I'm still working on the next chapter of Ujimushi no Naku Koro ni Chi, don't worry. I just couldn't get this idea out of my head...finished Higurashi Kai yesterday -emo- Can't wait for Umineko!


The food that took her an hour or so to make, now ruined and littering the dirty floor around her. Her uncle spat out the mouthful he had just taken and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "This is some real shitty food y' got 'ere. Clean up and make me some decent dinner."

Satoko didn't move, her darkened eyes focused on the floor. She bit her bottom lip, wringing her hands together nervously. "...no..." She mumbled in a small voice. He glared at her, fury starting to seep into his eyes. "What did you say!?" He growled angrily.

She made a small noise, recoiling back a couple of steps, her eyes wide. "I...I-I...I don't want to do it anymore!" She blurted out, looking terrified as soon as the words left her mouth. He slammed his fist down on the table. "Are y' shittin' me!?!" He roared. "Who the hell do y' think ya are?!" He grabbed a plate off the floor and threw it at her. It shattered at her feet, and she screamed and jumped away from the broken glass. "I'm sorry!!"

Ignoring her apology, Teppei got up and stomped over to Satoko, grabbing her by her short blonde hair, twisting it in his grip and making her scream in pain. "Y' little fuck. Maybe I should just get rid of Satoshi's room like I promised."

She clutched at his thick fingers still tangled in her hair, unsuccessfully trying to loosen his grip. "N-no! I'm sorry; I won't do it again, Ojisan!"

He smirked. "Of course y' won't." He twisted her around and threw her hard against the wall. She slammed into it and crumbled onto the ground with pained whimpers. "I'm sorry..."

He walked over and kicked her hard in the stomach, making her curl herself into a ball, coughing into her hands.

"Get up." He nudged her side sharply with his foot. Slowly, she stumbled to her feet, a sticky film of liquid smeared on her hands and around her mouth. He flinched in disgust and smacked her across the face. "Wipe y' face off already!" She did, biting her lip again and staring up at him with wide, scared eyes, her cheek purpling. "I-I'm sorry..." She whispered again. His hand curled into a fist and punched her. She fell back, her hand over her cheek painfully, the area already starting to swell, her lip split and starting to bleed, blood dribbling down her chin, making her resort to dry sobs to get her apology out again. He rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the wrist, tugging her to her feet. "Y' ready t' start listenin' t' me now?"

"Y-yes..." She whispered with difficulty, wincing. "Hmph." He tossed her to the ground. She landed, a shard of the broken glass from the plate finding its way into her leg, smudging splatters of blood on herself and the floor. "Now hurry up and clean up this mess." He left the room, slamming it shut.

She clutched her leg with one hand, using the other to slowly start to pick up the pieces of the broken glass, fighting back tears. Nii-nii...can you see me? I'm trying...so hard to be strong for you...b-but... A droplet fell onto her hand, followed by another. I know I promised...n-not...to cry anymore... she wiped away the tears but more kept coming nonetheless. But it hurts so much...Nii-nii...I want you back...Nii-nii...Nii-nii! She finally broke down into quiet sobs. Nii-nii, please come back!


And now I'm done. x.x; I think I have Hinamizawa Syndrome or something, I can't stop scratching my neck -emo corner-