Chapter 17-Seeing Red

A/N: Finally got a new computer. A word of advice, unless you're a trained professional, never watch five dogs at once. This computer was my payment for watching them. This chapter is for Lucky, one of the dogs that had to be put to sleep, thankfully she waited until her family came back before that happened. But at least she's free from pain. Don't forget to review.

Kat's POV


Trista let out a slew of words…let's just say if I said even the first syllable of those. My mouth would have been filled with soap before I could finish.

Surprisingly Jason said words from the same vocabulary. Aisha was seconds away from tears, and I had to bite my lip to keep from bursting into tears myself.

I glanced over quickly at Emily, and thankfully she was still absorbed in her phone. I've never been so thankful for technology, considering I've had to threaten throwing multiple phones into the pool to get people off them.

I turned back to the globe. We saw her on a chair, throne more so in between Rita and Zedd. Her eyes held no emotion, nothing just blank, except every few moments, they flashed red. Trista did not react well to that.

"How could this happen?" Trista cried, "How did this happen?"

"Zedd and Rita are very powerful." Tommy responded, "They find people to control and they do. Kat and I can attest to that."

That was very true. I had been here in America for less than a month and Rita controlled my life. How I kept my parents from realizing it is beyond me. I guess since I never felt the rage around them or wanted to hurt them, they didn't notice. Also, they never seemed to notice when I would oddly disappear at times. None of our parents did.

"Is there a way for us to get there?" Rocky wondered, "Maybe we can save her."

"We can't bring her here while under Zedd and Rita's control." Billy reminded us, "We can't risk she might destroy the center or hurt us."

Adam picked up his cell phone and typed something, I guess he sent it to Trista because seconds later her phone dinged, "Adam thinks that they want us to know they have her, and soon we'll lose the connection, and mostly likely within the hour they'll be in a place we can access and then we'll be able to try and save her." Trista read.

Turns out Adam was partially right. Within seconds the globe was black. Alpha and Billy worked fervently to try and retrieve the connection.

"Zordon, when the rangers go, I want to go with them." Trista announced.

"I do not think that would be a good idea." Zordon said.

"I'm her wife. She loves me she would not hurt me." Trista explained.

Tommy shook his head, "I wish that were true, but Jason could tell you it's not."

I thought Trista would slap him. "I would not believe one word that comes from his mouth, try someone else. I still think I could be of some help."

"We can't risk it." Aisha said. Maybe Trista will listen to her.

"I still want to help." Trista whined. Okay that answers that question.

I decided to try. "Trista, I don't think you going is the best idea."

"I could help. I love her, Love is one of the strongest emotions there is." Trista tried to reason with me.

"I loved Kimberly from first sight." Tommy explained, "But under Rita's control I not only tired to kill her in ranger form, but I hurt her in human form. We are afraid she will hurt you."

Trista sighed, "Not being able to help is hurting me."

Adam finally said, "Trista. Kimberly loves you, but Rita is powerful. She will hurt you."

Trista shut her mouth as tears filled her eyes. She looked imploringly at me.

"Trista, I wish I could tell you that you're right, but in this case, I can't." I explained.

She didn't like that. So, she used a different tactic, "Can we trust Tommy and Kat?"

Aisha asked, "What do you mean? Of course, we can!"

Trista pursed her lips before replying, "Rita took over their minds once before. Maybe she will try again and if she succeeded before whose to say she won't succeed again?"

We really had no response for that. In reality she did have a point. I thought about what would happen should Tommy and I be taken over again.

"That wouldn't happen." Rocky inserted, "Also they broke through once I don't think Rita and Zedd would try again knowing how strong they are."

Trista glared at him, "Kimberly is very strong and they got her. What does that tell you?"

Seriously I like this girl. "She's got a point there. Kim is strong and they did get her." I replied.

Tommy said, "I think they prayed on her venerability. Trista and Emily are important to her and if they were threatened, she would allow anything to happen to her before letting anything happen to them.

He also had a point. I was trying to think of anything else I could say to help when Trista's plaintive, "Can I please go?" broke into my thoughts.

"Trista." Adam tried.

"I just proved that I can be essential." She whined.

"We don't doubt that you could be useful but we don't want you to get hurt which is what will happen if you go." Aisha said.

Trista pouted and remained silent for now. I could tell by that look in her eyes in a few minutes she'd be back to whining and asking to go.

I decided to try and reason with her before that happened, "Kimberly would hate herself and us if you got hurt."

"I'm already hurt. I don't think it could be worse." Trista replied. At least she wasn't whining or sounding angry.

"We found them!" Billy cried out. "We have a lock!"

"Please, I have to go with you." Trista whined.

I have a feeling we will have to reason with her before we go anywhere. I'm going to leave it to someone else. Nothing I've said has worked.

"Please, I thought I have proven my worth!" Trista cried.

"Emily needs you." Adam's gravelly voice cut in, "You need to stay with her."

Trista seemed to accept that. She did however pout, that made her look even younger. I almost forgot she's only 24. She sat on her cot watching us. That made her look even younger. Sitting there quietly, her head slightly tilted to one side, her hair a bit tousled (meaning we didn't have use of a hair brush), her clothes rumpled, one leg incased in some contraption, the other softly swaying back and forth.

"I just want Kimberly to be safe." Trista replied, blinking her large eyes. That made her look even younger than before and very innocent.

"That's something we can agree on." Jason muttered.

Trista just blinked at him remaining silent.

Jason stuck out his hand, "I don't like you and apparently you don't like me. However right now we have the same goal and that is to save Kimberly, so I am offering you a truce until this mission is over. Then I think we might have a talk."

Trista looked at his outstretched hand and replied, "I accept your truce." She shook his hand.

"We have a secure lock." Billy said, "We should go now!"

As Trista watched we all clasped hands and prepared ourselves for something we really did not want to face.

Just before we teleported out, I heard Trista whisper, "Come back safe you guys."

A/N: Sorry for the delay, shortly after writing the beginning of this I got a job that took up a good amount of time (I work at night so I'd come home quite tired), any way the goof stuff is coming up, hope all enjoy this chapter.