A/N: Here we go! The last chapter of Family! Don't worry though, I'm going to post the first chapter of the new story along with this, so you can go read that. It's called Together Forever and it's story #5 in this series. I hope you like this and thank you so much for the reviews!

She sat there silent, trying to absorb everything around her. She noticed that Booth had sat them away from the candles this time. She smiled as she thought back to the last time they were in church together. She had asked him to come and he had said no, but after the Gravedigger incident, he relented and brought her to church with him. She remembered what Jack had said to her in the car, that it was faith that she had in Booth. She denied it at the time but now knew it was completely true. She did have complete faith in him.

Her mind drifted to the events of this weekend. She had told Booth's parents that it was okay, and it was, but truth be told she felt hurt. She knew that people didn't like her, she lacked social skills and previous boyfriends had called her cold and distant. She was a pragmatist so she knew that the outcome of the weekend was to be expected, but she felt hurt anyway.

She thought it was strange how their relationship had caused a line between people who wanted the relationship and people who didn't. The people who were okay with it were Angela, of course, Zach, Hodgins and surprisingly Rebecca. Against were Cam, Cullen and Dr. Goodman although they had shifted over to the former side of the line eventually. That left Booth's parents and family. She shook her head out of her thoughts. 'A list is inconclusive and not needed.' She thought to herself. She turned and looked over at Booth, his eyes closed in prayer. Sitting in between them, Parker was the spitting image of his father. His eyes were screwed together and it looked like he was praying hard for something. She smiled.

She had been determined to be good in church. She didn't ask him questions about Catholicism or say that she thought it was ridiculous that you could sin and just go tell someone about it and get away with it. She just sat and tried to look respectful.

She let out a small sigh. She was tired. This weekend had tired her out. She was looking forward to going home, taking a hot bath and crawling into bed. She felt a squeeze in her hand and she looked over and saw that Booth had grabbed her hand. She looked at him, smiled and squeezed back.

This weekend, despite having its problems, actually had been good. She had really enjoyed Booth showing her around Philadelphia. And the altercation with his parents had proved to her that they could fight for this relationship. She felt more assured that they could get through anything. She smiled again. She didn't know how, but her life had been inexplicably entwined with his. This included the good and the bad and she was okay with that. More than okay.

He looked over at her smiling and wondered what she was thinking about. 'It's probably not God.' He thought to himself. He supressed a chuckle. They had been together for two and a half months and sometimes he still couldn't believe they were together. Like one day he would wake up and it was all a dream, they were just partners again and nothing more. He was damned lucky and he knew it.

He thought about this weekend and wondered how it could be so good and so bad at the same time. Obviously the bad thing was his family and how they treated her. Not all of them had been bad however, and he could definitely see Kate and Temperance becoming friends in the future. But last night's events hurt. There were some good moments too, like him showing Parker and her around Philadelphia and her saying she would comprise on marriage. 'I will definitely have to save that thought in my mind.' He thought to himself. And her telling him that Parker asked her to be his second mom and that she wanted to be. That tugged at his heartstrings. They were becoming a family. 'No.' he corrected himself. 'We are a family already.'

They had sung the closing hymn and said the final prayer and then church was over. Parker was true to his word, showing her how to hold her hands for praying and when to kneel and when to stand for singing. They shuffled along the pew and headed towards the door. Booth's parents were in front of them and had stopped to talk to the priest. They walked up to them.

The priest looked up and smiled. "Seeley Booth." He said, stretching out his hand. "Long time, no see."

"Father Tom, it's good to see you." He replied, shaking his hand.

"And Parker. It's been a while as well." Father Tom said. "How are you?"

"I'm good." Parker replied.

"Let me introduce you to Temperance Brennan." He said, gesturing at her.

"Dr. Temperance Brennan?" Father Tom asked. She nodded her head. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I have read all of your books, they are quite excellent."

"Thank you." She replied. She always felt uncomfortable when people praised her for the books.

"How did you like the service?" Father Tom asked.

She felt Booth tense up beside her. "It was very nice, thank you." She replied. He exhaled his breath and relaxed.

"Well I should go attend to the others." Father Tom said. "It was good to see you Seeley and you Parker. And nice to meet you Dr. Brennan." He turned and headed towards some other churchgoers.

They headed outside along with Booth's parents.

"Are you sure you don't want to come back for some lunch?" Stella asked.

"We can't Mom, we really need to get on the road." He replied.

"Daddy do we have to go in the car now?" Parker asked.

"Yes we do." He replied. "Say goodbye to Grandma and Grandpa."

"Bye Grandma, bye Grandpa." Parker said, giving both Stella and James big hugs.

"It was nice to meet you." Stella said to her.

"It was nice to meet you as well." She replied. She turned to James.

"You come back anytime you want, okay?" James said. "It's not often that I get such a good chess partner."

"Absolutely." She said smiling. She watched as Booth gave both his parents a hug. They headed to the car and got in. Parker furiously waved out the window as they headed out of the church parking lot and headed home.

She came out of the bathroom, her fluffy white robe tied around her. She padded into the living room where he was sitting on the couch, watching tv.

"How was your bath?" he said, turning off the tv and gesturing her over to the couch.

"It was very relaxing." She replied, sitting down on the couch. He lifted his arms and she snuggled into him. He arms came down around her and tried to pull her closer. They sat for a few moments, neither of them saying anything.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"Don't be." She replied. "It's okay. It really is." She sat up and looked at him. "Your family loves you, they were just trying to look out for you."

"Yeah I know." He said. "But it won't make the next family reunion less awkward."

"Well I guess we will deal with that when we come to it." She said.

He reached up and ran his hand through her hair. "What did I do to deserve you?" he asked.

"Everything." She replied as she pulled him into her arms and kissed him.