Beneath the moonlight


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or anything that belongs to Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter: 1

"Izayoi-sama, how do you like your new home?"

Izayoi looked up and peered across the room. Takemaru sat at his dinner chopsticks in hand.

Izayoi flashed a small smile "It is beautiful here my lord."

"I am glad." He replied.

Izayoi had lied to him, she was not happy since she had come to the castle. Setsuna was a long way from home, and it had been weeks since she had seen Kameko, the big beautiful castle, or the big tree beside the blue lake. She especially missed her father; it was he who had arranged the marriage between her and Takemaru when they were both just fourteen. Izayoi had never cared much for Takemaru, she preferred to stay friends with him, that was the way it used to be, but she knew the way he felt, he had always loved her. She remembered when her father died just weeks ago, how she knew she would be given to Takemaru. Izayoi cried in Kameko's lap and begged her not to make her marry him.

"Oh Izayoi, my sweet sweet Izayoi." She said cradling her. "You are twenty now, it was your father's will. He only wanted what was best for you. Takemaru is a good man, he will make a good husband."

Kameko-sama had paused in thought "If it were up to me Izayoi, I would not make you marry Takemaru."

Izayoi sniffled "I know."

Kameko-sama was Izayoi's aunt and now the only family Izayoi had, she had been married once and her husband had died and left her childless. Kameko-sama had raised Izayoi from childhood after her mother died; she was the only mother Izayoi had ever known.

Izayoi's aunt had told her of what to expect on her wedding night, and Izayoi dreaded it. She had always wanted her wedding night to be romantic, with someone she loved. Izayoi knew this night was going to be lonely. She looked up to see Takemaru staring at her concerned.

"Izayoi-sama are you alright?" he asked.

Izayoi contained herself "I am fine my lord."

Takemaru watched her in thought. She was so beautiful, her dark hair, her bright eyes, her porcelian skin, but there had been a sadness about her ever since she had arrived at his home. Takemaru thought she must be homesick, and he understood. He knew she was nervous about their soon consumation. He had dreamt of this night with Izayoi-sama for a long time.

Takemaru finished his meal "Izayoi-sama, are you ready?"

Izayoi nodded, they stood and Takemaru led her through the screen door and out in the cool night air. They stepped out onto the porch and walked along hand in hand. Izayoi could feel her chest burning with fear; she didn't want to do it she couldn't bare to think of what came next. Izayoi looked up at the moon; its silvery light shined down upon her and seemed to comfort her. Izayoi loved the moon; it was long ago as a child when she first saw the massive dark form of the great dog demon flying past it. She remembered how he roared and Izayoi felt he could bring down a mountain. Kameko-sama had always warned her of such things, she always said demons were tricky creatures, and consorting with them would only bring bad memories. The great dog demon was well known throughout the land, Izayoi had heard stories of his victories against many evil demons that terrorized humans. Izayoi wondered if she would ever meet him.


Izayoi looked at Takemaru, and she could see there was a gentle kindness in his eyes. Takemaru opened the screen to their room and led Izayoi inside. Izayoi held in her tears as she looked back once again at the moon. The screen door shut behind them.

Author's note: this is my first fanfic, so please review and be honest. I am practicing my skills as a writer. I will update every week at the most, but It might be sooner. This was a short first chapter, but I promise it will get better.