A/N: Thanks for the reviews!

The last one…Hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 12

When I hear someone knocking on the door, I leave my lamb-with-mint behind to go open it. Tonight my mother is to some kind of fundraiser and I invited Peyton over to cook for her, firstly because I love her and want to show that and secondly to get her to cave and drag me in bed. She has been very good at avoiding sex up until now, and so have I. The fact that every time we are an inch away of giving in, someone walks in, has a lot to do with it.

Opening the door, I see her standing and my jaw drops in awe at once. She has a light-blue, shiny and very short trench coat on and high heels. Her hair is straightened and pulled back in wide ponytail so that her hair is falling until her upper back. Her burgundy red lips curl in a smile seeing how mesmerized I am and then opens her coat, revealing an ultra-tight, ultra-short, sparkling black halter dress to me.

She looks breathtaking, gorgeous, beautiful, amazing… and like Sharon Stone in Casino. Very sneaky. I'm not normally into gambling and mob films but I've always adored Casino, mostly because of Sharon Stone I admit. She looks I-don't-know-how-hot there and I've fantasized about her a hell of a lot when I was younger. Hell, I still occasionally do! And Peyton…She's even more gorgeous with those big –though mischievous- hazel eyes of her. Slowly she steps closer to me and softly strokes my collar. She's as tall as me with those heels so she doesn't have to bow over when she whispers in my ear:

"You like it, Luke?"

I tremble at her touch and her slight vanilla scent. She bows her head and starts dropping kisses in my neck. I lay my hand under her ponytail and close my eyes enjoying the feeling. She makes her way up and then softly captures my lips. Then she pulls back and smiles. I can't take it anymore and pull her against my body again before crashing my mouth into hers. She groans and deepens the kiss while closing the door and pushing me further into the room. Without trouble, she leads me to the couch and makes us fall in it, straddling me at once.

This is a fantasy coming to life and for a moment I just look up at her with my hands resting on either side of her waist. "I so need a picture of this."

She smiles while softly biting her bottom lip. She bows over and rests her lips so close to mine they're almost touching. "I've mixed in a bit of Basic Instinct too."

Before I have the chance to be shocked about the revelation she isn't wearing underwear, she kisses me frantically. Her hand shortly strokes my shirt before she starts unbuttoning it. She then slides her tongue in my mouth and I answer even more passionately. Not being able to take it anymore, I briefly raise my upper body so that I get my shirt off. She shortly rests her fingertips on my chest and then flattens her hand, dragging it down.

"Peyt…" I sigh. It's the only thing I'm able to utter as she rubs the front of my pants before starting to work on my belt.

"Give, Luke?"

Just as she got the thing loose, the door opens. Keith. Both of us proceed to look up at him like a dear in headlights, too shocked to adjust our compromising position. Me, half-naked, with my hands creeping under her dress and she with hers fumbling my belt, sitting on top of me looking like a sex-bomb.

"What the HELL is going on in here!?"

I can't help but smile as Haley tells about the date she'll have with Chris tonight. It's crazy to think that five weeks ago, I would've felt the urge to crawl across the table and pull her hair. The oddest thing, though, is that I and Chris click really well as friends, and we seem to have more respect for each other now that we're not romantically involved. Don't get me wrong, I cherish the time we had as a couple, he was my first love, my first kiss and the first time of love-making but I've simply let go now and taken those memories with me as simply something of the past to cherish.

"Peyton, I'm scared."

"Of what?"

"Of being… too inexperienced I guess. I mean, he dated Brooke."

"It's not because you sleep around that you're good in bed."

She seems unconvinced. "What about you? Lucas told me about the sex-"


"But he did! He thought you were the best he ever had and then that…dress-up party."

"He told you that?" I ask shocked.

"Yes but that's beside the point. You're good in bed, that is the point, and I've never been…in bed. Well, I have been in bed, but just not in that way, you know what I mean. I have, I mean, heh, you know-"

"OK," I sigh out cutting her off. Softly I grab her hand. "Everything I know, I learned from Chris. If he really likes you like I know he does he'll first and foremost wait. Then, further, MUCH further in your relationship, he'll teach you how it's done. You don't have anything to be worried about, trust me."

