartender, but hey he doesn't swing my way. You just looked like you needed some cheering up.'' She looked up again, this time a bit longer, and took him in. Handsome guy, couldn't be older than thirty. Blonde hair and despite the wide grin on his face his eyes stood slightly concerned.

''I'm sorry?'' The guy rolled his eyes and jerked his thumb over his shoulder, pointing to the bartender who was pouring a drink for a leggy blonde woman.

''Womanizer.'' He pointed to his own chest.


''Oh. Really? Then why are you..''

''Not at a gay bar?'' He supplied helpfully and shrugged his shoulders.

''Nah. Don't know. I mean I don't want to sound bigheaded, but I wasn't really in the mood for another hot onenightstand tonight. Guess I wanted to go and see if I could help some damsels in distress.''

Paige smiled slightly and put her glass down, extending her hand.

''I'm Paige.'' He took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.


''Hmm. I know, but don't you think it's time to move on? I mean you can dwell in the past and think about that hairy Henry. Or, you can move on and take advantage of the fact that cute Cole here is interested in you. Very interested. I'm jealous you know.''

A chuckle left Paige's lips and she looked up at her friend, raising an eyebrow.

''Hairy Henry?''

''Well he does look a bit like a monkey, don't you think? I've always thought he does. Could be his ears..'' He grinned when Paige started laughing, her eyes bright. That's how he wanted to see her, laughing and not sad.

''Stop it. He does not look like a monkey.''

''Yeah, he does. And speaking of Mr. Gorilla he phoned last night. Needed to know if he could take the kids out to the Zoo with that whatsherface. I told them yes because you wouldn't asnwer your phone. Kids loved it by the way, but anyway he also said he wants to talk to you about something. I told him you'd call back.'' She shifted in his arms, pushing him away gently and sitting up.

''You know I hate having to call him back. It's usually Natasha who answers the phone. I don't like her.'' Simon watched her tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

''I'm fairly certain you're not supposed to.''

''Simon.. stop being such a smartass.''

''What? Just call the monkey Paige. Hear him out if you don't like what he's saying you can always hang up.''

''Fine.'' She gave an exaggarated eyeroll and lay back down.

''You know you should just move in with me. You're here every day.'' Paige looked at him and smiled when he shifted closer to her.

''Do you want me to move in with you?''

A shrug and a playful wiggle of the eyebrows.

''I don't know. Do you want me to want you to move in with me?''

His body was hovering above hers now, hands on either side of her, leaning on his arms and his face dangerously close to hers.

''Do you want me to want you to want me to move in with you?''

''Do you.. no. Would you get off me? I told you, you can't seduce me. You don't need to seduce me to prove that you're gorgeous. You're gay I don't fall for gay men.''

''Well..'' He rolled back onto his own side of the bed and moved his hands behind his head.

''Simon, leave my first kiss out of this.''

The next morning Paige was up early doing the dishes while the kids ate their breakfast. Grace was talking about some new girl in her class, but her mom was only half listening. Her thoughts kept wandering back to the previous day with Cole. She had overreacted and Simon was right. Cole didn't know what had happened with Henry. What he'd done.

Maybe she had to call him and apologize. Something tugged on the hem of her top and she looked down to find her son standing next to her. Plate empty.

''Can I have another peanut butter toast, mommy?'' The eight year old asked and Paige smiled, taking his plate.

''If you promise to wake Simon while I make you one, okay? He's going to take you three to school today.'' Nodding fervently, the boy was gone in a split second. She could hear him shout Simon's name in her bedroom followed by a muffled noise that was Simon's voice. Times like these were the ones she wished he was straight. They'd make the perfect family.

Sighing slightly, Paige grabbed the jar of peanut butter and prepared another toast for Henry.

''Girls, when you're done go brush your teeth. You've got five minutes left to get ready.'' Chairs scooted back across the floor and two pair of feet hurriedly walked to the bathroom.

''And clean them well!'' The woman added quickly and was answered by two 'okay's' at the same time.

Within ten minutes both girls were dressed and waiting on the couch, when Simon shuffled into the livingroom, hair neatly gelled into place and dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a blue button down shirt. He looked handsome and it was obvious why he didn't attract just men. Many women had thrown themselves at his feet, and still did occasionally. Hell, even Paige had wanted him at moments of weakness, but he always refused. And she loved him for that. Because falling in love with a gay man was about as welcome as getting fired from her jobs right now.

