Welcome back to my nightmare )
Soo the sequel to Nightmare Demons D Not much to say really except I apologise for the title (I suck at thinking up titles tbh)
The story doesn't start off as graphic as the last did so no worries there x)

Anyway...Enjoy and please let me know what you think :) xxx

Chapter 1

Dreams are pushed to the back of his mind, a warm feeling erupts in his stomach washing through his body, he smiles, he feels calm for once. He tries to roll over but drops suddenly and lands on the floor with a harsh thud and an outburst of shock and pain, he screams, his body lurches upwards as a natural reaction. He balances on his carpet burnt knees and clutches his stomach where the spiked bracelet has impaled him, he touches the accessory gently and shudders in pain, grumbling he tries to stand without disturbing the spikes and without causing himself more pain but can only remain on his knees. He feels like he should call for help but instead he grips the wristband gingerly, draws in a deep breath, holds it, counts to three mentally then pulls. His eyes snap open and bulge from their sockets, he bites at his lips and clamps them together to stop any loud shrieks from escaping, soon he feels dizzy then quickly remembers to breathe. The bracelet is cast across the room in anger as he stumbles to his feet, the pain still in his stomach, then remembering last night's events he presses a hand to the blood smeared punctures making them heal perfectly, he smiles to himself but the pain is still there.

Facing the mirror he pulls a face at his hair, at the mess his stomach is in, at the five o'clock shadow gathering on his chin and neck and at the redness of his bloodshot eyes. He pulls his skin down revealing the parts under his eyeballs and sighs loudly then runs a hand through his hair ruffling it up trying to make it look admirable even if it is bad bed head hair. He clears the blood away with a dirty t-shirt then plugs in his straightners and leaves his room, he goes straight to the kettle and fills it with water then turns it on.

He pauses in thought and takes a step back from the cupboard hoping he can do more than heal some wounds and turn a light on. He faces his palms at the cupboard doors and swiftly brings them back in an opening motion with the doors following his lead. He lets a small smile slip then focuses on one of the tea cups, it rises slowly and shakily in the air towards him. He wiggles his finger and it does a flip then he leaves it levitating and motions for the fridge door to open, the milk bottle bursts out of its tray and joins the cup, he gathers a spoon and the sugar in the air as well and grins at his triumph. As he starts to lift the boiled kettle with a simple wave of his hand someone's bedroom door opens, as he spins his head round to see Howard emerging the items in the air hurtle to the kitchen floor and smash making him jump. Milk spills up his legs and some boiling water sloshes out of the kettle as it thuds back down on the counter.

"Vince! Be more careful in future, and get that lot cleared up!" Howard orders as he retreats to the bathroom for a shower, the mod sighs and turns to the mess. A warm feeling spreads through his body again, it seeps up his neck massaging his back along its way then flows into his head. He mutters a few words out of no where and the cup and bottle repair themselves and float towards his eye level. The milk has even sucked itself back into the bottle as it reforms, the tea spoon does several flips in the air before landing in the cup, a small bit of milk is poured in along with the spoon then a tea bag bursts its way out of the cupboard and plops itself in the milky puddle. The kettle rises and sloshes hot water over the mixture and some sugar adds itself to the mix, the spoon swirls around by itself in the cup stirring it all together.

The kettle, milk and sugar return to their original places while the cup hangs in the air waiting to be taken and drunk.

"Uhh…Thanks?" Vince mutters to the kitchen as he takes the hot cup, the spoon remains in the air then launches itself into the sink leaving the mod confused yet impressed.

As he retreats to his bedroom he pushes a hand forcefully at his door making it open by itself, he grins stupidly as he slams it behind himself in the same manner. He sets the cup down and stares at his palms in amazement, they tingle as he wiggles his fingers, they feel warm but not clammy and sticky. He glances at himself in the mirror then at his hair then back to his hands, he lays parts of his fringe in between his palms as if he were straightening the hair. Steam rises quickly from his palms as he threads the hair through his hands, he lets go to reveal a perfectly straightened fringe, he grins and unplugs his straightners then sets to work on the rest of his hair.

Eventually he has the best straightened hair he has ever managed to create on himself, even as he pulls a t-shirt over his head his hair remains in place perfectly. He dresses himself quickly and even shrinks his drainpipe jeans to make his legs appear even skinnier by pressing his hands to the material.

"Magic!" He beams as he admires himself in the mirror and orders his cup of tea to float to his mouth so he can take a sip.