
Chapter One – Is This For Real?

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto.

Rated T for bad language and safety.

"This place is gross and smelly, I hate it," she murmured, pushing her short pink hair out of her emerald eyes.

A tiny hand grasped my finger and she looked down at the five year old girl that she looked after ever since she too had come here.

"Why do you hate it?" she asked shyly. Her brown locks were pulled back in two braids that she had done. Her dark blue eyes matched her blue nightgown. She was a very pretty little girl. She picked her up and walked over to her bed, placing her under the covers.

"I've been here since I was four years old, one day, you will understand why I have come to hate it," she paused, "If you don't get adopted first, that is,"



"Why weren't you ever adopted?"

Sakura stared at her, pondering this question. Then she smiled at her sadly.

"Almost every couple or single person that came in wanted me, and I mean everyone," Sakura tugged on her braid lightly, playfully, "They would each go to the supervisor, and too many people wanted me. She asked who I would want to be parented by, but I chose to stay here. You see, if they all couldn't be my new parents, none of them could have me. Now go to bed," Sakura kissed my index and middle finger and placed them against the little girl's cheek.

She smiled and yawned, laying down on her mattress. Sakura stood up and went to the door, flipping off the light and leaving her to sleep. She went to my own quarters, separated from the younger children, closer to the supervisor.

Sakura was really starting to get fed up with this stupid orphanage. In a years time she would be free to leave and live on my own, find a man and start a family.

But was she willing to wait that long?

Sakura shook my head.

She couldn't possibly leave the younger children behind like my mother did with her. She would stay in the orphanage until they kicked me out. Or some kind of miracle happened where she had the urge to run away.

Sakura unlocked the door of her 'room,' the children had a habit of sneaking in and causing havoc. She picked up her only book. Romeo and Juliet. The copy was tattered and splattered with mud when some of the boys thought it would be funny to throw some of her things out of the window.

Before throwing herself on the bed to read, Sakura paced over to the window and opened it. She let the cold air sting my face. It was cold that summer's night. She liked to have her window open at night during the summer, it let in the sounds of the night creatures, and something else that she never would have imagined would ever happen in the little orphanage on Cottage Street.

She lay back on my bed and sunk into her pillow, propping the book's spine against my legs.

Outside a young man with raven colored hair smirked. Perfect. The window was open.

Sakura woke up suddenly when she rolled over onto her side and her heavy old book smashed her fingers. She almost yelled out until she heard the sound of labored breathing heaving itself up the outside wall. She froze in fear.

Someone was trying to break in.

Stay calm, she told herself, maybe they're friendly.

So she pretended to be asleep until she heard footsteps crossing her floor cautiously.

Too panicked to look at the person, she slid off her bed and made her way over to the window. She had locked the door and had the key down her front. If she could close the window, whoever it was would be trapped.

She quickly but quietly closed her window while keeping an eye on the intruded. She waited for them to realize the door was locked.

When they did, they spun around and Sakura was shocked at the man she saw before her. He had raven colored hair, the most handsome onyx eyes ever and the black shirt that was tight enough for her to see his lean and muscular body. If it wasn't for her remarkable will power, she would have probably fainted from his beauty.

He was staring at her in shock, he probably hadn't expected her to be awake.

"What are you doing?" Sakura growled at the man who was still gapping in surprise.

He snapped himself out of whatever trance he was in and stared at her, eyes flickering up and down her figure, after a moment or two he spoke, "I'm here on a little businesses venture, so if you don't mind moving," he stepped forward but her form tensed up at the window. His voice was like a velvety smooth piece of chocolate.

"Businesses? What businesses do you have do get done at night, with innocent children and you have to go through the window?"

"Are you that stupid?"

"No, I know you're here to steal something, but I wanna hear you say it,"

The man growled, "Alright, I'm a thief, and a good one at that,"

"So good that you were caught red-handed by a girl?"

"With pink hair I might add,"

"Shut up! It's natural,"

"OK, OK,"

"So what is you're name, and why are you trying to steal from an orphanage?"

She heard him curse under his breath. Which question made him say that?

"I am Uchiha Sasuke," he breathed, "and I have no interest in stealing anything from this orphanage,"

"Then why are you here, Uchiha?" Sakura spat his name.

Suddenly, the man was in front of her. He was a head taller than her and she realized they were about the same age.

She scowled and blushed as he cupped her face with his hands and slowly brought his own face closer to hers. At first she thought he was going to kiss her, but then a fiery pain in her stomach made her crouch over and gasp for air.

She hit the ground, gasping. He had punched her! He had hit a GIRL! How could he do that?

The window opened, he was about to jump out of it when she got to her knees.

"You aren't going anywhere," she growled.

"And who's going to stop me?"


He looked bewildered when she stood and lunged at him. They tumbled out the window. Sakura was beating against the Uchiha's chest as he pulled her close. He scowled, trying to pinpoint where they were going to land.

They landed on a shrub, making two huge dents in it. Sasuke jumped off it quickly followed by Sakura, who stumbled off it.

"You're a bastard!"

"And you're a bitch!"

"Hmpf," she crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him.

He turned to leave, but Sakura followed him, of course, "What were you doing in the orphanage?" she questioned. They were a good hundred meters from the orphanage when she caught up to him and growled, "Answer me!"

He turned, about to strike her across the face when he saw her flinch.

"And why are you still following me?" he snapped.

This question made her stop and think, she looked away from him, mouth and eyes twitching, "Answer my question first,"

He sighed and started walking again, naturally she caught up, "It was a mistake, I thought I was breaking into a different place, I got a lead that something had been happening on Cottage Street,"

"You sound like a police officer," Sakura commented, he just shrugged.

"Now my question,"

Sakura sighed and said, "I don't ever want to go back to that place," she whispered, remembering when she was picked on because all the adults that ever came in wanted me as their child.


"Because I can't stand it,"

"Why can't you stand it?"

"That question is a little bit personal, dontcha think?"


What was that? 'Hn?' What kind of word was that?

"So where are we going?" Sakura asked.

"What do you mean by 'we'?"

"I'm following you, I don't wanna be alone,"

Sasuke grunted and said, "I guess you can live with us,"

"Us?" she blinked, confused, "Us?" she repeated.

He smirked at her, grabbing her wrist and dragged her behind him as he ran. After many minutes of non-stop running, they finally stopped in front of a group of teens around their age. Most of them were male, but she saw a girl or two.

"Ne, ne! Teme, you stole a girl this time?" a blond boy at the front of the group shouted. He had curious scars on his face and bright blue eyes. They were wide and welcoming, his smile was just as welcoming. Over all, he was cute.

"You dobe! You gave me the wrong address!" Sasuke growled, throwing a punch at him. The 'dobe' did the same. They both caught each other's fists and smirked at each other.

Sasuke withdrew from his attack and motioned to Sakura to step closer.

I hoped you all like the first installment of Unwanted? - I sure enjoyed writing it.

I would like to have a review or two. Although I'm not expecting much since I'm a new writer. I hope you all liked it! I really do!