Summary: Lilly is the bad girl of the school and Miley is the classic good girl. When they start to hang out more they discover a few things about one another. Liley!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the idea of this fic.

Warning: This fic contains lesbian content, coarse language, and the rating may possibly go up in later chapters.

A/N: This story is extremely AU and Miley is not Hannah Montanna in this fic.

Good Girl, Bad Girl

Chapter 1: The Miracle Meet


My name is Lilly Truscott and I'm 17 years old. I'm what you call, "The Bad Ass" of the school. I don't take any shit from anybody, no matter who you are. I got muscle to back up my cockiness and I ain't afraid to kick someones ass no matter who they are. I'm a lesbian and am not afraid to admit it, if anyones got a problem with that, well lets just say they better not.

My home life ain't the greatest, my parents are always drunk or on drugs, they are abusive to me and are neglectful to me. Hell one time they even locked me in a cellar for three days without food or water. That pretty much explains why I act the way I do, self destruction is my middle name, you name any drug or drink and I can happily say I've done it. Pretty much I'm your ideal problem child...

Screams and shouts could be heard a mile away from the old beat up house on the corner. The house was in horrible condition, windows were cracked, some had no glass left. The paint was wearing off and chipping off, the wood on the house was old and cracked.

The yard was a horrible wreck, it looked like a miniature junk yard. The grass was a sickly shade of yellow with patches of dirt poking through in random patches. In front of the house was a broken white fence, the paint was wearing off and chipping off on that too. This house was the home of Lilly Truscott.

As the screaming and shouting continued to rattle through the cool night air, breaking the silence of the night, the front door of the house was slowly opened and a tall figure quietly slipped out of the house. Wearing only a pair of baggy blue jeans and a black hoody the figure simply walked away from the house, the only sign that the figure was even walking was the sound of their boots connecting to the ground and the chain hanging at their side lightly hitting their body.

This figure was indeed Lilly Truscott. As she slowly walked down the street the sounds of her parents screaming was becoming less and less. Once out of the house she was finally able to hear herself think and breathe.

She walked and walked till she stopped in front of an old alley way. The ground was damp and cold and covered in garbage. She looked around with no emotion showing on her tanned face. She spotted a cardboard box just large enough for her to curl up in and keep warm. Setting up the box against the cold brick wall, she crouched down to the ground and crawled in, then curled up in a ball and used her arm as a pillow attempting to get some much needed sleep.


My name is Miley Stewart and I'm 16 years old. I'm what you call, "The Good Girl" of the school. I get strait A's, I'm popular, I have money, and my boyfriend, Jake Ryan is the quarterback of the football team. I live my dad, Robbie Ray Stewart and sadly my mom passed away when I was younger. I have an older brother and his name is Jackson. I'm pretty much your ideal good girl.

The harsh sound of a beeping alarm broke the pleasant dreams that Miley Stewart was having.

She moaned as she pressed the snooze button on the dreaded alarm clock and closed her eyes again to return to her peaceful dream but was interrupted by her brother barging in and shouting, "Wakey wakey Miles!" Sometimes she really hated her brother for being a morning person.

"I'm up! I'm up!" She shouted while sitting up and turning off her alarm clock so it wouldn't go off later on. As soon as she sat up Jackson left the room for her to get dressed. "Sometimes I hate that boy." She mumbled while walking inside her huge closet full of clothes, shoes, jewelry, and other fashionable accessories.

"Hmm, what to wear, what to wear." She pondered while tapping her finger on her chin. "Ah ha!" She grabbed a pink skirt, baby blue top, and a pair of flip flops.

20 Minutes Later...

"Miles breakfast is ready!" Robbie Ray called from downstairs while setting a plate of pancakes down on the counter. Miley rushed down the stairs with her purse in hand, "Thank you daddy!" He smiled and got himself plate and grimaced as he watched Jackson scarf down his plate.

"Let it be known I have a son that's a human garbage disposal." Jackson shrugged and continued to scarf down his food. Miley also watched and pushed her plate forward. "I think I'll go ahead and go, I'm not all that hungry." Her dad nodded understanding and put the pancakes on Jackson's plate watching in amazement as he stuffed them in his mouth.

"Alright, I'm walking to school today so I'm going to leave a little earlier today, see you guys later!" Miley somewhat shouted while walking out the door. "Bye." Came the simple reply from both father and son.

Miley pulled her Ipod out of her purse and turned it on letting various kinds of pop music fill her ears. As she walked down her driveway and started a steady pace to the school, she waved at the few neighbors that were out and said a cheery, "Good morning" to them.

While walking towards a bus stop she noticed a tall figure lounged lazily on the bench smoking a cigarette. That figure was the one and only Lilly Truscott. Miley somewhat knew her, they were classmates after all, at least for a few hours of the day. She had heard many rumors about this tough girl one of which included Lilly killing a man with her thumb but she highly doubted that one. Only once had she actually witnessed Lilly in a fight and she realized just how strong the blond haired girl was. Another rumor she had heard was that Lilly was a lesbian and she wasn't too sure about that one, it could be true but she didn't trust rumors.

As she walked closer towards Lilly she could clearly see exhaustion on her face. Miley couldn't help but look over the blond's appearance. The obvious and classic rebel look and it did match her personality perfectly.

Lilly Truscott looked up at the brown haired girl approaching her and realized it was the popular girl Miley Stewart. She took a hit off her cigarette and frowned as she noticed Miley staring at her, seemingly sizing her up. 'What the hell could she possibly be looking at?' Lilly wondered as she watched the brunette with cautious eyes.

"Hi Lilly." Miley greeted sitting next to her. "Hi Miley." Lilly responded only it sounding more like a question. "Um, what are you doing here?" Lilly asked while taking another hit off the cancer stick.

"I was walking to school and noticed you sitting here by yourself and wanted to know if you wanted to walk to school with me?" Miley asked smiling despite the cigarette resting in the blond's hand.

"Um, sure why not." Lilly answered grabbing the hoodie that was lying next to her. Miley smiled and rose off the bench at the same time as Lilly.

As they both walked a semi-comfortable silence was between them despite not knowing what to say. Before either knew it they were at the school. Miley spotted her group of friends and waved to them. Lilly also spotted them and silently left Miley's side wandering off towards the back of the school. Miley turned around about to ask Lilly a question but found her no where in sight.

"Where did she go?" She asked aloud while looking around. She frowned but sighed and walked over to her group of friends.

~To be continued~

A/N: I have gone through and re-edited this chapter, hopefully I caught them all. I have decided to edit this entire story so be sure re-read!