Wait for You

Alright so I got several reviews saying that they were too young so I'm changing them to nine. If everyone hates it, then I will change it back. I promise there will be a new chapter up by the end of today! R&R

Summary: Rory and Logan meet when they are nine. They meet again eleven years later. But are they the same as they used to be, or has time proved to be to much for them?

Alright so the first chapter is their first meeting

The next few chapters are what goes on in their lives between their meetings. Their will be specific events I will tell about. They will probably seem random, but I promise every thing I tell is for a reason.

CH 1: I'll Never Forget You

"Mom I don't wanna go" nine year old Rory said as she was putting on her dress for her grandparents Christmas party.

"I know, but all of those parties we've skipped are finally catching up with us. But just think, going to this party will probably be enough for six Emily free months" Lorelai said to her daughter.

"Will there be any kids at this one" Rory asked

"I don't know maybe"

"I hope so. I'll bring a book just in case"

"Alright, you ready to go?"

"Yes I'm ready"

"Lorelai, your early for once" Emily said.

" Yeah, well there was nothing on tv"

"Lorelai please" Emily insisted.

"Rory, don't you look pretty" Emily said.

"Thank you grandma"

"I invited lots of children for you to play with"

"Really?" Rory asked.

"Ofcourse " Emily said.

The guests started to arrive a half an hour later.

Rory walked up to her mother. " These kids are boring. I'm going to read "

"Alright I'll come find you later" She said.

Rory opened the door to her grandfathers study. She sat down in a chair and started to read.

Logan walked in with his parents, and Shira immediatly grabbed his hand and drug him to be shown off to all of her friends. He was a cutest nine year old, and all of his mothers friends loved him.

Normally he would hang out with Colin and Steph, or Honor, but Colin and Steph weren't invited, and Honor had run off as soon as they got there to go hang out with her new boyfriend Jared.

His mother was in a conversation about some type of fabric when Logan decided to slip away. He looked around at all of the kids. He hated all of them. He decided hiding from his parents would probably be the bast time he could find here. He opend the door to Richard's study and was suprised to find a little girl with chocolate brown hair. She was reading a moderately thick book. She didn't even loook up from her book when he walked over to her.

"That book is for old people" he finally said.

She looked at him. "No its not" she said.

He looked at her blue eyes. "You're really pretty" he said.

"Thank you" she said politely.

"I'm Logan Huntzberger"

"Rory Gilmore, you wanna go outside and play with me?"

"Sure" he said.

She got out of the chair, and Logan took her hand.

As they were walking out Lorelai couldn't help but noticeRory walking hand in hand with a little blond boy. 'Huh well what about that' she thought.

"Arent they so cute together" Shira Huntzberger said as she came up behind her.

"Oh hello Shira, you know him?"

"well ofcourse, he's my son."

'Oh no' Lorelai thought. 'shes playing with a Huntzberger. That's just great. I shield her from society, and she comes to a party and meets basically the king of it'

"Who knows, maybe the Gilmores and Huntzbergers have a wedding to plan in the future" Shira said.

"I doubt it. I don't really bring Rory to these things often. So, its kind of hard to marry someone you don't ever see"

"I don't know fate has a way of working things out. Well, I'll see you later Lorelai"

"Yes, enjoy the rest of the party"

Meanwhile outside Logan was pushing Rory on the swing.

"Where do you want to go to college?" Rory asked him.

"Ummmm... college is for grown ups"

"I want to go to Harvard"

"I think my dad wants me to go to Yale"

"Oh" Rory said sadly.

"But I'll come see you every day"

"Okay" Rory said happily.

"What" She said giggling as Logan walked in front of her. He looked into her blue eyes and kissed her quickly.

"What was that for?" Rory asked smiling.

"I want you to be the first girl I kiss and the last girl I kiss"

"Me too" Rory blushed.

"Logan dear" they were interrupted by Shira with Rory following close behind.

"Are you ready to go?"

"I want to stay and play with Rory"

"We have to leave, but how about we set up a play date with Rory later. Is that okay Lorelai?"

"Ummm yeah I'll call you" Lorelai said untruthfully


"Say goodbye to Rory"

"Bye Rory" he said as he kissed her on the cheek.

She blushed "Bye Logan"

"Isn't that cute?" Shira said

"Come on Rory" Lorelai said.

Lorelai and Shira walked ahead, and Logan and Rory followed behind.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear

"I love you too. I'll never forget you." She whispered back.

" I'll never get you either. You are the only girl I'll ever love"

"Your the only boy I'll ever love" She said before her mother grabbed her hand and led her in the other direction.

Alright there it is. Tell me what you think about it. If you love it, hate it, or want me to trash it, hit that button!