Author's Notes: What attempt number is it? I had so many! I hope this one pushes through…


What does she see?

It's an image of a thirteen year old girl with short auburn hair that stops a little above her shoulders. She has green emerald eyes, innocent and sweet. Her lips are pink due to the sucking of her strawberry lollipop.

"Hi Sakura..!" One boy passed by and waved at her. She waved back and continued to stare what she was focusing on.

The image was pretty. It is her reflection. She is indeed pretty.

Sakura Kinomoto was looking through the glass wall of her favorite Doll Store. She contentedly sighed after satisfying her self with her routinely window shopping. She pulled out the lollipop from her mouth when she turned her back on the Doll Store. She casually sat on the curb.

She continued sucking her lollipop when she began to wonder. "It's gonna be a pretty big house… I hope it's a castle." She said to nobody as she watches the almost-finished house being built across the street. "Hmm… I wonder who's moving in town…"


Her gaze from the house swiveled to an unfamiliar boy standing near her. "Nice dog..!" She complimented when she noticed a golden retriever next to the boy.

He stared back at her. Emerald met Amber. "Thanks..!" he grinned. He was obviously taller than her and probably older by two years. He had a mess of a chocolate brown hair paired with his astounding sternly laid back amber colored eyes. A cocky smile erupted from his perfectly manly lips and said "Hey… May I ask?"

Sakura sheepishly smiled. Still, she was ready to give him her name. "It's Saku-"

He cut her off as his gaze reverted to the shop behind them. "Are you sure you're not a doll?"

Ambrosia (Food ONLY for the Immortals)

By Tammi Super Girl

CHAPTER ONE: Not a Surprise

Sakura Kinomoto, age nineteen, opened her eyes and immediately detected the darkness that enveloped the room. Few lines of light coming through the window curtains are the only source of light at the moment. Even so, it is enough to realize that she has been sleeping under a table.

And for some proverbial reason, she isn't alone.

She knows she's been snoozing on an uncomfortable futon with somebody. She gaped to her left…there he was.

Like always.

One of the hottest of the hottest men in town is sleeping beside her…under a table. How did they end up there again?

Oh yeah, that's right, Sakura remembered. A classmate of hers threw a house party…and every party, whether it's in a house, a bar or some random place, she is always invited. They are always invited. Whenever you invite Sakura, it's like ninety seven percent out of a hundred that the richest modern day prince charming Syaoran Li is always there with her; uninvited or not, it always ends up being loved by every girl…by everyone. He doesn't even have to ask the party thrower for permission, his presence does it all, no questions asked.

If it's a party, there's always booze. Booze is usually familiar to anyone…even to an emerald eyed beauty of innocence. For short, Sakura got wasted and had to sleep over. Syaoran, age twenty one, got pretty tipsy as well and he'd be pretty stupid if he went drinking and driving. Anyone knows that's a big 'NO'- idiocy and out-of-place recklessness. And so…he, as well, ended up sleeping with her…under the table. All the guest rooms were taken and the only options left were the broom closet, mini library or out in the streets. Sakura mindlessly rushed under the table when they entered the library. She got knocked out right then and there. Seeing it as a no big deal, Syaoran, without verbal approval, agreed to stay under the table. Cute.

That pretty wraps up the story of the 'under the table' mystery. Sakura took a glance of the sleeping mortal, almost immortal like a god if you ask a fan girl, beside her.

He's lying on his side, facing her. He moved his right hand and it is expected to land on her.

Flashback of twelve hours ago…

"In a perfect world…" Sakura came across the area. "…one we've never known. We would never need to face the world alone." She was in a beautiful dress. Everything seemed perfect. "They can have the world, we'll create our own. I may not be brave or strong or smart…" Romance was visible in her pretty face. She looked like she was filled with hopes and dreams. "But somewhere in my secret heart I know…love will find a way. Anywhere we go, I'm home." She demurely stretched out her right arm. "If you are there beside me…"

She went on "…like dark turning into day; somehow we'll come through now that I've found you. Love will find a way."

Syaoran walked in wherever she was. "I was so afraid. Now I realize…" The whole world swore that he made it seem like it came out from his mouth. "Love is never wrong…and so it never dies…" He was so good at it.

