Disclaimer: I don't own bleach

Disclaimer: I don't own bleach! That's all… well, I also don't own any character from The Prince of Tennis or Ouran High School Host Club…(--,)

Cross-over characters:

Prince of Tennis – Atobe Keigo

Ouran High School Host Club – Suoh Tamaki and Hitachiin Twins

Finally, the last chapter! Thanks for the reviews and all those who have read this. Enjoy!

Warning: SMUT!! OC…too much…

"I'm insane for avoiding this feeling for years!" confessed Ichigo as tears fall from his eyes.

"I -"

"Just listen to me!"

Chapter 11: A Night of Rainfall

"Waaaah!" Ichigo fell from his bed. This was the sixth time he fell from his freakin' bed this week. Well, the 20th time this month. Why is he counting this? He didn't mind it when he looked at the clock on his bedside. It was half past seven and he was already late.

"Holy Freakin' Shit! I overslept!" he cried as he hurriedly went to the bathroom and quickly took a shower.

After that, he took any clothes that match and shoes and wore them immediately. He ran outside the unit and locked the door noticing Orihime wasn't around anymore. He ran fast to the elevator pressed down. He counted five seconds and the doors open and it went down. While inside, he called for the doorman to prepare for his car.

"Ahh, why is it so damn slow when I'm in a hurry," he thought while clutching his left fists.

When the elevator reached the ground floor, he ran walked fast as he met certain wealthy individuals in the building. He smiled at them as a greeting and quickly went outside. He took his keys from the doorman and went inside his car and started the engine. While he was driving he turned left since that was a shortcut and he'll arrive at the firm in ten minutes earlier than the usual route.

He parked his car at the back and hurried inside the firm to log in with the guard. He went to the 8th floor via the elevator and rushed to the office of his boss. He breathed deeply and knocked on the door. The assistant was almost laughing and he gave her a "death glare."

"Come in," answered his boss, Neliel Tu Oderschvank.

He came inside and suddenly said out loud while bowing his head down, "Sorry I'm late, Ma'am! This was the first time I've ever been late because I was so drunk last night!"

"Really? Yeah, the client also said that to me that you're going to be late," replied his boss with a funny tone.

"Huh? Who said that?" he said as he gazed at living room of the office on the right side. His eyes widened to see a familiar face sitting on the couch.

"Yo!" said Grimmjow as he raised an eyebrow to the orange-haired.

"This is Grimmjow Jeagerjaques, son the famous Yzabella Jeagerjaques. As you may know, most of the night clubs in Tokyo are owned by her mother and soon he'll be the one controlling everything from the bars and restaurant of his mom to the mining industries of his father," narrated Nel in a elegant manner.

"Yeah, I already know," whispered Ichigo in dismay.

"Since you are the best architect here, I want you to design Mr. Jeagerjaques' club," ordered his boss.

"But, you're going to give me four projects, right?" answered Ichigo immediately. "Can you give it to other employees like Yumichika or Yachiru?"

"I don't think you have the right to refuse this project. Besides, this 'one' project will cost 'ten' times the others since our client offers a large amount for this club of his. We're talking about Jeagerjaques here, Ichigo," responded Nel as she walked towards Grimmjow and sat in a couch across him. "Well? What's your answer, Kurosaki-kun," she asked in a flirty attitude.

Ichigo sighed and answered, "Yeah, fine. I'll take the project."

Nel grinned fiercely as she told Grimmjow, "You won't be disappointed in him, Mr. Jeagerjaques."

"I know," Grimmjow replied as he looked at Ichigo and smirked.

The orange-haired excused himself and walked out of the room but he was called out by his boss again, "Aren't you going to entertain your client about this project, Ichigo? He might have some visions regarding the plan."

"Ah… errr…"

"No, let him surprise me," suggested the teal-haired.

So Ichigo continued to walk out of the room and directly to his office in the 6th floor by using the ever helpful e-l-e-v-a-t-o-r.

