A/N: Don't...make...me...say it! Fine. I...I don't own Twilight.
Oh. And I know it doesn't mention Jared's last name in the books, so I looked up Quileute words and the alphabet and came up with Kaliyit. If you don't like it...suggest a better one to me in comments or something and I'll consider it!


My pencil wanders aimlessly across my notebook page, and my eyelids droop as I zone out, ignoring the teacher's lecture entirely. I rest my chin in my hand and peek, out of the corner of my eye, at the boy sitting next to me:

Jared. Jared Kaliyit.

I've had this gigantic crush on him since kindergarten, and it's never diminished or gone away. We've known each other forever. Our moms actually held play-dates for us when we were in diapers. We lost touch after school started, though. I guess we just grew apart. And he always goes for those really thin, really pretty girls. He even dated Leah Clearwater for a couple of weeks after she got over Sam Uley, even though she's a year older. Of course, she graduated last year, but he's still going for the toothpicks.

I look back at my page:

Kimberly Elise Blackstone Jared Michael Kaliyit

Kim Jaredluv 4ever

Mrs. Jared Kaliyit

Mrs. Kimberly Elise Michael Kaliyit

His eyes flicker from the teacher to me, and he catches me staring at him again. My cheeks turn a darker russet, and I quickly cover my notebook with my hands before he can see that I've planned out our entire future out, down to the plants we will have in our windowsills and our children's middle names.

I slam my notebook shut and hunch over it. Jared's eyebrow's scrunch together and he leans slightly away from me, nearly knocking over several test tubes and beakers. He seems nauseous, and looks green under his beautiful skin. I groan inwardly, praying that it's not me that is making him sick. I hope he feels okay. Maybe if he goes home sick I could take him some chicken noodle soup….

"Kimberly Blackstone and Jared Kaliyit! Eyes up front, both of you!" Ms. Alito knocks her knuckles on the blackboard, calling Jared and I back to attention. I blush even harder and flip my notebook back a page, where I was copying down notes. Jared doesn't seem to care, but he turns his eyes slowly back to the front of the classroom.

He makes a point of making his eyes glaze over while everyone is watching, and Ms. Alito gives him a Look. As soon as her back is turned he makes a face, causing a swell of laughter to surge. Ms. Alito chooses to ignore him.

Look at him! I think. He's so funny. And popular…and cute and dreamy and tall and sweet and brave and smart...

The bell rings, throwing my train of thought off its tracks. I hurry out the door, not wanting to make Jared sicker then he already was. I am obviously what is making him queasy. Maybe I repulse him. Do I smell? I sniff myself. I don't think so. I just smell my perfume; Orange Blossom. It's my favorite. My mom got it for me last Christmas.

Maybe he's allergic to oranges? I make a promise to myself to not wear the perfume ever again. Even if it IS my favorite.

Review please! I'll update as soon as I figure out how. It might take a while, but be patient, please.