
A long time ago I made a promise. Under a dark sky; upon a star that cast its light into the oblivion. We pledged with weeping hearts to meet again, at the doorsteps to eternity. It is a promise I will keep, no matter what it costs me.

We smiled, knowing the trials ahead would be hard. With ardent wills we turned our backs to each other, rushing into the chaos. That last fleeting glance, the last memory I hold before the darkness.

We made the right decisions, or ones we thought were the best. There is no turning back now; those words held tightly on my lips have yet to be spoken. So far away, yet so close, this mortal heart can't hold it in anymore. A fleeting thought before the end, and the unshed tear falls, and the future inscribed in stone is written anew by human hands.

Perhaps when we meet again, I will be able to say those words to you. Until then, this promise I pledge to you, dead and undying I will walk all of eternity, in search of you...

Land of Steel

The cracked sky rumbled, dark clouds covering the crimson sky. This place of death; abandoned by those who wrought its end. Forsaken by those forced to live upon it; a dying place in the thralls of agony. Perhaps it was fate, coincidence perhaps, or some other machination of this world that has yet to be defined. In the broken world, its design was fulfilled, and as the dying world breathed its last breath, it awoke.

That piercing roar of pain: so unlike anything I have ever heard before. Revelling in the absolute destruction and chaos in which it was birthed. The dark womb in which it had been formed a sullen corpse devoid of life.

I fall down towards the corpse of this world, falling past iron angels. Between rifts in the clouds I see it, a one winged angel…so beautiful. I smile remembering a room; nothing was left except my sister's old guitar, and the fake angel…

Heaven's Feel

In the dead of night; in a darkened room lit by nought but the pale moonlight cast through pale drapes. I stare up at the dark ceiling, how many days has it been? How many days has it been since my life lost all meaning. I can still picture him in my mind, that smiling face I love so much. The raven haired girl next to me frets ever so slightly in her sleep, her pale hands clenching onto silky fabric. I hold on to her, she who feels my pain more than I can ever know. But in the end I let go, my pain is my own.

I step quietly across wooden floor, glancing back at her sleeping form I smile. "Good night Rin-" I stop myself, "no, good night nee-san."

I turn away, this pain in my chest ready to burst out; I can't hold it back anymore. In the garden of flowers I fall down to my knees. The unshed tears falling down my face, draining me tell I'm nearly spent. A pale sun rises over the horizon, casting its rays across the morning sky. I touch my stomach, the last gift I had received, in a few months… I feel the tears starting again. A familiar presence stands behind me, a witness to pain but outside of it. My pain is my own, but it hurts so much, why does it hurt so much?


A dream, yes a sweet dream I wish would go on forever. With every waking moment I remember them, lives outside of my own. The knight returns again, empty hands revealing that the task has finally been completed.

"Be proud of thyself, you have obeyed my orders."

I stare up at the green canopy, dark leaves falling seemingly from the heavens. I close my eyes for a moment, a dream I desperately want to continue awaits me.

"My slumber this time might be a bit long…"

Even as I feel the world lose its brilliance, a voice rang out in the darkness. "Do you behold, King Arthur, The continuation to your dream?"


This pain, it hurts too much, I can't stand it, and it hurts. That smiling face; a mask shown to all, to give us all false hope, perhaps that's what I need…hope. But there is no hope, I can see it in her eyes, every time she looks at me she almost says goodbye for the last time. I can see it in her lingering gaze, knowledge beyond her years; I can even see it in that brave face she puts up. So I want to be there, when she gives her last act of defiance, and stares death right in the face. I will be there to hold her hand, I tell her it's alright, even though its not. I will be there…

I stare at her pale face; she smiles weakly staring up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry Shirou, I can't hold on any longer." She turns her head, pale hair swept out of her face, "I will never forget you, good bye…" her bright eyes grow dark, and heavy lids close.

I stare at her, and feel the tears start, I try to hold them back but I can't. And then I hear something that makes my heart want to break, "…never forget me okay." She stares at me with unseeing eyes, that cheerful smile on her face.

The tears won't stop, will my voice to be calm, "yeah, I will never forget." She smiles, closing her eyes for the last time.

Unlimited Blade Works

I clench the ruby jewel in my hands; I can feel the edges cutting into my skin. I remember my selfish actions, those actions I took to save a life. And then that action affected the future, in which the boy I saved became a man. And I fell in love, I fell in love with someone that is now gone.

I can still feel his warmth, a presence I found so comforting. He wasn't supposed to mean anything to me, just a tool, a means to achieve something greater. Then somewhere along the way I lost myself, lost in a hopeless dream I so desperately wish to achieve.

A hopeless dream I still wish to achieve…

Hollow Ataraxia

I stare up at the failing world, a crack in a greater design threatening to swallow us whole. She looks at me, asking me to stay, something I wish I could do. But this is the end for me; I cannot remain in a world like this. I smile, even as the world around us falls apart, and make a wish, too our fate. Even as we run towards are chosen fate, the grail shatters, and I'm blinded by the brilliance.

It was quiet; she lies in her bed sleeping quietly. I gently stroke soft hair out of her peaceful face. Placing a completed puzzle on the table I say good bye, giving up this dream for her.


In this castle of stone, upon her empty throne I sit. Chains of light wrapping around my pale form, turning into cold steel, I feel the stinging metallic pain. Somewhere in my mind, I detest going to sleep, but I smile. This time there is a dream I look forwards too, a selfish dream about a loved one. I stare at the darkened hall one last time, before I close my eyes. And revel in the wonder that is a dream, where I am free at last.

Daylight Blue

I stare down at his pale face; I feel the tears falling down my face. I try to hold them back, cut off these human emotions that cause so much pain. But I cant, I can't forget that face, I can't do that to him, I can't just cast him aside like everything else. I will give him a dream, a dream before the end, that's all I can do.

Please Shiki, accept this dream, it's not much, but it will ease the passing. I can't hold back the tears any longer, not when he opens those eyes and smiles. "It's not fun lying to yourself," he says those words, accepting his end calmly. I feel the pressure in my heart, and I feel as if I will break. And then he closes his eyes, and dreams of the sunshine.

Distant Read Warbler

She stands still, the autumn leaves swaying in the wind around her. Those blank eyes, searching for something. I walk towards her, by some flash of recognition her head turns. I smile, and almost feel my heart stop, "Shiki." She plays with the word, sounding it out like a child. Those blank eyes looking out unseeing, yet somehow focused on his face. "Shiki…" I see the faintest of smiles on her face, and I hold her close.

Dreams of Sunshine

Kohaku, that's the name they say, is mine, but it doesn't feel right. I recognize it somewhere in my mind, but it doesn't feel right. He gave me another name, a name I held on to unconsciously for all those long years. "Nanaya" I smile saying it to myself, a name that was so important, even though I no longer know why. So many things where lost, I gaze at the three approaching figures; but I will search for them with my family.

Lunar Eclipse

I stare at the empty grass field, an illusion that was never really there. That pale moon, a lunar eclipse so far away. So fragile, even I know that one day it will all end, but I don't care.

Everyone runs through the remainder of their life, rushing towards the fated end. And so I will pass the remainder of my life, surely its end will be a happy one too…

These irreplaceable memories carved in our minds, under the same sky we search for them, to keep our promises, or break them.