Here's the second and final chapter. I hope ya like it!


"C'mon! How long does it take to fix an elevator?" complained Maddie, as they were there for long twenty minutes. Suddenly, her cell phone beeped. "Wait, I have signal!" she raised her cell, trying to catch more sign. She stopped only when she was on her toes, her hand almost reaching the roof. "It's no use, I'm too short."

"Let me help you." Said Zack. He helped her to climb on his back, she again tried to catch signal with her cell.

"Move to the left. Now to the right." She said, as Zack tried to support her and move at the same time. "Left. Right. Left…no, wait, right…now left…now…" Zack lost balance and fell over, causing Maddie to fall too, she ended landing on top of him, their faces inches apart. Zack blushed.

"Um…can you get off of me?" he said, embarrassed. She blushed too and quickly stood up. She offered her hand and helped him to get up. He cleared his throat. "I guess we'll have to wait till someone gets us out of here." He said, still embarrassed.

"Yeah…right." She said still blushing. She sat down, staring at the elevator's roof. He sat near her.

An hour passed and they were extremely bored. Maddie grabbed her ipod and started listening to it.

"Wanna listen to music?" she said.

"Sure." Said Zack. He got closer to her and grabbed a headphone. The song that was playing was "Things I'll never say" by Avril Lavigne.

"I love this song." Said Maddie.

"Yeah, it's cool." Said Zack. Before he could contain himself, four words slipped out of his mouth… "Wow, you smell nice."

"I what?!" she said.

"Nothing." He said, looking away. The truth was, he still had a crush on her. And, eventually, it was growing stronger since he turned 15. Many girls often asked him out at school, but he never said yes. And it was because of her.

"Hey, let's play "Would you rather." He said.

"Ok. You start." She said.

"Ok…Would you rather…spend the day giving baths to dogs, or with London's talking mirror?" he said.

"This doesn't make much sense." She said. "But I'd prefer giving baths to dogs."

"And why would that be?" he asked, grinning.

"I like dogs." She said. "And that mirror is rude."

"Ok, I spy with my eyes something…round." Said Maddie. (You can tell they've been there for more time)

"Button." Said Zack. "I spy with my eyes something…with numbers."

"Button." She said. "I spy with my eyes something…ok, this isn't working!"

"Yeah. I hope Arwin fixes the elevator soon." He said.

Vain hopes…

"What do you mean the elevator's only working in two hours?" said Mr. Moseby.

"What I said. It's hard to repair that grid." Said Arwin.

"The clients need to use the elevator!" said Mr. Moseby, irritated.

"They can use the stairs meanwhile." Said Arwin. "Besides, none of this would have happened if someone didn't let their pet chicken free around the lounge." He turned to Estevan.

"You should pay attention to what's on your way." Said Estevan.

"Yeah sure, even Cody and Zack are more careful…" started Arwin. "Oh no."

"Oh no, what?" said Mr. Moseby.

"Zach and Maddie were at the elevator when it broke." He said.

"And you only warn me now?!" said…ahem…yelled Mr. Moseby.

"They're gonna be ok. Maybe bored, but ok." He said. "But they'll have to wait until I fix the grid."

"Oh, no, Maddie's with my closet's keys!" said London. "That means I won't be able to see my clothes till she gets out of there? Poor me!" She led her hands to her face in a (very) fake crying.

Mr. Mosbey, Arwin and Estevan sent her a confused look.

One more hour and a half passed. Maddie and Zack were so bored that they ended falling asleep. Maddie with her head resting on Zack's shoulder.

Zack opened his eyes, seeing Maddie sleeping peacefully. He smiled and closed his eyes again, his cheek touching her head. Maddie woke up, blushing when she noticed their position. She poked Zack's shoulder.

"Zack." She called. "Zack, wake up." He opened his eyes and yawned.

"What time is it?" he asked.

"It's 3:30 pm." She said.

"What, already?!" he said, surprised.

"Yeah." She said. "It's really boring." She again leaned her head against his shoulder, ignoring the blush on her cheeks. He looked at her. Now could be the perfect moment to tell her how he felt.

"Hey, Maddie…I…um…" he said, hesitating. She raised her head and looked at him. She felt confused. His nice, boyish voice was giving her chills for some reason.

"What?" she asked.

"Um…nothing…never mind." He said, wanting to kick himself for having chickened out.

"Zack, you can't lie to me. I know you want to tell me something." She said. "What is it?"

"It's nothing, ok? I said it." He said, a bit annoyed.


"I said it's nothing." He said.


"I still love you!" he yelled. Her jaw dropped.

"Really?" she asked shyly. He nodded, avoiding her gaze. She bit her lip, hesitating.

"Zack, the truth is….I…I feel the same. That age difference thing…it always stopped me from seeing it." She said. He stared into her deep brown eyes, trying to believe what she just told him. She sighed and continued talking.

"It's ridiculous, isn't it? I mean…" she was cut off by Zack putting his hand on her cheek and pressing his lips against hers. She was shocked at first, but soon relaxed, closing her eyes. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back.

They broke apart. Moments later, the elevator finally started working.

"It was about time!" said Zack, happy. He got up and pressed the lounge's button. Maddie got up, smiling at him, he smiled back, the doors opened and they quickly got out of the elevator.

"Zack, Maddie!" called London. "Finally, you got out!"

"Do we still have time to go to the show?" asked Maddie.

"Yeah, c'mon, let's go to the mall till it's near the time!" she said, happy. Cody appeared.

"They told me about what happened." He said. "So, how did you survive to the boredom of the elevator?"

"Uh…we…" said Zack. They both blushed.

"…played "Would you rather"!" said Maddie.

"Ok, I'll pretend I believe that." Said Cody, smirking. "By the way, I finished studying, so I'm going with you guys."

"Let's go then." Said London. The group left the hotel. On the way, Zack grabbed Maddie's hand, leaned close to her, and whispered in her ear:

"Would you rather kiss me, or I kiss you?"

The end