Disclaimer: I don't own "Tin Man" or anything that has to do with Baum's or Maguire's worlds of Oz.

Author's Note: Among other things fighting off a viral sinus infection is nowhere near conducive to writing and updating stories. Feeling more than a little like a certain white rabbit at the moment, but determined to press on with this not-so-little-anymore tale of mine. Enjoy Chapter 22 and as always thanks for reading!

The Forest for the Trees

"Oh for cryin' out lou-ow!"

Waking up and not knowing where she was was getting really old, DG thought with a grimace, not to mention waking up with a pounding headache.

Tentatively probing the rather large lump at the back of her skull, however, made DG realize two things. One: she wasn't trussed up like a thanksgiving turkey and two: because of this was most definitely not in the hands of one lunatic ex-police officer from the Other Side.

But then, just where was she?

Opening a weary eye that'd until then been closed in pain only perplexed DG more, however, as she seemed to be exactly where she'd landed from Gulch's, er-Cherrystone's?, ah who cares, what's-his-name's magic.

He had been after me right? DG frowned, every so slowly using the tree she'd been thrown against to help herself to her feet. Her knees shook, and her head pounded, but she remained upright; something that she was extremely proud of considering the latest pounding her body had taken and the residual pain she'd pushed away in the face of defending Fae's kingdom coming back with a vengeance.

Taking in a deep breath nevertheless, DG pushed herself away from the tree, determined to ignore the fact that her hands trembled as she did so.

She could rest later, right now she needed answers.

The first on her list being why hadn't Gulch taken her prisoner? Had his intent been all along to just dispose of the competition in search for the Grimmerie? Her mother's words at the beginning of this adventure and her own instincts said otherwise; that somehow she was a crucial piece to puzzle that was the spell book's location. The fact that Gulch hadn't answered her question as to why he hadn't gone off and found it himself, but instead had been keeping tabs on her indicated that he suspected as much too. So why was she still here?

These questions and more whirled about in DG's aching head, leaving her so dizzy that she ultimately was brought back down to her knees by nausea, desperate to control her revolting stomach.

Somehow, between trying take in deep breaths and swallowing the bile that'd crept up her throat, however, DG suddenly knew she was not alone.

Forcing herself back up against the tree behind her, doing her best to melt into its shadow, DG struggled to stay calm as she scanned the area around her for intruders.

Realizing for the first time that night had indeed fallen around her, however, came another realization that her eyes were useless in the dark that the trees around her had created, their thick canopy blotting out everything but a few patches of starlight.

But while her eyes might have been out of commission, her ears were certainly not, this proven to her as the loud snap of a twig nearby alerted her to someone's presence.

Calling on any power she had left, DG opened her left palm and closed her eyes, willing another fireball to appear so that she would not be complete defenseless when, not if, she was found.

Opening her eyes, however, DG found herself staring at an empty green hand.

"C'mon DG, you can do this!" she hissed to herself, fighting the panic that threatened to over take her and focusing all that remained of her strength and magic into her hand once more.

But still nothing happened, and the sound of footsteps could now be heard clearly from where she sat helpless.


Closing her eyes once more, unable to keep her body from trembling with fear and simultaneously hating herself for it, DG held her breath and waited for the inevitable as the footsteps grew louder.

And waited.

And waited.

What the-?

Just barely opening one eye, however, only added to her confusion, as a strangely uniformed man stood not five feet away from her, seemingly completely unaware that she was watching him.

What struck her more than the bizarreness of his dress, however, were his tattoos. Or, at least, what she could only assume were tattoos in what little light the forest allowed.

Diamonds, blue and radiant against dark skin, patterned his face and neck, as well as his hands. She could only assume that the rest of him was tattooed as well, as the shapes of more diamonds peeked out from the collar and sleeves of his uniform as he paced back and forth on the forest floor. His face was twisted with worry, but despite this he projected air of authority and confidence that matched nicely with his well-defined physique.

A handsome guy by any girl's standards, but there was something more, DG thought to herself, trying hard to understand why she suddenly felt a whole lot more than mere admiration for the man before her.

But before she could try and unravel those feelings, the man's head suddenly jerked upright from its bowed position, his frown swiftly turning into a smile as another figure appeared from the darkness.

Just as this newly arrived person came into focus, however, DG felt a strong jerk all over her body, as if someone was trying to pull her into the very earth itself. Try as she might, however, her strength against the now constant pull on her being was not enough. With a final heave the force pressing down her succeeded, and she felt herself slip through the tree, the very ground, meeting no resistance but only continuing to be pulled down. Until she wasn't being pulled anymore, but falling, falling endlessly, until finally, she hit bottom.

"Jaric! She's awake!"

"Well, don't just stand there ya fool! Go find Master Cherrystone!"

Even her muddled head could make out the most of the strangers' words, and DG groaned at their implication. She wasn't out of the woods yet, not by a long shot.