Story: What Have You Done?

By: Tessie Anchors

Disclaimer: I'll own Harry Potter and all of it's characters the day pig learn to fly and buffalo actually grow wings. (You'll have to let me know when that is!)

Prologue: The Beginning

The Malfoys had not always had a grudge against muggleborns or people who were not of pure magic blood. They had actually been friends with lots of muggleborns. There were plenty of reasons why they changed over the years. But it is all because of one person. This is the story that lay forgotten until someone found it.

"Narcissa, my dear, Draco is now five. He needs a good tutor for all the basic education until he is of age to go to Hogwarts." Lucius told his wife one sunny September day.

Narcissa nodded. "I know a woman a few blocks from here. I think she would be happy to teach Draco."

"Ah, good. Is she a witch?" Lucius asked.

"No. Will that be a problem?" Narcissa asked.

"Actually, it's a good thing she isn't a witch. Draco will probably get along better with her, seeing as he can't do magic yet. And if she can't, he won't feel so left out." Lucius explained.

"But what if he tells her what we are? And she goes to the police?" Narcissa asked worriedly.

"She won't have any proof. We will just have to be careful around her, is all." Lucius said.

"True." Narcissa agreed. "When do you want me to talk to her?"

"How about now? She can be ready to teach Draco this coming Monday." Lucius shrugged his shoulders.

"Alright. Shall I take Draco with me?"

"No. I'll tell him what he needs to do while you make the arrangements." Lucius waved his wife away. "Tell him to come see me if you see him."

Narcissa nodded. "See you later, dear." They said in unison.

Narcissa went to find Draco and sent him to his father's office. Then she pulled on her jacket and walked to her destination.

Jean Granger opened the front door to find her neighbor, Narcissa Malfoy, on her doorstep.

"Good morning, Jean." The woman greeted.

"Morning, Cissy." Jean motioned for Narcissa to enter the house. "How may I help you?"

"Well," said Narcissa, sitting on the mahogany sofa. "My husband and I were wondering if we could hire you as Draco's private tutor for the next few years."

Jean blinked in surprise. "Me? A tutor for Draco? Are you sure?"

Narcissa crossed her ankles. "We find you quite capable of teaching our Draco."

"Well, I suppose I could." Jean said, a little dazed. The Malfoys were quite rich and could surely find someone lots better than her. "I was going to start teaching Hermione this year. Do you suppose they could learn together?" she asked.

Narcissa nodded amiably. "That would be wonderful. Draco needs a companion."

"Well then, I'll do it. When do you want me to start?" Jean asked.

"Monday, if that would work for you?" Narcissa asked, standing.

Jean stood as well. "Yes, that will be fine."

"My husband will work out all the necessary details with you if you can come early Monday morning. Draco and Hermione could meet and get used to each other."

"Ok, that will be perfect. I'll see you Monday." Jean opened the door and Narcissa walked down the steps.

"See you!" She called over her shoulder.

Jean closed the door and turned to find her daughter looking up at her from behind the sofa.

"I get to go to school with who?" she asked.

"Narcissa's son, Draco."

"Oh, ok." Hermione moved from around the couch. "Can we eat now?" The innocent question made Jean laugh.

"Sure, honey. Come on." Hermione grabbed her mothers hand and together they walked into the large kitchen. They pulled out some snacks and Hermione went into the living room to watch The Little Mermaid.

Nathan Granger walked into the home five minutes later.

"Hey, Daddy." Hermione said, not taking her eyes off the TV.

"Hey, Minnie. How are you today?" Nathan asked.

"Um, good. Mum wants to talk to you." She said.

Nathan shook his head. Hermione always got straight to the point and usually forgot to greet people. He was surpised she hadn't just told him Jean wanted to speak with him. But Hermione usually surprised Nathan every day.

Nathan went into the kitchen where Jean was making dinner. She turned, gave him a kiss, and then told him about her new job. Nathan wasn't really surprised. Jean was a smart woman and he knew that someone would recognize her talent eventually. She had 'retired' from being a dentist when Hermione was born. Jean also could have been a teacher, but had chosen the somewhat calmer job of looking for cavities in peoples' mouths.

"Good for you." He said when she was finished.

She smiled and went back to chopping cucumbers. He took off his coat and began to help her.