Ok people this is my very first fanfiction so please be helpful and tell me what I can do to improve.

Roxas: Yes! I love being in fanfiction. Its awesome how I'm portrayed!

Me: Dude. Calm Down. Sora is in it too.

Roxas: Really?! Sweet! Where is he?

Me: No idea. I think he is hiding from you -.- Oh Well onto the story!

Roxas: Aww. C'mon tell me where he is!!!

Me: Roxas shush I need to write this -.-

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Characters or KH itself. pretty cool if I did but I don't.

Roxas's thoughts

Prolougue: Where it All Began

I walked through the door and, and just like I thought, dad wasn't home yet. I had this huge house by myself and I just couldn't stare inside the dark void of my house. So, I turned around and walked down to my favorite place. The beach.

I finally made it to the beach and, to my surprise, I found another kid there! He was about my age, six or seven years old. I wonder who this kid is? Is he new? Is he some kid I never see at school? Hmmmm. As I stared at this brown haired boy, who had hair that defied gravity and always stuck up like mine, he looked up from playing in the sand. His bright blue eyes stared at me and I was shocked on how I never noticed him before.

"Hi" he said

"Hello. Are you new here? I have never seen you at school before." I replied

"Yup I start Elementary School tomorrow. I don't have any friends here yet." He said with a hint of pain in his voice.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. I had a lot of friends at school and I didn't like, oddly, when this boy was sad. "Haha! Well that's what you thought!" I said with much enthusiasm.

"Huh?" he said confused.

"I'll be your friend! It must be hard to be the new kid and I wouldn't like it either. So I'll be your friend."

"Really?!" he looked up with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Of Course! By the way my name is Roxas."

"I'm Sora. Haha your name is mine scrambled up with an X added"

He then bounded up to me and dragged me down to the beach. We played on that beach, Destiny Beach, till the sun set and the hours of twilight took its place. We did everything possible on a beach. From the occasional walk from the beach to the nearby ice cream stand to watching the sunset on the rocks. As life took its course and the day finally ended, we departed from the beach. We apparently lived near each other! His mom bought the vacant house two blocks away and, like me, his mom is rarely home since she travels a lot. I decided to walk him to his house because, by my observations, he was a klutz and would probably get lost. I promised to pick him up the next day and walk him to the Elementary School. After that it was all history and we have been friends ever since.

That was it everyone! That is only the prologue tho so be sure to Keep going with it!

Please Review! I want some helpful criticism and stuff and I wanna know if you guys like it.

Roxas: Haha sweet! That was an awesome prologue. It was cute. I'm the popular kid too.

Me: Roxas jeez weren't you wondering where Sora was?

Roxas: Oh yeah!

Sora walks in. Sees Roxas and Runs!

Roxas: Sora! Get back here

Drags back Sora

Me: Jeez so stubborn. Sora don't worry about him he is just hyper because the story

Sora: I know -.-

Roxas: K well I guess we will see everyone next chapter (Glares at Me) You better hurry.

Me: Ok ok. Jeez don't hurt me ; ;