He reached his office after a minute and sat on his comfortable office chair. His workstation is on the east side of the room. He took a folder which contained the details for his new work and thought about the planning. He will need to talk to Ishida in this manner since he's going to design the interior and to Ikkaku for the construction. Because Nel noted that it needed to be done in month's time.

"A week of planning and the rest will be for construction," he calculated as he dialed Ishida's number, "What's with the rush?"

"Oh, Ishida… yeah… where are you? We have a new one and it's darn big. The clients wants it to be done in a month, so call Ikkaku right way. We need to start immediately." He hung up the phone and looked up in the ceiling.

"Hmmm… he likes it to be Mediterranean… " he remembered Grimmjow told him that one night of steamy … "Whoa! What am I thinking?"

Three weeks have past and the construction is going to be done in a week. Fortunately, he finished the planning and the blueprint in just three days and the construction of the exterior site have started immediately. Right now, they're working on the interior.

"How did you know that the client will like it to be Mediterranean? Nel said that Mr. Jeagerjaques suggested nothing," quizzed Ishida while fixing his glasses.

"I just felt it. Besides, he said 'S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E' me, so let's surprise him with this," Ichigo replied with a convincing smile.

"Fine, fine. But hell, the funds for this are huge. It already cost us millions," Ishida sighed.

"Yeah, that's what Nel said yesterday too. I still wonder what's with the rush for this club," he told Ishida as they inside the club.

"It will be finished in three or four more days. Additionally, I hired so many people for this!" said Ikkaku while wiping his forehead with a towel. "We already put the wirings yesterday so we're starting on the interior."

"Four days, you can make it a week though; our time limit is still in seven days," uttered Ishida.

"No, Nel called me a while ago and she told me the client's needs to see it by Friday," retorted Ikkaku while scratching his shiny head.

"What?!" chorused the two.

"What's the deal Grimmjow?" whispered the very pissed Ichigo.

Ichigo went inside his apartment and found Orihime making a very weird cake with blue and yellow syrup on top. She just smiled while taking the whole cake with her living room. She offered him a slice, but he refused and said he just had a cake while working. He sat beside Orihime and watched her as she ate the cake joyfully.

"So how's the construction?" she asked after swallowing a piece.

"It has to be done on or before Friday, Grimmjow's in a hurry," answered Ichigo.

"Well, I think I know the reason," she said while snickering in her plate.

"What do you know about it? You're hiding something, aren't you?" implored Ichigo as he watched the cake vanish in an instant and Orihime ran to the refrigerator for some water.

"Maybe," she said teasingly. "You'll just to find it out yourself." She went up to their room. Ichigo can hear her laughing.

"What's with that?" wondered Ichigo as he heard his cell phone rang.


"Ichigo, can we have dinner tonight?"

"Grimmjow? I think I have to refuse, it's already -"

"It's just 8 in the evening, come on. You haven't talked to me for uhm … six years."


"I'm already outside your apartment."

"What? How did you?"

"Someone told me."

Ichigo walked across the room and opened the door. Yeah, Grimmjow's not kidding.

"Fine. But -"

"Let's go," he said as the grabbed Ichigo's left arm and pulled him out of the room.

They went down to the ground floor and anyone who sees both of them has the same expression: a raised eyebrow. They continued on and Grimmjow lead him to a black Ferrari. Both went inside and teal-haired started the engine and drove fast. After few minutes of driving they have finally reached their destination, a famous European restaurant owned by his mother. He actually expected this. He went out of the car and Grimmjow grabbed his waist as they entered this first-class restaurant.

"Good Evening, Mr. Jeagerjaques, I suppose uhm …" the receptionist looked at Ichigo, "A table for two?"

"Yes, make it by the window area," replied Grimmjow.

"Will you stop holding my waist? I'm not going to run, besides this is embarrassing!" he told Grimmjow furiously.

"I don't care about what they see, I own this freakin' place. If they have nasty remarks, I'll just to kick them out," answered Grimmjow as the butler appeared in front of them.

