Alright, since we've gone, what… almost a year (I had to check…!) since I promised the sequel to this story, it's finally time for it! I figured I would post something on Behind Those Teal Eyes so that those of you who read that and had it on story alert would know about the others. There are currently 5 stories in the Behind Those Teal Eyes universe.

Behind Those Teal Eyes

Mom, I Want You To Meet…

Dream Sweet

When You Look Me In The Eyes

Good Morning

That's the total amount of stories… Wow, I have no life, huh? Actually, that's a lie… And then there's Finding You, the sequel, which comes out… dun, dun, dun… in TWO DAYS!!! YAY!

Anywho, I figured I would let ya'll know, and, to make sure that you didn't wait all that time for nothing (and to make sure this chapter doesn't get me in trouble…) I have a short story that I wrote that just never made it into the actual chapters. It just broke up the action too much, but it was adorable, so I kept it around. It was originally supposed to go in right before chapter 14, it was a short little bit of IchiHichiHitsu, but it just didn't fit.

I've spruced it up a bit from what it was, as it was originally just a short scene. I extended it into pretty much what I described at the beginning of Chapter 14, the night that the three of them had together. I hope you enjoy it, and I hope to see you all on December 1st for the release of Finding You!

Warning: There is some threesome here, IchiHichiHitsu, although I don't go into massive detail. If you don't like that, please do not read it. And, as always, I claim no rights to Bleach.


Ichigo smiled, leaning away from the crib in front of him, his fingers slipping away from the child that lay before him. The baby shifted slightly, rolling closer to the identical form that lay beside him and snuggling close.

Ichigo turned his head as soon as he felt the presence of his lover come forward, a soft look in his chocolate eyes. Toshiro smiled as he saw their sons curled together in the blankets, leaning down to kiss their foreheads.

"They're already getting close…" Toshiro murmured, his fingers gently stroking the soft downy orange hair that covered the younger's head. "I'm glad. I just hope that they'll always be that way."

The taller man chuckled faintly. "I'm sure that they will. If they're anything like us, they'll do anything to be together."

"I'm kind of sad though, that we have to leave them here for the night. Even though Unohana-taichou is only doing it to make sure that they'll be okay."

Ichigo leaned to kiss him softly, smiling. "Don't worry, they'll be fine. Unohana-taichou would never let anything happen, and she would let us know if anything did."

Toshiro snorted faintly, but nodded. "Yea…" He reached out to gently tangle his fingers with Ichigo's, their hands fitting together easily. Ichigo raised their hands to gently kiss Toshiro's knuckles, his chocolate eyes gleaming.

"I love you, yuki hime."

Toshiro smiled, and then pulled on Ichigo's hand. "Come on, let's go."

Ichigo followed him easily, and the two of them headed back towards their home. Already their reiatsu was swirling together in excitement, and Ichigo could feel the heat rising in his body even as Toshiro's icy presence rose from its resting place in his mind. They had been apart for so long, had not had this coupling that they both placed so much meaning on, their bodies were crying for each other.

Some part of Ichigo was sure that this was the reason that Unohana had wanted to keep their sons with her for the night; anyone with any sort of sensing capabilities had to be able to feel the tension and want between the two lovers. Their bond was deep, and they needed each other.

As soon as the door shut behind them Ichigo lifted Toshiro easily into his arms, settling the tiny taichou against his chest. Toshiro in turn wrapped his arms around Ichigo's broad shoulders, his legs around his muscular waist. Their bodies pressed together tightly, Ichigo maneuvered them to the bedroom, his eyes locked on Toshiro's teal orbs.

The orange-head lay them down on the futon, Toshiro's slender frame atop his. They simply stared at each other for a long time, Ichigo's fingers stroking gently across Toshiro's baby soft cheeks, the smaller's hands brushing over Ichigo's orange hair and across his features. Their reiatsu meshed and melded together, and both shivered as their connection strengthened and revived, sending waves of warmth and cold down both their spines.

"I'm so glad…" Ichigo murmured. "I'm so glad that you're okay…"

Toshiro smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to his chin. "I've told you before; you'll never let me go. I knew that you would find me." He lay his head down, pressing his ear against Ichigo's throat, sighing happily as his lover's strong heart pounded against his cheek.

Ichigo's fingers began to travel, and then he carefully flipped them over, his larger body pressing Toshiro against the blankets. The taichou stared up at him with large, trusting teal eyes, love and complete surrender in them. Ichigo felt his heart warm; he knew very well that Toshiro had never trusted anyone like he did Ichigo, and that made him feel higher than the clouds.