His eyes fixed on the beautiful auburn haired girl in front of him. "There's a perfect world shining in your eyes." He mouthed.

"And if only they could feel it too…the happiness I feel with you." Everything was settled for them. It's paradise. "They'd know love will find a way. Anywhere we go, we're home. If we are there together…"

They held hands and looked deeply into each others eyes. "Like dark turning into day…some how we'll come through…"

End of flashback…

It did.

His unconscious left hand landed on her figure. Pretty soon, it was added with effort and he completely managed to pull her into his own and made it seem like they are one.

He embraced her.

Continuation of flashback of twelve hours ago…

"…Now that I've found you…Love will find a way

I know love will find a way."

In the perfect timing, tune and rhyme, they neared each other, eyes closed, and their lips crashed.

Sakura expected this.

So did he.

Sixty seconds passed and she finally snapped off from her reverie and opened her eyes. He opened his amber ones as well. And then it was followed with a roar of clapping hands.

They just made a wonderful ending scene for a school play.

Paradise disappeared when the large curtains slid in and hid them from the audience.

End of flashback…

She was totally aware that she is within his godly instruments he call his arms.

'THUG!' Sakura's head just hit hard the floor; the pillow that was underneath her head vanished.

She rubbed her head and tried not to whine so loud. And him? He went back to deep slumber. And the pillow? He stole it. And the embrace? He actually has his back facing her now.

She continued to pamper her head. She scowled a little, why isn't she surprised?

With a forceful effort, she kicked his legs. No good, it didn't wake him up.

After grunting a little, she turned to the other side and decided to go back to sleep.

Seven o'clock in the morning, Sakura found her self seated on a familiar chair in front of a familiar dining table in a familiar dining room with familiar Chinese designs.

"Good morning beautiful." The familiar masculine voice was carried by the very familiar man who just walked in. He quickly placed his left hand on her head and messed up her long hair.

"Hey!" She whined and shoved away his hand.

He paused and slightly bent down to take a better view of her face. "Woops, wrong person, sorry." He flashed a cocky smile and walked off.

"Very funny Syaoran…" She said sarcastically and yawned. "Where's everyone?" She asked as she looks around. She hasn't seen anyone in the Li mansion since she stepped in this morning.

"If I know Sakura," he began while he is on his way to the kitchen "I wouldn't be making effort to make us something edible."

She smirked. "Good luck with that."

"Very funny." It was his turn to be sarcastic. He marched off to the kitchen and called out "If I make something good, YOU ONLY GET TO EAT THE CRUMBS!"

"WELL, I'M ECSTATIC!" She retaliated as she stayed in her seat.

Twenty minutes later…

Syaoran actually managed to make breakfast for them. "Tadaaaa!" He roared when he entered the dining room with a big bowl resting on his palm.

"Syaoran…" Sakura stared. "They're cereals."

'THUG' He dropped the large bowl in front of her. He grasped the sides of her head with his two palms. He made her face him. He leaned onto her and kissed her forehead. "The tacky box says it has vitamins and minerals so eat up." And then he went around the dining table and took a seat in front of her.

"Congrats…you actually made breakfast…" She said boringly. "Cereals. That's a freakin' achievement for you…"

"In some random way you view it, actually, it is." He smiled cockily to annoy her. And it did. She scowled and he smiled more.

Anyone who could be watching them could really find them romantic and adorable. Both have hang-overs, have messy hairs, one big bowl of cereals…nothing could ever look more romantic.

"Chidori said yes." Syaoran abruptly uttered after he swallowed the food.

"Finally… What is it?" She asked boringly, her focus still on the cereal bowl. "…Like…a week?"

"Six days."

She slightly shrugged her shoulders and continued to eat. "Cool."

Chidori is the red headed chick in the University. "…I guess." he replied. "…Got a text message from her this morning." Syaoran began courting her six days ago and now they are an item.

Syaoran has a new girlfriend…again. Sakura isn't surprised. It's always been like that, it never bothers her anyway. As Sakura continued to eat the cereals Syaoran had prepared for them, her thoughts wandered.

Maybe she should get a boyfriend too.


Author's Notes: I actually like this story. I'm really planning to make it really good… I hope it pushes through.

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Disclaimer: Love will Find a Way – Lion King 2 Soundtrack