Speaking of the devil…Suddenly Chris comes rushing through the Café's door. Before he has the chance to see me and Haley sitting together, she stands up and rushes behind the bar, shy as she apparently is when she's into someone. I look up at Chris and kink my eyebrow at his enthusiastic face.

"What did you do?" I ask suspiciously.

He turns around and lifts his shirt. I put my hand in front of my mouth in shock. On his lower back he has tattooed a staff of Stairway to Heaven, with the lyrics:

Yes there are two paths you can go by
but in the long run
there's still time to change the road you're on.

I stick out my hand and touch it. "Does it hurt?" I ask slightly in awe.

"It's OK now," he replies. "But while they were putting it on I thought I was inside an iron maiden."

I make a disgusted face. Quickly the thought of being pierced by a bunch of spikes leaves my mind and I read the lyrics on his back again. "It's cool," I then say with a nod.

"You think Haley will like it?"

I almost fall off my chair in shock. He still has some serious getting-to-know stuff to do. However, one thing is for sure, him and Haley will be one interesting couple.

"Mom, cut it out!" I sigh.

For the past ten minutes she hasn't stopped eying Peyton viciously. I don't see what puts her off so much; shouldn't mothers just be happy when their child is?

"Is that that Chris boy she couldn't leave?"

I turn around and see Peyton touching Chris back and laughing. However, I know he isn't a threat anymore and though I don't exactly jump up and down at the fact, I also don't lie awake at night about the fact they seem to have replaced the romantic feelings they once had for each other for a close friendship.


"She's touching his back," she says as if I'm blind.

"I can see."


"I don't know. Go look," I respond dryly.

"Lucas!" she raises her voice.

"I'm sorry, mom, but you're being ridiculous. I trust Peyton and I trust Chris because he has fallen head over heels in love with Haley."

"With Haley?"

She turns her head away from me and just gazes into nothing. Since I can't help but be curious I narrow my eyes to splits to see what's going on that my girlfriend is touching her ex-boyfriend's back. I might be sure about her but still I'd rather if she'd not parts of him that normally aren't bare. Then I see he's got a tattoo of some sorts.

"He's got a tattoo," my mom says with panicky eyes. "And he likes Haley?"


"And you're happy with Peyton?


"And she's happy with you?"

"I hope so-"

"They're very happy with each other," I suddenly hear Keith's voice behind us. He says it in such a way and such a suggestive expression on his face I feel the urge to strangle him. She's disapproving enough as it is.

Luckily, before she has the chance to ask further, he disappears in the back. Quickly her attention is pointed back to Chris and Peyton. "But Luke, honey, look at them!"

I stare at Peyton and Chris. Peyton is wearing her plaid skirt with buckled black booths and a white long-sleeved shirt while Chris is wearing a Black Sabbath tee with dark skinny jeans and All Stars. Oh, and a tattoo, too.

"Promise me you won't come home with a green mohawk! And watch out for Haley that she doesn't get her nose pierced or something. By the way, it's not only the clothes, Lucas but that girl isn't emotionally stable." She pauses and takes a slightly dramatic breath. "And you're my baby boy and I don't know if you can handle, well, her. I had some talks with her father and-"

"Wait, what? You talked with her dad about us?"

"Yes and he confirmed she isn't exactly cheerful an-"

"Enough," I sigh out. "You don't have to be so worried," I reassure her. "She mightn't be perfect but, you know…She is to me." I don't think I'll mention she turns me on faster than light travels. "And mom…I've never been happier."

She frowns. "I know."


"The brighter the light, the darker the shadow," she says and a sudden flash of the Omen flashes in front of my eyes.

"Please," I roll my eyes. I do see where she's coming from, but feel it isn't a right place. Dan is the devil. "Peyton is a good person, mom. And even if we'd break up, look at her and Chris. She's still great friends with him."

She heaves a deep sigh. "It's your life, Luke. Just keep in mind I care about it a lot too. You're putting so much of yourself in this relationship; I don't want to see you get hurt."


"We're going to see INXS…We're going to see INXS…We're-"

"Going to see INXS?" I ask her.

