Authors note:

Hello. Yes I am still here! I'm alive!

Let's start with a big sorry, a sorry for all my loyal readers thinking I gave up on this story, I didn't. I have no excuse for the lack of updates in years.

All I can say is it will come. I will finish this story as I planned to. And I would love to see you all finish it with me.

I'm so sorry for making you all wait so long. Thank you all so much for your kind reviews. Please keep reviewing, let me know what you think any idea you have, has my writing style changed since the last update?

This is just a small update to get me back into the writing more to follow, with lots of drama, which I will try my hardest to have up soon.

I would really appreciate any more reviews you have for me for this new sparkly baby chicken chapter ;)

Chapter 20: Tonia.

A soft breeze blew into the room from the open window, slowly blowing the curtains open to reveal the bright sunlight outside showing a new day had begun.

Although from the sounds in the room next-door it would appear the day had begun some time ago. The loud musical sounds of throwing bananas and shells from Mario Kart on the Nintendo Wii U could be heard.

"Oh come on! How can you be this good? You win every time!" Paige exclaimed loudly having just lost the 8th four course race of the day so far.

Paige looked over to her opponent who was wearing a sheepish smile on her face having beat her friend again at her favourite game. This in turn made Paige smile back.

"Right Bills set her up again this time you're going down kid!" Paige said bouncing up from the sofa to get a glass of water for herself and Billie. This had become a bit of a morning routine of theirs for the past week since it had been decided that Billie should now move in with Paige.

Two weeks after Billie had had her first night terror at the manor everyone had decided this was the best course of action. Billie had become so afraid and withdrawn that Paige was having to practically live at the manor again to keep the girl functioning. She could not sleep though fear, the only time she would fall asleep was when sheer exhaustion won out. She was barely eating, even less than she was beforehand. Her speech had almost completely stopped again apart from when she would scream for Paige in her night terrors. It had felt like all the progress they had made with Billie had gone and they were stuck back at square one again not knowing how to help their lost friend.

Piper had been the one to suggest that Billie more in with Paige after two weeks of this, the eldest witch was at the end of knowing what to do, however hard she tried nothing seemed to soothe the girl only Paige could - Paige who had a husband she needed to spend time with as well as Billie. Also Piper had her own family to think of, not that she didn't think of Billie has family, her boys needed to be able to sleep at night without worrying why the girl that used to play great games with them was always so scared now keeping them awake all hours of the night.

Initially the gaming had begun due to Henry suggesting it when Billie first moved in. After witnessing the sheer terror on Billies face the first night she stayed after having a night terror he thought it would be something light hearted and fun to take the girls mind off of everything that had happened to her and to try and help calm her nervous shakes she got after the night terrors. However due to Paige's competitive nature and Billie's for that fact it had now become part of their day, where Paige would attempt to win the game, so far though to no avail.

As Paige bounced back into her seat on the sofa next to Billie passing her a glass of water beforehand, she took some time to look at her young charge, and smiled. It may have only been a week since Billie had been living here, but the progress she had made had been outstanding. Billie seemed comfortable again, even with Henry to some degree and that in its self was a miracle. Now all they needed was for Billie to start talking again, to be comfortable to use her powers again. To be herself again, Paige thought.

Paige was just about to tell Billie to start the new game when a knock at the door caused her to look over to the door. She didn't flinch that's another improvement, Paige thought noticing Billie didn't react fearfully to the knock like she had done in the past.

Paige got up walking to the door, giving Billie a small squeeze on the shoulder as she passed. She opened the door to see Phoebe on the other side.

"Pheebs? Thought we were meeting you there?" Paige asked confused.

"Oh, yeah you were. Thought I would be healthy today and walk to yours and we could all go together." Phoebe said walking past Paige into the apartment.

"Right. Sure. So your car didn't run outta fuel again?" Paige said closing the door walking past Phoebe to join Billie again on the sofa.

"No course not. What made you think that?" Phoebe said following Paige, taking a seat on the arm of the sofa that was next to Billie. She bent down to hug her friend in greeting. When Phoebe pulled back from the hug she saw Billie holding up her car keys in her hand. Her own hand automatically went to her back pocket.

"Fine you got me! Thought I had gotten away with that one." Phoebe exclaimed, taking her keys back off of Billie, smiling as she saw the girl laugh to herself quietly.

"Nah, saw them when you walked past me." Paige said chuckling while 'high fiving' Billie for pulling the keys out proving her right, this caused to Phoebe sigh and cross her arms in mock annoyance.

"Alright you two you got me, stop gloating now." Phoebe said smiling at her sisters and friends antics. "More Mario Kart I see." Phoebe continued. "She still can't win eh?" She said bumping Billies shoulder gently.

"Shut up Pheebs" Paige said solemnly, she really did hate losing.

"Anyway we should think of going, Piper will be waiting, best not leave her their too long poor Rooster." Paige said standing from the sofa and stretching before holding her hand back down to Billie.

She watched as her charge took her hand and stood slowly, she was still in some pain and her mussel's very week after everything that happened. "Go get your jacket sweetie" She said to Billie gently watching as the girl slowly left the room to go find a jacket.

"She sleeping any better yet?" Phoebe asked seriously, after the girl in question had left the room.

"A little I guess, she's still having those dreams though, not that I can get her to talk about them, or anything else at the moment." Paige responded worriedly.

"Give her time, she will. She seems more at ease today, less nervous?" Phoebe said, questioning herself at the end too not sure if she had worded that right.

"Yeah I thought so too." Paige said with a smile.

"Soooo… I know why we need Piper there today, she's the one who gets us in, but no offence or anything how come your coming, don't you have a column due?" Paige asked Phoebe interested in her answer.

"Just thought I'd tag along for mural support" Phoebe said, sounding more mysterious than factual.

"Why so mysterious Mrs forgetful?" Paige asked raising an eyebrow.

"No reason Mrs Noseypants" Phoebe replied.

"Good to go?" She asked Billie who had just returned to the room now wearing a baggy grey hooded jumper almost two times too big for her effectively ending the conversation.

Billie smiled nodding, looking in the mirror quickly at something near the window in the room, before turning back to the two sisters.

"You okay?" Paige said, feeling something off with Billie, she seemed different somehow to just before, Paige couldn't put her finger on what it was though.

Billie nodded as she walked up to Paige standing close, Paige took her hand holding out her other hand for Phoebe.

"Oh thank god were orbing!" Phoebe said with relief taking Paige's offered hand quickly standing up.

Paige scoffed. "And you expected me to believe you wanted to be all healthy walking, yeah right!" Paige said before orbing the three of them out of the apartment, not noticing that there was something there that should not have been.

A plant, a large palm tree like plant in a pot near the window. A palm tree pot that suddenly changed shape into a man with long dark hair and tattoos on his face, a demon.

The demon took a phone out of his pocket pressing some buttons before pressing the phone to his ear. "Tonia is in place. I'll sort things out here."

The demon closed the phone down and placed it back in his dark jeans pocket, walking through to one of the bedrooms.

End of Chapter.

So then where are they all going?

Whose Tonia?

Whats with the shape shifting plant pot? Those pesky demons what they up to now eh?

What's up with Phoebe?

Review with your thoughts and I'll see you all again soon.