"What a nice boss he is.." commented Ichigo sarcastically.

The two went to the second floor at the far right of the restaurant. They sat on their chairs and Ichigo looked at the window beside him. It was a nice view, he can see the ocean from here and his previous school from afar.

"Ready to take your order, sir?" asked the waitress politely.

"I'll just have The Premium and Vodka, please," ordered Grimmjow and the waitress nodded and looked to the other guy.

"Uhm… I'll have the same but Tequila for me," he told to the waitress and she left after repeating the orders.

Ichigo kept on looking outside the window. He wasn't comfortable in this position and he knew that Grimmjow's watching him while waiting for their dinner. He just can't face the other way.

"What's outside?" asked the teal-haired with a grin.

"Huh? What? Oh, the ocean and you can also see Ouran from here even though it's so tiny," he replied as he was startled and tasted the soup in front of him.

"Really? I didn't know that," Grimmjow looked outside as well, "This is my favorite spot."

Ichigo looked at Grimmjow for a moment and noticed a piercing on his right ear. "That kinda made him look a lot more … uhm … sexier? Hotter? Delicioso, yep that's right. Come to think of it, I suddenly ran off when I first saw him in years. I wonder if he still lo-"

"Your orders, Sir," the waitress said as she gently served the meals in front of them. She opened the Tequila bottle and poured it onto Ichigo's glass wine and left it on his left side.

She turned to the teal-haired, "Absolute Vodka, Sir?" Grimmjow nodded and she poured the Vodka in his glass. Then, she left.

Both of them started on with their foods and for a few minutes no one spoke as if both of them are strangers eating on a same table.

"How you've been?" asked Ichigo while finishing his meal.

"Fine, I missed my strawberry anyway. You?" answered Grimmjow after wiping his mouth with a napkin.

"Just the same, I'm with Orihime," he responded.

"Well, Well, Well, seems my hunch is good. You ended up with the princess," he annotated teasingly.

"Yeah, so what's with that tone?" Ichigo uttered in defense.

"Nothing," he just smiled at him.

Ichigo sighed and said, "We had our dinner, so I think you can just take me home or I'll take a cab." He walked away from the table and out of the restaurant without looking back.

He quickly turned left and found himself in dark alley, "I made a wrong turn?"

"Yeah, you did. Are you stupid?" Grimmjow said as he pinned Ichigo onto the wall.

Ichigo remained silent and pulled Grimmjow even closer to him, "Whatever you're thinking, just do it… I haven't felt this in years."

"What do you think I'm thinking, huh?" he trailed his lips on Ichigo's neck upward to his lips and locked it.

The orange-haired closed his and felt the warm hands touching him. He loved, and apparently still loves, this feeling so much, but –

He suddenly opened his eyes pushed Grimmjow away.

"Ichigo?" Grimmjow asked in agitation.

"I'm sorry. I'm with someone else, I shouldn't have done it. Take me home and just … uhm ... forget about it," he spoke quickly and went to the direction of the restaurant.

Grimmjow followed him to the parking lot and opened a door for him. He went on the other side and started the engine. They reached the apartment fast and Ichigo immediately went out of the car but his arm was grasped by Grimmjow. He looked back him with angry eyes and he was expecting Grimmjow's usual but it turned out to be a different, a serious and calm gaze. He shoved off the hands, "Good Night, Mr. Jeagerjaques," and went inside the building.

Friday came and Grimmjow had to look at the product they have been working on since last month. Ichigo tried his best to be there so he can kick their work on Grimmjow's face but, his flu really was out of control. He had to stay in bed.

"Da-Darn it," that was all he can say as he hung up his cell phone to tell Ishida he wasn't coming.

"You better rest, Ichy," Orihime smiled as she left Ichigo.

Nighttime came and freakin' this was the first time Ichigo stupidly forgot his birthday. That's why Orihime left him a present and a cake in the kitchen. He really didn't realize it.

"Silly me," he said to himself laughing while sliding on a white polo. "I really don't feel well." His phone suddenly rang.


