Edward strode to the car, his face completely impassive. I shrank lower and lower in my seat as he opened the passenger car door. He didn't say anything as he reached in and lifted my effortlessly from the seat.

"Edward I'm sorry," I sputtered, words pouring out of my mouth like a running faucet, "I didn't mean to, I shouldn't have, I know, I wasn't – " I got cut off as he gently laid his finger against my lips and climbed into the back of Alice's Porsche. The car began to move as I stared into his ebony eyes that were darker then a moonless night. I didn't understand what he was doing, he should be angry and flaring his temper at Alice and I, both, but he just stared at me, his eyes skimming over every part of my body as if I was broken.

"Edward-" he cut me off once more, but this time with his lips. His glass lips moved in sync with mine and my heart lurched in my chest. When my lungs were burning for air so I pulled away, but that didn't stop him, he moved his lips to my cheeks and my neck. He finally stopped at the hollow behind my ear, his voice scorching my skin with it's smooth, velvet sound.

"You nearly frightened me to death you know," he whispered, "You probably deserve some kind of award, killing the already dead is not an easy task."

"I'm sorry," I struggled to whispered back, his breath intoxicating my train of thought.

"It's a good thing I followed you, not that I didn't trust you Bella, but just to make sure."

I grimaced and traced my finger around the deep shadows beneath his eyes. "You didn't hunt."

"No," he frowned, "I know you probably think it's juvenile of me to follow you, but if I had not, and had met up with him, and something had happened…"

I gulped.

"I don't know how many times I have to say this, or if every time I say it is pointless, because you don't believe me, but I can't live without you Bella. What I am, may not be considered living, but when I have you in my arms Bella, I know this is the closet I'll ever get, and I'm never going to be willing to give it up, I'm not strong enough for that."

I nodded by head holding back the tears that burned in my eyes. "I believe you," I whispered and he kissed my lips, and then when I finally gave up and the tears fell, he kissed those too.

We pulled into the driveway and I was cradled in his arms. Alice stood beside us and Edward handed me too her, "Alice can you babysit Bella momentarily."

I opened my mouth to object but he was already gone. Alice placed me lightly on my feet.

"I'm sorry Alice," I sighed, "I didn't mean to get you into trouble."

She laughed, "Oh Bella I'm not in trouble. I looked into the future while we were driving and Edward's not even mad at me. He knows how you can get people to do whatever you want them to, he believes it's some kind of gift you have."

"A gift?," I demanded. Well if that isn't the worst gift to have. Being a pushy dictator.

"Don't fret Bella," she giggled, "He means it as a good thing, that people find you so appealing that they just can't say no."

"Oh," I whispered. A soft wind blew by as the sky stared back a steely gray. I shuddered and wrapped my arms closer around myself. I was suddenly left with my thoughts of the past the present and the future, all jumbled up in one big mess, I couldn't tell one event from another.

"It's going to be okay Bella," Alice whispered from behind me, "Tomorrow's a new day you know."

"Do you really believe that Alice?" I asked softly, "That just because a night has gone by, you can start all over? "

Alice thought about that for a few seconds, "No," she replied ,"I don't think that, but isn't it refreshing to see the sun shoot out over a hill at sunrise? It's like, even though it was dark for so long, it's always going to be sunny again." After a moment she laughed her tinkling bell laugh, "I probably sound like an old philosopher, I'm sorry."

"No Alice," I shook my head seriously, "You're right. It's like – like … breaking dawn. When the first ray of light shoots through the trees, you know everything's going to be okay."

"Even in the rainy town of Forks?" she laughed.

I laughed, "Even in Forks. "

Just as I said that Edward appeared in front of me, startling me so much that I started to fall backwards. He swiftly caught the small of back in his palm and pulled me back towards him so that I was leaning against his chest. His eyes smiled at me, now a smoldering gold.

"Hello," he smiled.

"Hi," I squeaked back.

He chuckled and swung me into his arms and we began to walk towards the house, then suddenly swerved toward the back yard, a place I had never really been.

"Where are we going?"

He smiled, "It's a surprise."

"I hate surprises," I pouted.

He kissed my pouted lips and chuckled, "This one's not so bad Bella, I promise."

I grimaced but stayed on my best behavior as he carried me around the house. His backyard was even better up close, the view from his glass wall didn't even justify it's beauty. The small creek ribboned through the hills and as we got closer I noticed something was different. The ground, as we got closer, was suddenly spotted with white rose petals. The trees where draped in white lights and I looked up at Edward in shock. When he saw my reaction, he grinned and kissed my nose.

"Alice?" I guessed.

"No, Esme and Rosalie actually."

I was confused, Rosalie? Why would Rosalie do anything nice for me? I knew she wanted nothing to do with me from the beginning, but I didn't say it out loud.

Edward placed me on my feet , I looked around and realized I was standing in the center of a large circle of the white rose petals.

Edward took both of my hands and looked into my eyes with such intensity, I think I forgot to breath.

"Isabella, do you take me, the monster as I am, to love you for an eternity, and be your lawfully wedded husband," I was shocked that his eyes looked as if they were wary of my answer,almost like he wasn't positive.

"I do," I said fiercely.

He chuckled and kissed my hand.

"And Edward, do you take me, the klutz that I am, to love you for an eternity, and be your lawfully wedded wife."

"I do," he replied just as fiercely.

He titled my chin up towards him and leaned down, inches from my lips he whispered, "You may now kiss the bride," his sweet breath filling my head, his cold lips touching mine. He picked me up, not breaking the kiss and swirled me around. I broke away from the kiss so I could breath and laugh as he spun me.

When he finally put me down, he held onto my waist until I could focus due to dizziness and then he let go and bowed like a gentlemen. "Mrs. Cullen, may I have this dance?"

I couldn't find my voice, it was probably sucked into my heart like the rest of my body so I just nodded. Edward pulled me close and lowered his lips to my ear and began to hum my lullaby. He stopped for a few second to kiss my neck, when he pulled away he whispered against my skin thoughtfully, "Is it possible to love someone so much, that the word "love" isn't even enough?"

I giggled softly, "I know exactly what you mean."

I don't know how long we stood there dancing, it could have been minuets or hours or decades, but time didn't really matter anymore, time really shouldn't matter, when you have forever.

Thanky you readers! Sequel up now !!!!! Check my page :)

P.S. I probably should have named this "Breaking Dawn" considering the wedding was only in the first 3 chapters, but I loved writing it so much that I couldn't stop! Hah.