She blushes but nods. Two weeks ago she entered this competition to win tickets for their concert and so now we're here, getting ready to see the band. Last Sunday my mom and Keith announced they were a couple now. I'm happy for him, I'm happy for her but what I'm mostly happy about now is that they've gone to a Spa this weekend, leaving me free to do what I want. Also Larry is out of town as he's on a three-day business trip. I'm not really sure if we had been allowed to go alone with Peyton to Charleston and stay there in a motel otherwise.

Soon, we're halfway and Peyton is getting more and more excited with each mile when suddenly something rather unexpected happens. Before we realize what's going on, I hear unhealthy sounds coming from my car and have to go stand still. Peyton looks at me with instant panic as I step out to see what's going on. Damn. It's getting dark already so I squint my eyes lightly to see what the root of the problem is.

"What's wrong?" she asks.

"Flat tire."

I keep my head dry with my hood as it starts raining, and walk to the trunk to get my spare tire. In the meanwhile Peyton steps out and investigates the car though she doesn't know the first thing about it. Opening the trunk, I'm confronted with…nothing. There's no spare tire. I must've forgotten to put one there. This is horrible! She has been looking forward to this concert for weeks; she talked about it non-stop. How will I tell her we're going to miss it?

I step back to her and just gaze at her stupidly for a couple of seconds. "I…we…I don't have a spare tire," I simply say.

First her eyes fill with instant tears but then she kinks her eyebrow non-understanding and pissed as hell. "WHAT?" she asks aggressively. I feel like shrinking until I'm a pea big and run away to hide. "You did WHAT?"

"I-I-I'm sorry."

"SORRY?" she shrieks.

The rain becomes more vehement and soon we're soaking wet but neither of us feels it: she's overtaken by anger and I by fear.

"I can't believe this Lucas!!" she screams. "I TOLD you we should've taken MY car but you said it was…what was it again…? Oh, yeah, A PIECE OF JUNK. And now we're here, stranded in the middle of nowhere and missing one of my AT LEAST top five fave bands ever. GOD. I've been anticipating this since I was twelve years old!! You IDIOT."

He sticks his hand out but I march forward. "Not now," I hiss. I'm just so angry right now. Can you believe he doesn't even have a spare tire? He works in freaking garage! If he wouldn't be my boyfriend he would've been a sobbing mess by now, I would've used my words as emotional swords.

"Where are you going?" he asks.

"I'm going to find a place to sleep, retard!"

"Can I come?"

I almost start to tremble in fury right now. What the hell should be the other option? Him sleeping in the car by the road? In a creek? Damn him and his MORONIC questions. "YEEEEEEEEEEEEES," I squeal so loudly my voice falls away.

As we walk in the rain, in the cold and with our wet clothes sticking to our body, I feel his eyes on me, but in this careful way, you know? Like I'm the bad guy and like he doesn't deserve any of this. It has gotten so dark too, I almost can't see anymore. Suddenly I trip over something, a branch? I don't know what it is but what I do know is that my hands are now full of mud and that I'm just dirty and wet all over. I'm so sad, disappointed and angry I could start sobbing.

"Are you alright?" he asks.

"No, Lucas, I'm not!" I cry and refuse his help as I instead crawl forward and stand up myself.

Then, like a rainbow after a dark-clouded rainstorm, I see a little house between the darkness, but with a sign in front. "Faster," I snap at Lucas. "I found something."

He shuffles behind me as I walk over the ground where the little house is. It turns out to be a farm. A freaking farm. It's better than in my imagination, where I had seen us wandering around all night. I knock on the door and wait patiently. A kind-looking woman opens and looks at me with instant worry. She looks about fifty years old and is dressed in a light-pink peignoir.

"Oh, dear, what happened?" she asks.

Lucas comes standing behind me as I do my story. "So I know it's late," I finish. "And I know this is unusual, but is it possible we stay here for the night?"

"Of course, dear. We don't have much room in the house but we've been rebuilding the old shed there" she points to a shabby looking wooden thing "for when our son comes home in weekends. It has a cooker and everything. It's only still a bit messy."

"It would be perfect," I answer. "Really perfect, and we'd be forever grateful."

