






-Chapter 1-

The Past, Present, and Future



One by one raindrop's landed on the cold ground, creating a calming aura around the surrounding area. A 17 year old girl silently stood next to a stone. Her short hair swayed from the breezy wind. In her arms laid a dozen of white flowers. Lowering her body slightly, she placed it in front of the stone.

"Hey." She whispered. "Yesterday I had a mission with Kakashi-sempai. It was A-ranked. " She paused a moment before continuing. Silently, tears flowed down her rosy cheeks."You know, we both really miss you, Kaka-sempai and me." More tears suddenly filled the pink-haired girl's eyes. She gave an empty-hearted chuckle as she wiped away her tears. "I know you told me you hated it when I cried, but why did you have to be an idiot and die?" Sighing, the girl gave a small smile as she traced an engraved name with her finger. Uzumaki Naruto it read. "Naruto, I promise that I'll get Sasuke-kun back. I'll finish the promise that you started." Sakura stated confidently. Wiping away the rest of her tears, Sakura stood back up.

Ever since Naruto died a year ago, every morning Sakura would visit the stone and replaced the flowers she put the day before with new fresh ones. She then would start talking as if Naruto was really there.

"Sakura, have you been here all morning?" A familiar voice suddenly asked.

"Hai, Tsunade-shishou." Sakura replied, not bothering to turn around. The 5th sighed as she watched her pink haired apprentice. Sakura had changed immensely when Naruto had died. After Naruto's funeral, Sakura had locked herself in her house for a week. Only coming out at night to train her self when the training grounds were deserted.

When she had finally came out, she seemed back to her old self, but her family and friends knew better. They knew that even though she hid it, Sakura blamed her self for Naruto's death. Naruto's death affected her way more then she dared to show.

Tsunade sighed; she couldn't blame her. Sakura's two closest people were gone. Naruto was dead, and Sasuke, well, he was long gone too. He had fully sold his soul to the devil. Orochimaru finally had Sasuke's body as his own.

Seeing that she no longer had any privacy, Sakura turned around and started walking away. But she stopped suddenly when her teacher's voice called out to her.

"Sakura, do you want to bring Sasuke and Naruto back?" Tsunade asked calmly. Her apprentice gasped and turned around to face the Hokage. Sakura's face was packed together with different emotions: hopefulness, disbelief, shocked, and sadness.

"T-tsunade-shisho, w-what are you talking about?" Sakura shuttered. The 5th's face remained impassive.

"You heard me Sakura. Do you want to bring Sasuke and Naruto back or not?"

Sakura was silent for a moment. She flinched slightly as she looked up into her mentors piercing brown eyes. It was as if Sakura was trying to detect a lie. When she could not find any, Sakura finally spoke up.

"Yes Tsunade-shishou, I want to bring them back." Sakura stated boldly, looking up confidently into her teachers eyes.

"I want to bring a back Sasuke-kun and Naruto."







"Tsunade-shishou, how are we going to do it?"

The two, Sakura and the 5th, were currently in the Hokage's office. Sakura stared questionably at her teacher. Although Sakura would never admit it, she knew deep down that both Sasuke and Naruto were gone. And she didn't know how Tsunade would change that.

The Hokage glanced down at her apprentice. Sakura was like Tsunade when she was young. They were both determined to protect her love ones. The 5th sighed as she intertwined her fingers and placed it under her chin.

"The 1st Hokage, when he was still alive, was trying to create a time jutsu." Tsunade started to explain. The pink-haired girl nodded in understanding as she waited for her teacher to continue.

"Others thought that he died before he could complete the jutsu, but they were wrong."

Sakura looked at Tsunade in confusion. "I don't get it Tsunade-shishou, what does this have to do with-." Sakura was cut off when Tsunade continued to talk.

"Just recently I was going through some documents in my office." Tsunade explained as she ignored Sakura's question. "As I was doing so, I came across something." The 5th took out an old looking scroll and motioned her apprentice to come closer. Furrowing her eyebrows in puzzlement, Sakura stepped towards the Hokage's desk.

"This was the 1st Hokage's." Tsunade said, opening up the scroll. Sakura's eyes widened as she read it.

"T-tsunade-shishou, this is a time traveling jutsu." The pink-haired girl shuttered.

Tsunade nodded as she rolled the scroll back up. "Yes, this was the jutsu created by the 1st Hokage, Taimu Kouryo no Jutsu. Taimu Kouryo no Jutsu allows you to travel to any time period you want."

Sakura blinked for a moment as she waited for all the information she learned to sink in. Finally, her eyes widened as she realized what Tsunade wanted her to do.

"Tsunade-shishou...You want me to travel back to the past?" Sakura questioned, as she glanced at her teacher for a response.

"Hai, I'm going to assign you to an S-ranked mission Sakura." Tsunade replied. "You are going to use this jutsu to change the past. Make it so that Sasuke never left Konoha and Naruto never died trying to get him back. Haruno Sakura, do you accept this mission?" The 5th then paused and waited for her apprentice to answer.

Sakura stayed silent, but finally she answered, "yes Tsunade-shishou, I accept."

Tsunade stood up from her seat. "Sakura, do you understand that after you perform this jutsu you can never come back. You will be stuck there forever."

Sakura nodded. "Yes, Tsunade-shishou, I understand."

Tsunade sighed as she walked towards the pink-haired girl. "Taimu Kouryo no Jutsu requires an enormous amount of chakra, so I will help you perform it. Alone might cause you chakra depletion." Tsunade explained.

Sakura nodded as Tsunade motioned her to move back for a moment. Biting her finger, Tsunade did a few quick hand signs then, with her blood, started to write some Japanese characters on the ground. When she was finished she motioned Sakura to come forward. Joining their hands together, the two stood in the middle, as the blood written letters started to glow bright. Sakura looked around in fascination. Tsunade took something out of her pocket, and then pressed it onto Sakura's palm. The Hokage then closed her apprentices hand into a tight fist.

The pink-haired girl looked at her questionably.

"Sakura, please remember that you only get one chance to do this. Don't mess it up ok?" Tsunade told Sakura briefly, stepping to the side. Sakura nodded in understanding.

"Hai, Tsunade-shishou," Sakura responded. Then, suddenly the letters started to grow brighter. The pink-haired girl saw her teacher giving her a small smile as her mind met darkness.





"Sakura! Wake up! You're going to be late to the academy! Today's the day that you're going to be sorted into you're genin teams! "

Sakura groaned softly as she turned slightly in her current sleeping position. Her head was throbbing tremendously. Taking her pillow, she placed it on top of her head to prevent any future noise.

'I don't care if I'm going to be sorted into my Genin teams today. Just let me sleep.' The pink-haired girl thought sleepily.

'WAIT!? WHAT?! GENIN TEAMS!' Sakura cried in panic after she had finally comprehended what she just heard.

Getting up from her bed, Sakura hurriedly rushed into the bathroom. Looking into the bathroom mirror, Sakura saw that her hair was suddenly longer , her breasts were gone, and she look remarkably shorter.




Taimu Kouryo no Jutsu- Time Travel Jutsu

AN- Thanks for reading the first chapter of Rewind! If you find any mistakes PLEASE tell me ASAP! And if you have any comments, suggestions, or concerns don't hesitate to ask! R&R please!