Paige looked up from the local newspaper she was reading and gave her friend a smile.

''Henry! Simon's ready! You need to go to school.'' Simon pulled a face and took the coffee Paige was offering him.

''Don't shout so early in the morning.'' He told her before he drained the mug and handed it back to Paige at the same time Henry came running into the livingroom. He nearly tripped over the carpet, but Simon caught him in time and Paige closed her eyes briefly. Same routine. Every. Single. Morning. She helped Henry into his jacket and then kissed all the kids goodbye.

''I'll see you at three guys, have a good day at school.'' Simon opened the door.

''And be good.'' The redhead added quickly.

''Bye mommy!'' Three different voices at the same time. Kissing Simon on the cheek, Paige stepped out into the hall and watched her kids run to the elevator, each of them wanting to push the button.

''Thanks Simon.'' She folded her arms underneath her breasts and leaned against the doorpost.

''Not a problem. I put yesterday's post on the coffee table, by the way. Nothing interesting, but just see for yourself. Bye babe.'' He waved and followed the kids to the elevator. When it didn't arrive after ten seconds Simon ushered them to the stairs and glanced one final time in Paige's direction before disappearing out of sight.

At the same time the elevator across the hall dinged and its heavy doors slid open to reveal someone tall, dark and handsome.

''Cole?'' A toothpaste smile and he walked across the hall, taking large strides. In his right hand he held a single sunflower, red ribbon tied around it's stem.

''What are you doing here? And so early?'' Paige quickly wrapped her dressing gown a little tighter around her body and looked at him. He held out the flower and offered her his best winning smile.

''I just wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have pushed. I'm sorry.'' He glanced at the yellow flower and back to Paige. She accepted it, even so slightly reluctant and met his eyes.

''I might have overreacted. I'm sorry too. Thanks Cole.'' She fingered the ribbon around the flower's stem and licked her lips.

''Do you want to come in?''

''If you don't have anywhere to be.'' He let his blue eyes linger on her legs. A little longer than neccessary maybe. The redhead noticed, but chose not to comment and stepped aside to let the man pass. He stepped across the threshold and into the apartment. The sun was just beginning to peek through the partly closed blinds in the livingroom and highlighted the few things that were sitting on the coffee table. A stack of envelopes, two empty mugs which had presumably held coffee and a newspaper opened on page 4.

''I don't. Simon is taking the kids to school and then he's going home. About time too, because he's been here for two days could be three. I have to pick up the kids at three, but I've got time now. Coffee?'' She was rambling and she knew it.

Cole usually simply looked at her when she was rambling, patiently waiting for her to finish. How he managed that was a miracle to her, because the non stop flow of words even drove her crazy sometimes.

''I'd rather have you.'' Blunt. Straightforward. No sugar-coating. That's who he was and it made her blush. There was only one other man whom she allowed to talk to her like that. And he didn't even really want her. Simon. He messed with her, but from Cole she knew he was being honest. When he wanted something he'd go for it. Or her.

''I can't. I haven't showered, look at me.'' She turned up her palms and looking at her was exactly what he did. From to red nails on her toes, to her lean, shapely legs, to her the curves of her hips, past her stomach to the roundness of her breasts underneath the silky dressing gown, to the way she'd pulled her hair back into a messy bun behind her head.

To him she'd never looked more beautiful, but nevertheless he'd gladly agree with her.

''Then why don't I help you shower.'' He cocked his head to the side a little bit, as if it would be easier to persuade her that way. A slow smile tugged on her lips and she planted her hands on her hips. Her right foot tapped the wooden floor. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

''You're aware of the fact that I'm perfectly capable of showering on my own.'' It wasn't so much as statement as it was a question.

''I am aware of that, but are you aware that showering on your own won't be as much fun as letting me join you?'' He stepped closer to her and she did too, placing a light kiss on his lips. One that made him want more. A lot more.

''Which is exactly why you can help me shower.'' The smile on his face matched hers as Paige turned and walked toward her bedroom. Hell if he'd already showered that morning. He had a feeling there wasn't going to be a lot of soap involved the next forty minutes or so.

To Be Continued...