AN: I don't think any of you know this yet, seeing as my profile just REFUSES to work, but I'm practically obsessed with soccer. I LOVE it, and so naturally Bella in this story should love it too. I know Bells is a klutz but this is my work of 'fiction' so you'll learn to live with it. Sorry, I don't really know much about football, but that'll be apparent. By the way, as a little side note I'm listening to 'I Will Be', ' Get Over It', 'Nobody's Home', and 'Alone' by Miss Avril Lavigne. Maybe you've also noticed but Avril Lavigne is my favourite female musician. Music is as mandatory to my life as breathing so I just add that tad bit to most of my stories. So yea…review, you know the drill.

Bella POV:

Once again I have come up with another brilliant reason why Phoenix is so far superior to Forks, Washington: their soccer. It sucks. A. Lot. There's barely a girl's team. When I say barely I mean two other girls, Ashlyn and Madison. Pretty sucky, don't you think? Of course you do! Two girls! They can't even play anyone, two people, come ON! Of course, the 'team' now totals up to three with me.

Bella POV:

My first day at Forks High was pretty typical. People being overly nice to the new girl, the school work far too easy for me. Already got a puppy-dog boy who can't take a hint. Tedius, monotonous, and if nothing else typical. Jessica, one of the stereotype high school girls who asked me to sit with her at lunch, did point out to me a group of super-model esque people. Yup, this was definitely high school.

At times it seems like I live for the few hours I can find to be on a soccer field. There, with my cleats and long socks, the rules of the rest of the world don't register. All that matters is that: There's a ball, you're trying to get the ball into the opposite goal, there's people who are going to help you with that task, and there are people who are going to try at all costs to stop you. Oh, and yeah, they might also be trying to physically harm you. Simple when you get the swing of things. Everyone is different on the field. Cliques and status are challenged and defeated. I love it. And I was sorely disappointed to find that two others were all I had to call team. Well that was darn well gonna change. Soon. Now. But that didn't matter I was on the field.

Edward POV (3 days later):

Wow. Interesting what that effect of a new girl can do to your average high school. Even on her fourth day of school. Every male's thoughts were of her, asking her out. Actually all the girl's too, except most of them were plotting her demise. I scanned the crowds of the lunchroom for her. Of course, Jessica had already pulled in her. I tried to focus on the girl's — Bella's — thoughts… but…I couldn't. Her mind was an empty abyss to me. I was frustrated, how could I go so long with knowing a person's thoughts and then find my exception in a high school! A girl, eighteen at most! The girl glanced at me. I turned away and combed Jessica's thoughts for her reaction. Nothing. No big, wow factor on her face, or momentary bedazzlement. That put me off. I dumped my tray and stalked off to my PE class.

Bella POV:

My first PE class at Forks. Time to see of the other sports here were as lame as the excuse for a soccer team. At least it was outdoor PE, I think I would just crumple and die if I was confined to a gym. Ok, not die but at the very least faint. Wonderful. Just great. Football. Don't get me wrong I love football, and there's were I went wrong. Like they'd ever let me on ANY football team. And why? Oh well let's see: I'm a girl. That's about it. So naturally when I heard all girls were "excused from Physical Education today" I refused to leave.

Edward POV:

My sour mood was enlightened by what sport we were playing: football. Sure, I couldn't run as fast as I would have liked to, actually it was a bit like barely moving compared to what I could do, but still, football is football no matter what the speed. We guys were all itching to start but it was taking the coach an awfully long time to ' pep up these girls'. To be expected of your average high school female. Eventually he just sent them off to the lockerooms with a pass from PE. No we could FINALLY start playing.

We had all but T-ed off the ball when a high, clear voice said, " Excuse me, sir, " to the coach, " If you're not aware, I'm still here, and I don't know how long it'll take for you to notice that I'm not just going to waltz around the halls on PE time." The new girl wanted to play.

Coach I'm sure, was as anxious as the rest of us to get the hell going on the game, but I must admit, it takes a heck of a lot of courage to stand up like that to our football coach. I knew what he intended, and was quite proud of his genius, when he allowed her to position herself behind the quarterback. Set up perfectly for a hike. This was his way of making sure that there was no doubt that she would ever do this again, he'd allow her to play, and then when she failed and embarrassed herself she could walk off fine, pride bruised, but otherwise without argument.

The quarterback passed her the ball through his legs.

Bella POV:

I could see what was working through their minds. Oh, we'll ' allow ' her to play and then she'll quit when she sees how much she sucks. Ha. They wouldn't know at all what was coming up to punch them in the face.

The ball found my small hands and immediately I ran. I've always been fast, my friends say inhumanly so, I ran past all the unprepared defenders, all the way to the touchdown line. I crossed it smoothly and threw down the oddly shaped ball. I looked up at quite a few pairs of surprised eyes.

AN: Hope you liked it! I just had this idea, and a little dilemma over my other stories so yup this is what I came up with. Review please. Just hit the button and say hi.

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