She tells me it's nothing and then tells us to go ahead and she'll come along with some blankets. A few steps later, I'm standing in one of the dustiest places I've ever witnessed. But it's quite warm, there's a tub behind the corner I've been informed, a bed in the middle of the 'living room' and a little lamp giving us dimmed light. As I investigate the place, Lucas remains standing far away from me, almost in a corner. If I wasn't so pissed at him right now, I'd think his fear is sort of sweet. This isn't the case right now; all he does is annoying me further.

Ten minutes later, when the woman still hasn't brought any blankets I decide to politely go get them myself. I'm tired, I'm dirty and I'm frustrated. I want to wash and crawl under my sheets to forget this day ever happened. 'Going' and 'blankets' I mumble to Lucas as I pass him and leave the shed.

Soon I'm back with about five virginal-white blankets in my arms. I think that sweet little lady gave us her best sheets. I'm so glad we found someone like this and not some weirdo who's fantasy involves chasing us with a chainsaw. I look around and see Lucas is nowhere to be seen.


I lay the sheets down on the mattress and step further to the place I hear sounds coming from. I look around the corner and behold a half-finished bathroom and Lucas hopeful eyes. Then my second impression finally reaches me. Candles, water, bath foam. "Where did you get those?" I ask impressed, pointing at the little salmon-pink candles.

"I found them in a box," he answers silently. "I'm snoopy." He stands up and goes 'inside'. "I'll go make the beds. You, huh, relax. I won't come, I won't look."

I suddenly feel very guilty. However, I don't go after him but just undress and go half-lay, half-sit in the water because as I've said before, I'm dirty as hell and want to be clean as quick as possible. Only five minutes pass before I feel the same guilt. He's such a sweetheart and I have sort of been treating him like shit this evening. It is his fault about the spare tire, yes, but I now realize I shouldn't have acted like he started the Third World War. Plus, he's cold and wet too and I, up until now, could've cared less.

"Lucas…" I call him.

Less than three seconds later he's standing by the corner. He looks at me with this strange mix of love, lust and fright.



"Join me." He looks at me, silently asking with his eyes for affirmation. I nod. "I'll close my eyes," I say. "Though it's nothing I haven't seen yet."

He doesn't answer.

"In front of me," I tell him. Then I feel his body sinking into the water too. Slowly I slide my legs over his and slightly wrap them around his waist. His head is laying on the upper part of my stomach as I look down at him. He's tensed. "Sorry for the way I reacted," I say. "I'm a bitch, I know, but I'm trying to be nicer, I just had a fallback." I bow and softly kiss the side of his head. He shudders slightly. "This is nice, right?"

"I'm sorry Peyton," he apologizes again. "I know you really love them."

"I love you," I reply quietly. It's the first time ever I say this to him. I haven't been able to yet. It's not that I didn't but I'm not like all the other girls, it takes time with me. I remember that before my mother died I told everyone who was dear to me I loved them, a lot. When she died, that opener part of me died. I now only tell my dad I love him and very rarely too.

He turns his body slightly and stares at me, straight into my eyes. I'm completely naked in front of him but he looks into my eyes and it may be silly but it makes me realize, only now, he loves me in a very profound way. "What?" he asks.

"I love you, Lucas."

He looks troubled and goes to lay in his original position again. "I feel like I'm not worthy of you," he says in a way that suggests this is something that has been laying on his stomach for a while now.


"You know what they say, at school?"

"The popular kids? You don't have to lis-"

"No, even Mouth and Junk say it."

"Says what? That you're not worthy?"

"Not like that but…Peyton, you are… unique, OK? Your art, your music and your strong personality…You radiate something so very special and people see that. They see you're destined for greatness and they say you'll grow tired of me in no time. You know that Lynyrd Skynyrd song? Free Bird?"

"Of course I do."

"I see you that way. I'm scared that you'll get bored and leave me. And it might be stupid, but I kind of consider you the love of my life already and I don't know if I could handle that."

"I won't leave you…Just don't push me. I don't want it to sound like a warning but I just need to discover this emotional stuff at my own rate, otherwise I get panicky and then all kind of shit happens."

"No pushing…" he softly says as if he's making a mental note.

"And I kind of consider you the love of my life already too," I confess quietly.


"You're not what I expected," I admit "but you've become so much more. And the over-sensitiveness…Don't worry…I'll make a man out of you," I say teasing.

