Chapter 47

Gas Station Pandemonium

The fuel light then comes on and the car makes a "ding" sound and Chucky looks down at the instrument panel and he sees the light.

"Shit, we need to get gas." Chucky says in an agitated tone of voice .

Then Tiffany sees a sign, "There's a gas station on the next exit." Retorts Tiffany.

And they keep driving and Chucky sees the gas station and he pulls the car to the exit lane and the car enters the deserted gas station.

"Is anybody even here?" Chucky says in a questioning tone.

The car then comes up to a pump and Glenda puts her hand on the brake and the car comes to stop, next Chucky pulls the gearshift to park and he turns the keys to the off position and the car shuts down, next Chucky gets out of the car, next he walks to the door of the gas tank and he opens it, next he walks to the pump and he reaches up and he grabs it from off of the holder, next Chucky unscrews the cap to the gas tank and he puts the nozzle in the tank and he pulls the lever and the tank starts to fill with gasoline and the air around starts to smell of gas.

A few moments later

Chucky stops the pump and the pump jolts and he pulls the nozzle out and he reaches up and he places the pump back into the holder, next Chucky gets the cap and he screws it back on and he closes the gas tank door, then a man comes out.

"Hey somebody has to pay for the gas, you are supposed to pre-pay at the register!" Shouts the man.

And Chucky runs up to the car, " Tiff do you have a lighter?" He says to her.

"Yeah, I have one, why do you need it?" Tiffany replies.

"I'll show you, but I need it!" Chucky shouts out.

Tiffany throws the lighter out and Chucky catches it, next he runs to the pump and he grabs it from off the holder and he pulls the trigger and gasoline gushes out and splatters on the concrete ground, next Chucky throws the pump on the ground and he dives under the car and he hides, next the man walks up to the car.

"Is anybody here? Someone has to pay for the gas. " The man says.

The man then sees the pump on the ground and he goes to pick it up, next Chucky jumps from under the car and the man jumps in shock and his eyes widen at the ghastly sight,

next Chucky opens the lighter and he turns the thumb wheel and a spark ignites the flame.

"Catch!" Chucky says in a ominous, yet playful tone of voice.

And Chucky throws the lighter at the man, and he fumbles with the lighter, trying not to burn his hands and the lighter falls to the ground into a small puddle of gasoline and a flame sprouts up from the puddle.

As the man, still in a stupor at the situation Chucky is scrambling to get into the car, before the disaster that is to take place, Chucky finally gets into the car, and he slams the door shut and he starts the car and he pulls the gearshift.

"Fucking floor it!" Chucky shouts out at the top of his lungs.

And Glenda slams her hand on the accelerator and the car jolts out of the gas station, Glen then looks through the window and he sees the man's body being engulfed in flames and Glen sinks down in the seat and he lets out a small sigh that sounds as if it is a whimper, the car gets closer to the freeway entrance.

Next the gas station explodes and the thunderous boom travels through the air and Chucky looks in the rear-view mirror and he sees the remnants of the explosion.

"Fucking awesome." Chucky quietly says to himself and he smiles at his work.

"That was great. " Tiffany says softly.