"What now, Ishida?"

"Our Client loved our work!"

"He should. Uh, wait call waiting,"

"Nah, I just called for that, well happy birthday, bye!"

"Yeah," switched calls and answered the other one, "Hello?"

"I left you a message and you're not answering!"

"Renji, I can't go. I have a bad flu!"

"Too bad, Grimmjow's going to leave tonight. We're throwing a party for both of you."

"Leaving? Where? What time?"

"He's going back to Spain and says he doesn't know when he'll visit us again. His flight's on midnight so he'll be here by now."

"Oh, fine. Thanks," he sighed. "I'm sorry for not being there."

"Yeah, there's next time, I guess."

He hung up the phone and had a nap for a while.

"Grimmjow's leaving?"

"Huh What?" Ichigo fell off the couch as he heard Orihime's voice.

"You're not going to stop him?" she asked.

"What for?" he answered lazily.

"Because you love him, dim wit!" she kinda raised her tone.

"Wha-Whaaat!? What the hell are you saying? I don't love him anymore!" he defended.

"Really?" she smirked.

"I'm with you and …"

"We're together not as lovers but as close friends. Hell, we haven't kissed yet. Duh? Besides, someone asked to watch over you while his gone," she pointed out.

"You're Grimmjow's -"

"BINGO! I'm his spy if you put it into that one. He doesn't want his strawberry to become alone and lonely so he asked to always cheer you up. Take note, he asked me "nicely" to cheer you up," she snickered.

"That's why he knows were we live? And your actions when I asked you what you're hiding!" he finally realized.

"You hit the spot! So, what are still doing here?" she asked Ichigo.

"Huh?" he replied with a very dumb look.

"It's almost 10:45. You can still catch him before his flight. Or might as well stop him before he leaves the house," she suggested.

"But I don't know where he lives," he said while dialing he's phone.

"Why don't you call your friends while going down the building?" she commented.

Ichigo ran fast like lightning leaving Orihime in the unit. He doesn't have the time to think about other. He's not going to let go of him this time. He waited for the elevator and quickly stepped in it when it arrived. He rushed out of the building and on to the parking lot for his car. The doorman chased after him and gave him the keys. He started the engine immediately and dialed his phone.

"Ichigo? What's up?" asked Renji.

"Where's Grimmjow?"

"He already left an hour ago. He really doesn't want us to see him off any way."

"Do you know where he lives?"

"I apologize for this, but -"

"Who among you there know!" he yelled and drove the car out of the building and into the main road.

"Tamaki knows. Here."



"Where does he live?"

"Where are you now?"

"The main road"

"Okay, calm down … "

"I can't! Just tell me -"

"From the main road, turn left and after 5 minutes of drive you'll see a village named "Empires" go to that village, tell the guard 'the Jeagerjaques mansion' and leave your ID and go straight up the hill. Got it?"

"Yeah, thanks."

"Finally," Tamaki smiled to the others.

"Why on earth was he so slow?" commented Atobe.

"He was just confused, all right?" said Toushiro.

"Whatever it is, he should catch up him," uttered Rukia.

"NO COMMENT!" chorused the twins.

"You don't have to say that!" said Renji while successfully kicking the twins.

Ichigo checked out of his watch. It was almost eleven. He arrived in front of a gigantic gate and faced an annoying guard. He said his destination and left his ID. He drove up the hill and stopped by a gigantic viridian palace. He went out of the car and hurried inside. He was greeted by a butler.

"You're business here, Sir?" he asked courteously.

"Grimmjow, I … I need to see him" he responded plainly.

"I believe the master already left," he told the orange-haired.

Ichigo's chest throbbed with pain. It was more painful than before, "Oh, I see. Well, C-Can I stay here for few minutes. I'll leave after that."

The butler nodded and he smiled back masking his emotions. He turned around and went outside the mansion and walked westward. While walking, rain started to drop off slowly. A moment of walking through the garden felt like hell to him and the rain showered heavily unto him. He continued and stopped by a nostalgic place, a rose garden. He went inside and fell off his knees. His tears are flowing fast as the rain drops did.