He laughs and then looks up at me. Slowly I bow over and capture his lips upside down softly. He raises his arm and lays his hand in my neck as he deepens the kiss, exploring my lips like it's our first. I pull back and smile.

"You're naked," he says as if he's realizing this only now.

"I am."

He straightens his body and turns to me. Tenderly yet with a determination in his eyes, he takes my head between his hands and kisses me over and over again, languidly. I shift closer and press my body to him, wrapping my legs around me as much as I can in this space. He cracks my mouth open with is tongue and slides it against mine. Instinctively I arch my back and bite my bottom lip when his mouth leaves my lips and kisses its way down. I feel myself and see him getting aroused. Slowly his right hand slides from my breast over my tummy, between my legs. He strokes the inside of my thigh slowly until he shifts higher and starts rubbing me with a deliberate slowness. I let out a sharp breath.

"Luke…" I whine. "Deeper."

"What about the bet?" he asks.

"Screw the bet."

He grins and slides two fingers inside of me, biting his lip as he does so. Gasping, I throw one arm behind his neck and move along with his touches.

She reaches down and starts stroking me, causing me to hiss out her name at the incredible feeling. I need to have her now. I pull away my fingers and she moans in disappointment and frustration at once. Quickly I get out of the tub and wait for her to do the same before pulling her against me. We don't dry ourselves; I just lift her and she wraps her legs around me as I guide our bodies to the living room. There I softly lay her on the just-made bed.

I look down at her mesmerized. She's so beautiful. A body I've dreamt of seeing and touching this way again ever since we spent the night together. Her arms come up around me and pull me lower. I find myself settling between her legs and am a bit taken aback by the position we're in. We've done this before, but the circumstances were so different. She's my girlfriend now, the girl I love, the girl I consider the love of my life. She slides her legs up my thighs and shifts her hips towards mine impatiently. Every thought leaves my mind as I enter her.

I close my eyes and let out a groan as I start moving. She feels so good and she is so good at this. Looking in her eyes I see they're slightly glazy and realize what a fool I am for thinking she'd just leave me. I kiss her breasts, her neck, her lips as I continue to slide in and out of her. "I love you Peyton…" I let out before burying my lips in her neck again.

I feel the heat rising even more and know it's going to be over soon. I quicken my pace, moving harder and faster as her groans grow louder and louder. We're amazing together, living up to each other's expectations as this feels like heaven. Then all of a sudden, we fly over the edge and she holds me close as we do.

Breathing heavily, I stay laying on top of her for a bit. I'm heavy but I want to be inside her for a little longer and I have the feeling she wants that too as her arms are clutched around me. I look into her eyes again and see that same glazy look.

"I've never loved like this before," she lets out silently and I swear I see a flash of pure innocence in her eyes. A piece of the girl she must've been before life happened to her.

I kiss her tenderly and softly brush my nose against hers as I break away. "Me neither, Peyt…" I sigh. "Me neither."

We're back now. My mom isn't coming home until tomorrow and so we've got the place to ourselves. I've never been naked so much in my life. With my chest rising and falling heavily, I look at my side, at Peyton who's smiling a tad daftly.

"I'm so good at this…"

I grin and roll over to her, grabbing her body. "You do know it takes two?"

"Yeah…Yeah…" she dismisses that fact jokingly. I softly smile and then bow over to kiss her collarbone softly. "OK," she then sighs out, sounding determined. "I'm going to make breakfast, I'm hungry."

"Hmmm…Me too."

I shift my lips behind her ear but she grabs a pluck of hair and pulls me back. "Food first." She throws the sheets off and puts on my shirt and boxers.

"Alright," I groan disappointed. "Just don't set the kitchen on fire."

"Shut up."

About twenty minutes later she comes back with a plateau, on it resting toast, jam and coffee for two. "See how romantic I've become!" she announces proudly as she shows me the food. "There were eggs too though but when I put them in the pan they turned all black."

"It's called burning, Peyt."

She goes to sit on the rim of the bed. "Don't you like it?"

"I do, I do…"

"No you don't," she replies half-seriously. "I'm going to eat it all by myself now."

Opening the door, Karen looks over her shoulder at Keith, who's sick as a dog. Their weekend was abruptly interrupted yesterday by his sudden flu and hence they're back in Tree Hill sooner than they had anticipated.

