What is Buried

Chapter 6

Declan staggered down the corridor with tiredness dogging every muscle he needed. He possessed more than enough will and determination but his body was at it's limit.

After he had clearly deduced that he could not match Kyle's speed, he had stupidly tried to run after Kyle for a bit anyways . The bout of insanity had cost him needed endurance.

"Not insanity. Friendly concern," Declan scolded, the inner voice.

"Whatever, it was stupid. You knew you couldn't catch up."

"I had to try."

"Yeah, cause you're a dumbass."

"No, it's called being a friend."

"Well, you're a crazy friend. You're arguing with yourself."

Declan leaned against the wall and sighed.

No choice, man. Got to rest.

Declan lowered himself down on to the uneven floor slowly. He winced as a bone in his knee popped loudly. Great, I've aged twenty years down here .

It was odd. The darkness no longer felt as suffocating to him. His fear for Kyle had greatly overrode any tension of being buried alive.

Of course, it didn't stop him from jumping every time he heard a sound. He was still afraid of what could be lurking in the dark. Horror movie monsters crossed his mind every other minute. Who knows what other experiments Zzyxx had been doing?

All the more reason for Kyle not to be alone down here , his inner voice reminded.

Declan slowly breathed in and out. He wished there was some water. His tongue felt like a piece of wood trapped behind his teeth.

He shook himself. C'mon! Kyle needs you!

And with those scolding thoughts, Declan struggled pick himself up.

- - - - - - - -

His mind was splintering into a thousand shards. The pain was so intense it felt like hot pokers prodded up into his nose to singe his brain. His vision hazed over several times. He cried out in shouts and sobs.

Kyle did not know the names he cried for. And yet, he did know .

He ran along the abandoned corridors in the run of a madman. The phantoms pushed and clawed at his back. He knew where they wanted him to go. Just as he knew that it a place his mind had trapped forgotten.

All that guilt. The damage that his creation has wrought. And still he knew of the horrors along the path. The phantoms cheered him on. One of them cried out in a raspy singsong voice:

Once upon a time, there was a sleeping beauty within this hell. A sleeper who watched the living dead. . .

"Shut up! Shut up!"

Kyle desperately wanted to hold on to something. He stretched a hand out for Declan . . .

Wait . Kyle reeled to a stop as the phantoms swarmed around him. Their heavy whispers hung in the air like agitated bats in a belfry. Constantly mumbling and sobbing.

How could he have forgotten Declan?

The phantoms pressed against his flesh. One skinned face of a phantom touched its lipless mouth to his flushed cheek. It's naked muscle flexed with effort and sent shivers down to the ends of Kyle's toes.

Go. You have to go .

Where?! Where?! Kyle's mind screamed furiously.

Where you belong.

He gripped the side of the dark hallway with blood caked fingertips. If only he could have saved them. Foss said no one was innocent here. But the accusation in their eyes . . .

He should have been sent there long ago.

That's right. He should let Declan go. He should stay away from me . Kyle pushed himself away from the wall.

He had turned corners awhile back and knew he was toward the surface. But he would not go into the light.

No there still the room in darkness to the left. He walked steadily. The phantoms walked beside him. They were suddenly silent as grave diggers.

But he could still so clearly see them. Smiling with their melted faces.

And suddenly, Kyle very much feared the dark.

- - - - - -

Declan tried to feel the crevices of his mouth for a hint of wetness. At the very least, a tiny drop of saliva. He rolled his thick tongue and . . . nothing.

Declan pushed himself along the cracked walls dejected. Maybe he should collect some of his sweat? Or is that the step before cannibalism?

He was about to debate this particular grossness when he heard a soft sort of pitter patter sound in the dark.

His heart skipped quicker and he pressed himself against the wall so tight he might have dissolved into it.


No, it wasn't the sound of someone's footfalls. It was a lighter sound. Faint and rhythmic. He probably could have picked it up earlier if he wasn't mentally sparring with himself.

"C'mon it's probably just rats," he mumbled, to himself.

Rats. He shuddered. If Hilary were here she would have passed out from the mere suggestion and probably would have knocked down Lori with her.

The hilarious image somewhat soothed Declan's nerves. He listened more carefully to the noise and decided the sounds were too steady for some animal. It was like a . . . drop of water from the faucet!

Water? WATER!?

Declan pushed himself from the wall and strained his ears. God, he really wish Kyle was here now!

He stumbled forward with new determination. If he could get to that tiny drip then he could get some more energy and find Kyle.

Declan didn't know why but he felt the longer he took the less chance he had to find Kyle. Not merely physically but also mentally.

Declan swallowed hoarsely as panic rose up in him.

Hang on, Kyle!


Author note : OMG, I finally updated! So sorry it's been awhile. Writer's block and life got in the way. But I always intended to finish this. So there's just the final chapter left. Hopefully, that will get posted by the new year. :)

As always, all your reviews and comments are appreciated and welcome! And thank you so much to those who have been continually reviewing even with my horrible slow updates!