"I haven't told him yet," he regretted.

"Tell me what?"

Ichigo was stunned by the voice he just heard and turned around. The rain must be fooling him as his eyes widened.

"G-Grimmjow? You? The … The butler said you already left!" he said with still large eyes.

"Yeah, I did, but my flight was going to be delayed for 8 more hours so I decided to come back," he replied.

The orange-haired was still gazing upon the form in front of him. He immediately ran onto him and embraced him tightly.


"I'm insane for avoiding this feeling for years!" confessed Ichigo as tears fall from his eyes.

"I -"

"Just listen to me! Grimmjow, six years ago, I really thought it was just burst of emotion, like our bodies just want to be together. But the words that you'd said remained until now. I was still thinking about it and … I finally realized how stupid I am for letting you leave. I didn't even try to stop you! Besides, I was so focused on my dream that time I avoided such emotion inside me. Grimmjow I… I love you! I hope it's not too late," he closed his eyes and expected rejection from him.

Grimmjow squeezed Ichigo and buried his head onto his hair, "I left to give you some time. I know you're confused so I waited. Besides, I assured you I'll come back, right? "

"Yeah," Ichigo replied as he held him tighter.

"I even had Orihime to watch over you. Possessive I may be, but I don't want you to be sad for just a second because I always want to see that face yours smiling," he continued. "I'll say it one more time, I love you so much. I don't how long will it take to you realize it but surely I will wait. I'm just so happy I just heard the answer from you now."

Ichigo tilted his head to look onto Grimmjow's cerulean eyes. He pressed his lips gently onto him and held him even more closely. They stayed like that for a while as the rain drops heavier and heavier.

Grimmjow broke the silence, "It's not yet Saturday so it's still your birthday, right?"

"Yeah," he replied.

"Well, I think you already know my gift," he grinned devilishly.

"Gift? What Gift? … No!" said Ichigo in awe.

"Even though the theme is Mediterranean, I think I shall give it a Spanish name, eh?" he suggested as he looked onto Ichigo's eyes. "Should I name it after you? How about Barra de los Fresa? Good ?"

Ichigo just smiled, "That's why you're in a rush. It was for me."

"Uh-huh, so you like it?" he teased and kissed Ichigo harder.

"Yeah, I do love it! But I still love you more than that club," Ichigo bit his lower lip and snickered.

The two of them stayed like that for the rest of the night. As the rain drops heavier and heavier, the two held on each tighter because no one wants to let go of the other. They were contented where they were inside their garden of roses on a night of rainfall.

FIN (--,)

Thank You All!!

Grimmjow: What Thank You?! We got sick after that?!

Ichigo: Its okay, Grimmjow. (He taps Grimmy's head.)

Grimmjow: Ichigo, aren't you going to kill her?

Ichigo: If I kill her, she won't be able to write a new story entitled "The High School Casanova."

Grimmjow: The what?

Heartlessfire: Damn you! (Kicks Grimmjow!) You are the main character this time, so just be happy with it!

Grimmjow: I am? With Ichigo again? smirks

Ichigo: Nope, I will be your best friend this time. Peace! (V)

Orihime pops out

Orihime: I will be with you this time!

Grimmjow: Sighs … Why am I stuck with this woman?

Heartlessfire: Grimmjow just shut up!

Grimmjow: I STILL LOVE YOU ICHIGO! (as Heartlesfire drags him to the other story)

Heartlessfire & Orihime: Yare-yare …

So that's it! Thank for reading up to this point and I'd like to read you reaction on this!

My next story will be entitled "The High School Casanova" with Grimmjow as the main character. It's a GrimXHime so spread the looooove! Weeeeeeee! Suck baaaaaaaaatttthhhhhh….I won't upload it until all my summer freakin' classes are done...

Please leave a review. Thanks! (--,)