A/N: I have an excuse for it being this late.
I really do, I just don't have one for this being so short.
My internet was down!
Kay I'm good (:

So here goes all this final chapter blah
Thanks to my reviewers: Wulfeh, Princess of Storms, Mysterious Smiles, xNanoux, DemonicAngel08, Kinaro, ninjafrogofHNM, Shikyo no Amatsu Shinsei, The Square, ueitenten, AngeChen, yellowlightning, CaffineFreePepsi, I Can Hear the Sea, mappsgo, Nightshadow Dweller, shining kitsune, shy-but-strong64, SomeRandomThing, Weaponhero, xxMaNgAmAnIaxx, and Merciless Ruby
Also thanks to my anon. reviewers!
And to people who added my fic to their favourites and alerts!:D
And most of all for people who stuck with it until the end!

Thankyou alll!!
Enjoy the epilogue (:

no ownage.

Neji had never quite fully understood the saying 'it feels like an eternity'.

Sure he had heard it many times before, everyone has. But it was a cliché, and like all cliché's, our favourite Hyuuga just merely stored it in the back of his mind never expecting it to take any part whatsoever in his life.

Today was different though.

Today was a very important day in Neji's life, perhaps on of the most important. Well, important emotionally at least; he doubted the whole world was going to celebrate the day the Hyuuga Neji became a father.

Well, him being him and all, maybe that wasn't very highly unlikely.

Anyways, back to the point.

The Hyuuga Neji was going to be a father. In a matter of minutes to be exact.

Actually, more like in the matter of half an hour, but whatever.

Yet, being the man he was, Neji excused himself from Tenten's – yes, the Tenten. And their child will be the child – hospital room to calm down is raging nerves dancing around in a mixture of excitement and dread. Mainly excitement though, so no worries.

And then the question popped up in his head, like all questions do. Were they too young? Young as in twenty-three years old, happily married and living like they were ten years plus their age?

All their other friends were still out partying. Well that was mainly Ino, Kiba, and Naruto, so it might not count.

"Neji! Eternal Rival, are you ready for your big day?" The loud yelling brought the longhaired Hyuuga out of his reverie, and it earned him a couple dirty looked from the nurses as if the bowl haired and thick browed man yelling to him was his fault.

"Shut up, Lee. You're in a hospital." Neji said, sitting back down on the bench he had evacuated while standing up.

Lee's eyes went wide, wider than normal if possible. He spoke in a quieter voice, barely above a whisper. "I greatly apologise, my Sworn Enemy. I merely came to see if our Flower was okay." At this, he gave his cheesy thumbs up sign. Neji wondered when he became friends with this guy.

"Tenten's fine. The baby's due in about fifteen minutes." Shit! There was only fifteen minutes left? Last time Neji checked there had been a full half hour. Was he really that engrossed in his thoughts? Wow, he was starting to be, like, un-Hyuuga like. "Speaking of which, I've got to go Lee. See you."

At least he'd been Hyuuga-like in keeping his cool. If he'd lost his ability to keep cool under situations then…well we really wouldn't know what would happened because it's never happened before.

Before he knew it, Neji was once again in front of Tenten's hospital room. After a quick breath to calm himself down, he walked inside the door.

Turned out that his kid would be coming out twelve minutes early.

Neji thought that this might be some kind of omen, that his child would always be twelve minutes early for everything. God, if that was true then he felt really bad for the kid.

Aside from random punctual thoughts, Neji walked over to Tenten's bedside to hold her hand. He used up very much will power not to punch the doctor – who was a man, for the record. He didn't think that men should be helping give birth to babies – who had his hands in between Tenten's legs.

"I see the top of the head. Now push, sweetie. Push."

Tenten groaned as Neji's eyebrow twitched. Did that doctor just call his wife 'sweetie'? Was the doctor flirting with her? Or was he, Neji, just being overprotective.

Most likely it was Neji being overprotective.

As he was immersed in his thoughts once more, the next thing he realised was his child – his daughter – was now out and crying. Next to him, Tenten grinned widely as she panted, still holding Neji's hand tightly.

They had already discussed names earlier.


"I still can't think of a good name." Tenten pouted as she put away yet another book titled Baby Names. "I mean, it can't be too common, nor can it be too weird either. It has to be perfect." They had the ultrasound a couple days ago, so they knew it would be a girl.

But either way, the middle name was going to be Haterou.

Neji shrugged from beside her on the couch. "I still like that one that Naruto thought of. What was it, Twotwo or something? Maybe it was Eighteight."

"Haha." She said dryly, even though there was a smile threatening to form on her lips. "Very funny. Just so you know, I like my name very much."

"I do too. I like everything about you very much."

"That was so cheesy, it wasn't even funny."

"Ah well. I try."

Then there was silence. Tenten busy thinking up baby names, Neji pretending to. Wasn't he so sweet?

"Haterou should be the middle name." He said suddenly, having just been looking at a photo of the young deceased boy.

Tenten smiled sadly. "Yeah, I miss him. Okay, so Haterou as the middle name it is, even though it's a girl." She thought for another moment. "How about Kisa? I think Kisa is a cute name."

But Neji shook his head. "No, it doesn't sound right. Hyuuga Kisa…"

They both sighed. It had been like this for the past who knows how long. One of them would think of a name, then the other would deject it. It was like a cycle.

"Meihua? It means beautiful flower. I think it fits." Neji said.

But Tenten didn't just shake her head, she groaned. "No. Nothing with 'flower'. I swear, Lee will keep calling her that for the rest of her life and the poor girl will never have a moment's peace. I like it and all, but let's stray to a different path, kay?"

"Kasuke…?" Tenten suggest feeble, expecting Neji to contradict that one as well.

But he didn't. Which was actually quite an amazing feat in itself.

"I kind of like that one, actually. It's nice."

"Is 'nice' the highest praise I'll get?" Tenten said, the smile that had been tugging at her lips had escaped.

Neji's smile mirrored hers. "Yep. I like it. Hyuuga Haterou Kasuke. It fits."

Tenten grinned. Then "Oh." She said in a surprised tone, placing a hand on her bulging tummy in which the baby had just kicked. "Haha, I think she likes the name too."

Hyuuga Haterou Kasuke.


The baby's cry echoed throughout the room. "Shh," Tenten said soothingly. "Shh, it's okay."

Miraculously, the little girl stopped crying as soon as she was in Tenten's arms. But as soon as Neji took the baby, she started bawling again, causing his wife to laugh and take her back.

"Hello Kasuke." She tickled the baby's nose, which was still a bright pinkish colour.

"She's beautiful." Neji said, putting an arm around Tenten and using the other to stroke the baby who was gazing at them with curiously large eyes.

"She is. She's ours."


wooww, I never actually expected to finish this.
Well then.
Thanks for reading!
I love y'all!!