Chapter 1

24-year-old Sophie Anne Hawk stepped of the plane in Nairobi Africa. She had spent more than 13 hours flying from Birmingham to Africa. Sophie had graduated from The University of Alabama, earning her masters in psychology. She was to be in Africa for a year on an internship with an expert named Dr. William Atkins in while living in the bush. After a year, she would then return to the US and return to Emory University for her doctorates. "Mmm," she moaned stretching. "I am so glad to be off that plane with absolutely no sleep." She smiled and looked around the airport which was open air. The weather was warm and sunny unlike in America where it was terribly cold and icy like in New York City.

Sophie staggered to the nearest restroom that was fairly modern but there was no air conditioning which caused her waist-long nut brown hair to stick to her black broomstick skirt and white blouse. She glanced into the mirror, noticing that she her hair was also beginning to frizz. Noticing her present situation, Sophie dug through her purse and pulled out a hair binder and a comb which she used to braid her long hair. 'There, that's more professional,' she thought. 'I wonder what it will be like to work with Dr. Atkins. I hear he's very young and near my age but my professor said is relatively good.'She would not meet him for a couple of hours which would be an afternoon flight. Sophie dug through her purse to find her international phone card to call her aunt and uncle. She had promised them that she would call once she safely arrived

Sophie slept at his arrival gate soundly when a very rude young man woke her with a loud belch. "Man, I am so glad to be home," he added after the belch. " And I can't wait to meet the young lady who is going to strap me down with me training her." Sophie sat up and saw him standing in the waiting area right next to her. He was 5'8, had blue eyes that looked like sapphires, and a thick head of short blond hair. His face was thin and he had a nice body build. He wore a tan khaki safari short and a hunter green tee-shirt. All in all, he was handsome but surely this wasn't the Dr. Atkins that her professors had told her about. "What are you looking at?" he snapped at her. "Nothing, I am just waiting for someone sir," Sophie replied annoyed at him. "Well so am I. I am waiting for a young intern. You wouldn't happen to be her by any chance would you?" he asked her sarcastically. "Are you Dr. William Atkins?" she asked him curiously. "I am," he replied looking at the young women. "And are you the yuppy who is my assistant this year?" "Yuppy?" Sophie asked him angrily. "That's right," he replied with a grin on his face. "My name is Sophie Hawk and..." "And you're the one I'm looking for." With that, he put out his dirty hand and grabbed Sophie's.

Sophie was very embarassed by Dr. Atkins and looked at him in disgust. "Well what's the matter toots?" He asked her. "Didn't anyone ever teach you how to shake hands before?" he asked her sarcastically. "No, it's just that you don't act very much like a doctor to me," Sophie said offended at his sarcasm. "Well, I don't like people calling me Dr. William Atkins as it is just a piece of paper. So you may call me Will and not William either. What may I call you?" "Sophie or Soph," she replied flatly. "I never thought of that," he added sarcastically. "Well, anyhow, are you ready to get that stamp in your passport?" Sophie replied looking in her purse. "Whatever," Will said childishly. "I've done this multiple times. Are you new at this?" Sophie nodded and walked over to customs with him trailing behind.