The sky was crying. It was crying and the tears weren't even enough to express what was tearing her apart.

"Pour your misery down," she taunted the sky with half lidded eyes as the back of her kimono soaked up the rain from the grass. "Keep me company."

A wry chuckle escaped her lips as if she were amused. The tears from the sky were meshing with her own salty sorrow. She was following the sky's example and allowing the misery to fall. After all, emotions would only keep her back in battle. It was better to release her tears now than when she was staring into the face of Death.

The problem was this; she was happy. Yes, she was sad, her heart was torn in pieces and she could hardly think straight—but she was happy. This rain reminded her of the things she never said. It reminded her of when she used to lay on this same hill with him and laugh so much she felt dizzy. He was the only person who knew her weakness and now her secret was in the grave with him.

She didn't want to think about the war. As a fighter, a warrior, a tool of her land, she always knew the inevitable—her fate was to be sealed on a battle field. She would never get the chance to enjoy moments like this ever again. So she was making the most of the sorrow surrounding her.

A voice in her mind concluded she was sadistic. How could she be happy because she was sad? Did that make any sense?

She smiled, her lips parting to reveal the secrets she never told but had guess he had always inferred.

"I love you, you stupid boy."

The sky rumbled as if protesting her words.

"I'm sorry; I forgot you were a m-ma--"

She choked on the word. Sarcasm wouldn't help her any and she knew it. It was sarcasm and pride—oh, yes, pride—that always held her back from proclaiming her love. She always knew he was a man. And yet her nature told her to ridicule him. That was why she always kept from showing that side of her heart…

The tears kept flowing. Everything was too complicated—and for some reason, she understood it all. He couldn't ever appreciate this feeling ever again. He couldn't lay back with her on the wet grass and enjoy the rain that used to never express sorrow, but euphoria. But she could enjoy this blissful moment.

Darkness wasn't enough to block her vision. She would keep her eyes trained on the stormy clouds above and remember what it felt like to brush her lips against his own. She would smile even though her heart was broken in so many different places. She would complain about him as she used to, and when the damned war as over; when her last drop of blood was dry, then he would receive her message.

After all…

"I'm only happy when it rains," she whispered. "I didn't accidentally tell you that."

a/n: Does this make sense in a way that it's not supposed to make sense? Or does it just make sense? ----- (does THAT make sense?!)

I intend upon creating a prequel. A more cheery one, mind.