They kissed slow and deep, relishing in the feel of each other. Their bodies may be crying for each other, but both knew that this wasn't something they needed to rush. This would be so much more than sex; it would be love, pure, passionate, and simple.

There was a slight pang in Ichigo's mind and he pulled back from Toshiro, his brows drawing together. The smaller tilted his head, concern flitting across his features. "Ichigo?"

The orange-head sighed slightly. "It's Ogichi."

Understanding dawned on Toshiro's face, and he reached out and laced his fingers with his lover's. "He feels alone, doesn't he?"

Ichigo nodded. "I wish I could help him out… He's been a great friend, and help, and he – God help him – he loves you more than life itself, just like I do. I never thought I would say that about him, but I've never seen him like this before. He's so… well, happy."

A blush spread across Toshiro's features at those words. He looked down, and then back up at Ichigo. "There's nothing that we can do?"

Ichigo shook his head. "Not that I know of… We could go into my inner world, I suppose…"

Hold on, I think I have an idea.

There was a sharp drain on Ichigo's reiatsu, causing the orange-head to gasp and wince, and then there was a pulling sensation. Toshiro blinked in shock as a white form flickered into view beside the futon, and then Ogichi solidified.

All three looked at each other, shock on their faces, and then Ogichi grinned. "It worked!" He then slinked forward, pressing himself between the two. Ichigo fell back reluctantly, allowing Ogichi to press his body against Toshiro's. "I'm so glad yer okay, hime."

Toshiro smiled, kissing Ogichi's white face gently. Ichigo frowned, pushing his way back into the embrace. "Hey, just cause you're out here doesn't mean you can push me out of the way."

Ogichi grinned, and then reached out, threading his fingers through the hair at the nape of Ichigo's neck, bringing their lips together roughly. Ichigo squealed rather girlishly, making Toshiro laugh as the orange-head's eyes widened. Ogichi separated them and then smiled, an expression softer than his normal grin. "Oh come on, aibou, whatever made ya think I would leave ya out?"

Ichigo stared at him for a moment, a blush spreading across his cheeks. "You called me aibou."

Ogichi nodded. "You are my partner, now more than ever."

That made Ichigo stare for a moment before he coughed faintly, looking away from his double. Toshiro laughed softly again, and then slid between the two, wrapping his arms around Ichigo's neck and pressing a kiss to his lips. That woke the orange-head up, and he responded, looping his arms around Toshiro's waist and pressing them close together, tilting his head and deepening the kiss.

Toshiro shivered faintly as he felt Ogichi's cold skin press to his back, and then chilly lips scaled his throat, hands roaming his sides beneath the folds of his shihakshou. The warmth of Ichigo from his front was balanced by the cold of Ogichi from behind, and it created a whirl of emotions and feelings that Toshiro wasn't sure how to handle.

Ogichi suddenly reached over Toshiro's shoulder, roughly grabbing Ichigo's chin and crushing their lips together. Toshiro moaned faintly as they moved closer, pressuring him between their chests. The small man began to push Ichigo's clothes away from his tanned skin, wanting to feel him closer.

All three were naked in moments, skin pressed together, kissing and touching softly and gently. Ichigo fell back, his back pressed to the sheets, Ogichi looming over him with Toshiro between the two of them, his chest to Ichigo's. The white form smiled slightly, and then leaned down; taking his two loved ones into his embrace.

Ichigo opened his eyes after what felt like years, feeling tired and pleasantly spent. He sighed in content, pressing his cheek closer to the cold skin beneath him, snuggling closer to the chest that he lay against.

Toshiro's teal eyes opened to stare at him across the expanse of Ogichi's white chest, a smile lingering in his teal eyes. Ichigo's fingers danced over his lover's cheek, a smile on his lips as they did. Ogichi's arms, looped around both of their waists, tightened gently, holding them close to his sides.

"I love you…" Ichigo murmured softly, aiming the words at both his small lover and his white Hollow. He closed his eyes in tired content, his breathing starting to even out.

"Love you too…" Toshiro murmured. "Both of you…" He too was starting to drift off against Ogichi's chest, his hand resting on the Hollow's abdomen.

Ogichi was silent for a time, and then he spoke softly, closing his black/gold eyes and pressing his cheek against Ichigo's orange hair, his left hand playing in Toshiro's hair. "I love you…"

Well, there you have it, a little snippit of something from Behind Those Teal Eyes. I hope that you enjoyed it, and I look forward to seeing you all for Finding You!