Chapter 1:

Everybody knows that Itachi killed his entire clan except for Sasuke, right? But how did Sasuke become emo? He didn't just wake up one day and say:

"Hey, you know what? I'm going to become emo. I have nothing better to do, so why not?"

No. He didn't. I'm quite sure that he didn't. So I'm here to relate to you the ancient tale, passed down through generations of my family (not really), of how Sasuke became emo.

'sigh my family is dead, except for a homicidal maniac. What do I do? Before I become stronger physically, I must become stronger mentally and emotionally. I need to find who I truly am. I need to find myself.' Sasuke thought to himself on the way to the Academy. 'This is the beginning of my last year at the Academy, so I need to do this quickly.'

"Oh! Oh! It's Sasuke! It's Sasuke!" A bunch of giggling girls started fiddling with their hair and making sure they looked presentable.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. But then he was hit with an idea. 'I'm already called a pretty boy…what if I became a prep? Hey…that could actually work!'

And with that inspiration in mind he sped off to the Konoha Mall.

"Sasuke! Sasuke! Where are you going? You can't just skip class! Sensei will kill you!" His adulating fans yelled out after him.

Sasuke entered the mall confidently. All of the shopkeepers knew him, so they really care if he was skipping school or riding a sparkling pink unicorn. They called out greetings and Sasuke waved at each. But he never changed his course. He had a destination in mind: Abercrombie and Fitch.

The annoyingly loud bass emanating from Abercrombie reached Sasuke's ears painfully when he was about ten metres away. He resisted the urge to curse profusely and cover his ears when he entered the shop and went straight to the guys section. He tried on several clothes, bought a few, and headed to Hollister. Same pattern. Satisfied with his shopping, he went back home and changed into a BRAND-NAME (gaspeth!) polo and jeans. But something was just not right. His hair. It was…well…not preppy! So…off to the salon! Dun-da-da-dum!

He raced to the salon at top speed, thinking of the preppy haircut that he was about to get. He strode into the beauty parlor and slapped a few currency notes onto the counter.

"I want a preppy haircut and I want it now!" Sasuke demanded to the platinum blonde, boob-a-licious stylist.

She scrutinized him carefully. "Hmm…vell. I am thinking zat you are in need of an emo haircut. It vould suit you vell. I am forgein, but ze emos from my country resemble you. You need to go emo instead of…how you say…preppy."

"No. I want to be preppy. Only loooooooser like Shino are emo. I want to be ME, not SHINO!"

"Zis Shino you speak of eez not a loooooooser like you am saying he eez. But, I am just a lowly stylist. sigh you shall be prep." And with that she dragged him over to a chair and got to work.

So...what did you think? Please review this and be BRUTAL! Give me ideas and such, or whatever you deem appropriate. Thank you so much for reading!
