A/N- I have a new story here for GinnyxHermione fans, I'm not sure how long it will be but I'm thinking possibly longer than ten chapters. There's mention of RonxHermione (hate them, by the way), but no worries it will end GinnyxHermione. Or will it..? Guess you'll just have to read to find out, though if you know me well enough by now then you should have some idea of how this will end.

Oh, yeah and femslash pairing ahead, for those who don't like. If that's you, simply be quiet or begone. Italic sentences, like my other stories, are a character's thoughts. Okay, now you can read. Happy weekend everyone, it's carnival time down here!!

Disclaimer - I don't own Harry Potter or his lovely friends, and if I did I think I would have ended the series differently. Meaning, Luna would be a florist and with Ginny the potion's master. I know that wasn't needed...especially since this isn't even a LunaxGinny story, lol.

Same Colour, Different Weasley

He's just stressed, Hermione tells herself weakly, wincing in pain as she makes her way towards the bathroom, he doesn't mean it.

She shuffles through the threshold of the bathroom door, away from the bedroom she shares with Ron, stopping suddenly to clutch her sides. She can taste blood in her mouth, feel it trickling down her chin. Hermione doesn't understand it, why is Ron acting so differently? Did I do something to cause this? Yes, she desperately tells herself, I just have to be better. He's deserves better.

Her and Ron have been seeing each other for nearly a year now, and he never touched her before they decided to move in together. He had never hurt her before, and Hermione can only figure she must be the cause of the pain she's brought upon herself. She straightens up before the full length mirror on the open bathroom door, grimacing at the person staring back at her.

Is that really me?

Her hair is frizzier than usual, bunched up and tangled at the top, her face is swollen and there's a large knot throbbing nastily above her right eye. She reaches a hand up to gently touch it, only to wince again. She feels tears burning her eyes, ready to spill out if she were to let them. But she won't, crying doesn't help anything. She unbuttons her work shirt, carefully trailing pale fingers over the blue and purple bruises already appearing up the left side of her abdominal and up to her ribs. They contrast with her milk-white skin, leaving ugly abrasions from where she recieved kick after kick from her boyfriend. Our fights have never gotten this extreme before...

She gently shrugs the shirt off her shoulders, wondering how she's going to get about the next couple of days. She has a get together in twenty minutes with Ginny, Ron, Luna, and Harry, and she can barely walk as it is. She straightens up further, thinking frantically of what to do. She can't very well skip out on her friends, Ron had made it clear that she was to show up regardless of a couple stings or aches as he put it.

She pushes several loose strands of hair away, deciding to just cover her bruised face with a few charms and try to get through this evening. She slowly turns around, realizing her wand is still on the bedroom floor, where Ron had swatted it away from her grabbing hands. Sighing heavily, she starts back for the bedroom, limping lightly from twisting her knee during their fight.

A/N - Okay, don't kill me yet for putting Hermione through this. It's an idea I had, and the story is really coming along well as I'm writing ahead already. I'm just going with it, hopefully you lovable readers won't mind some angst amongst the love Ginny will surely give later. What do you think, then?