"Come on, Keith, let's get you in bed."

He nods and lets her lead him to her bedroom. However, as they go through the house, they here a bunch of noises coming out of Lucas' room.

"He's already up? Normally he sleeps until eleven on a Sunday."

She changes her route and now heads for Lucas' room as Keith follows her like a sheep. The door is open a bit and as she hears another voice, she doesn't immediately barge in but peeks through. What she sees almost makes her fall to the ground: the walking, from-head-to-toe-wrapped-in-issues blonde is sitting on her baby –naked- boy's bed.

"Karen…" Keith lets out so that she wouldn't do anything. "He's seventeen and he's in love. Just let him. The girl's good. She mightn't be what you had envisioned for him but I've never seen him like this. You know he always looked like he carried the weight of the world on him and that's gone now; be happy for him. I know I am." He takes a deep breath after this, feeling worse with the second.

Karen gazes back and just catches her baby boy licking jam of the girl's finger as she gazes down amused. She's actually a bit surprised at all the grabbing Lucas doing; she thought Peyton was the one pulling him into closets and whatnot every chance she got but he definitely can't keep his hands off her either.

"OK," she agrees as she watches Peyton smile and kiss his nose playfully. "I'll be nice. But he's getting a preach about taking her here so sneakily, when I'm gone for the weekend."

"Fair enough."

"I got something for you." Haley stops talking to Lucas and Rachel, who she's having lunch with, and looks down at the CD in Chris' hand. "It's our demo," he continues.

Speechlessly she holds her gaze on the CD. "This is amazing, Chris," she then lets out almost in sigh.

Lucas smiles. "That's great, Hales. I bet it sounds awesome."

Suddenly Peyton plumps herself down next to him and immediately plants her lips on his. Haley looks back and forward uncomfortably between the boy she's about to get serious with and her kissing friends. Do they really need to eat each other in front of them? And those awful fish-on-the-dry sounds they make.

"You guys know no shame," Chris lets them know and they finally pull back, to Haley's relief.

"I'm sorry," Peyton apologizes. "It's just that his mother has invited me over for diner, she doesn't hate me anymore."

"So you're thanking her by tonguing her son?" Rachel asks.

"No, I'm just happy, you smartass," she replies and gives her a soft tap on the head. "Anyways, Chris…" she changes the subject. "I've got to tell you something."


"I wish I could just lie about it but it's eating on my conscience."

"Just say it, blondie."

"OK," she starts, taking a deep breath. "Remember your diarrhea, at Brooke's house? And the panties? And the fact that I auditioned to be Juliet while I swore never to play in such a lovey-dovey play?"

He gazes at her suspiciously. "Yes…"

"Well, it was set up." She scrunches her nose and gives him an apologizing look.

"YOU did that?"


Chris looks around the circle he's sitting in and his jaw drops as Rachel, Haley and Lucas all gaze down suddenly. "You all knew?!"

"Lucas helped me, Haley and Rach just knew about it."

He shakes his head in disbelief at Lucas and Peyton. "You two are great together, complete LUNATICS. I think you can be arrested for what you did in some states! CRAZY!"

"Chris…" Haley softly rubs his arm, calming him down, and silences her voice until it's a whisper. "I know what they did is wrong but… We wouldn't be sitting here if it wasn't for them. I…really like you."

"I like you too."

Chris sighs and looks back at Lucas and Peyton who seem to be keen on breaking the Guinness Record for longest kiss yet again. Unbelievable! They really don't feel an ounce of regret for their stints, he suffered because of what they did! With evil intentions, he looks down at his plate.


Lucas and Peyton pull back and before they know it, they're covered with mashed potatoes. Not much later, his pies and sauce follow as they groan, complain and yell. "WHAT THE HELL!"

"Not hell, blondies," he smirks. "Just your specialty."

"What's that, for God's sake!?" Peyton screams.

"Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth."

"You're going DOWN!"

She grabs a handful of spaghettis and throws it on his hair. As Chris rubs the tomato sauce off his cheeks, Peyton glances at Lucas determined.

"You're going to help me, Clyde?"

"Sure thing, Bonnie."


The end! Hope you guys liked it and…Review!