Here's Chapter 3! I think, I messed up the chapter numbers but, whatever. Disclaimer: I own Mark and everyone who was not in the clique books!

"And Dylan!" the redhead added quickly. Massie put her sunglasses on. Derrick she could deal with. Dylan was another thing though.

"Hey Man." Kemp hugged Derrick awkwardly. Dylan giggled and pulled a surprised Kemp into an awkward hug.

"Don't forget me!" She said, her voice was now an annoying squeak. Just like her mother. Massie thought. She looked Derrick up and down, his hair was still sandy blonde and shaggy but, he wasn't wearing shorts, instead he was wearing a suit with a pink silk tie and carrying a briefcase. He looked professional for the first time since Massie had known him.

"Who's your friend?" Derrick said, gesturing to Massie. Uh uh. Now way are we reuniting. She thought. Before Kemp could say her name she grabbed Derrick's hand and shook it.

"Maggie. Maggie Fields." She smiled cordially and wrapped her arm around Kemp's.

"Well, we're about to grab lunch. Care to join us?" Dylan asked. Oozing sweetness.

"Well--" Massie started to decline but Kemp spoke faster.

"Sure. I've got to make a quick call but we're free. Right, sweetie?" He turned to Massie, feigning affection. Massie nodded quickly. Just then the doors opened into the 25th floor opened and a guy looked in but didn't get on. Derrick pressed the lobby button and they were on their way.

"Seen anybody lately?" Derrick asked casually.

"I'm actually staying with Plovert while I look for a job." Derrick raised his eyebrows at this.

"Why!" he said incredulously. "Didn't you work at Playboy!?" Kemp nodded.

"I wanted something more serious. I actually was getting sick of the partying and drinking." Kemp smirked and Derrick and Dylan both burst out laughing. Massie so badly wanted to reveal herself and laugh with her friends but she couldn't. It would just force her to be sweet and smiley and right now, she wasn't really in that move.

"Kemp, used to be the biggest player." Dylan explained to "Maggie" after the two stopped laughing.

"Well," Massie did her best fake laugh. "I think I've got him pretty tied down now." She tightened her grip on his arm.

"Where are we eating?" Dylan turned to Derrick.

"Um. Any suggestions you guys?" He said, turning to Massie and Kemp.

"Sushi Samba?" Massie spoke up. Derrick stared at her for a second before nodding.

"Sounds good to me." He said. "Dyl?" She nodded in agreement.

"I've never been there. Is it good?" Kemp said.

"I haven't been there since seventh grade." Dylan said. "I'm surprised it's still there." She glanced at Massie but didn't say anything.

"I took Massie there once. It was right the day after graduation." The two nodded. Were they not a couple? Massie wondered. Why would he be talking about her. I guess because we were all friends at one point.

"I haven't been there since high school." Massie said. "I read a review in the Times about it though. It was an absolute rave." Derrick shrugged. Just then, the elevator dinged and they all filed off.

"Maggie." Dylan said. "Walk with me."Massie nodded and let go of Kemp's arm. The two guys walked ahead. Dylan entwined her arm with Massie's. "So. What do you do?"

"I own a boutique over on Madison." She said coolly. Dylan raised her eyebrows.

"That sounds fabulous! What's it called? Maybe I've been there." Dylan didn't even bother to hid her excitement.

"It's called G.L.U., Girls Like Us. " She said while trying to conceal a wince. F, Massie thought, I'm screwed. Dylan gave her what Massie would classify as a completely vapid look.

"Sounds familiar, maybe I've been there." She smiled and Massie silently let out a deep breath.

"Maybe." She said. The two were silent for a moment. "What are you up to?" Massie said casually.

"I'm franchising my gym. I putting in a bunch of gyms on the east coast. I already have three in California." Massie nodded but Dylan looked at her expecting some sort of congratulations.

"That's great! Congrats!" She said with faux enthusiasm. Dylan nodded. They pushed through the revolving the door and met up with the waiting guys. Kemp grabbed Massie's arm and let the other two walk ahead.

"What are you doing?!" He hissed.

"I do not want them knowing who I am. If either of them figured it out, there'd be a lot of trouble. Just let it go. After this lunch we'll never have to speak to them again." She whispered back. She tried to get just the right mix of innocence and firmness in her tone. Apparently it worked, Kemp shut up after that and the four hailed a cab. Kemp volunteered to sit up front. The other three filed into the back, as soon as Massie slammed the door shut, the driver pulled away from the curb.

"Sushi Samba." Kemp said. The group sat in silence. It would've stayed quiet for the entire ride if it hadn't been for Dylan. The girl still couldn't stay quiet!

"Ehmagawd!" She said. "Where'd you get that?!" Her long finger was pointed at Massie's wrist. Massie grabbed her bracelet protectively and tried to hide the charms. Derrick looked down at it. Come on, she told herself, think quickly!

"I got it at a, um, yard sale." She said, silently praying that they would buy it.

"Can I see it?" Derrick said, grabbing her wrist and pulling it up. He looked at all of the charms and then placed her arm back on her lap. The entire time, Massie was completely paralyzed, partially from his hand on her arm and partially from fear. He turned towards her so that Dylan couldn't see his face. I miss you. He mouthed. Massie suppressed a grin. The cab pulled up in front of their destination and the four got out. "Hey Dyl." He said, loudly. "Why don't you and Kemp go ahead and in. Maggie and I will pay. " Massie turned around to grab Kemp's arm.

"That's okay. You guys can go in ahead." Derrick rolled his eyes.

"No. It's really important that Dylan and Kemp talk again." He said, slightly raising his eyebrows. There was no way Derrick would let Massie get out of this. She reluctantly released Kemp's arm and walked towards the cab. Dylan and Kemp went inside, leaving a fuming Massie and a confused Derrick. He slipped the cabbie a fifty and the car pulled away quickly. "Massie! Why are you hiding?!" He asked. "Dylan's one of your closest friends and we…well, we're friends too." He grabbed her sunglasses before she could stop him, revealing teary eyes.

"No." She said sternly. "You can't do this to me! I convinced myself that your walking out of my life was good! I'm happy Derrick! Just let me be Maggie!" She snatched the aviators out of his hands and slipped them back on her face.

"But Mass, I--" He started.

"No Derrick." She spat back. When she looked at his heartbroken face she softened a little.

"Derrick, last time the group was together, you and Dylan were both right in the center of it." She explained quietly. "I don't want to go through that again." She turned to go into the door but before she made it there, he turned her around and kissed her. She started to kiss him back but alarms went off in her head. DERRICK NO! NOT DERRICK! Massie pulled back and walked quickly into the restaurant, not saying another word to Derrick.


Kristen ran into the ER, the ambulance wouldn't let her ride along. She had hopped in her rental and sped to Beth Isreal Hospital. She stopped at the desk, slamming her hands down and a startled receptionist turned to face her. "May I help--" she started.

"Mark Landon!" She shouted. "I need to see Mark Landon!" Tears were streaming down here panic stricken face.

"M'am. You need to calm down. Who did you say you were looking for?"

"Mark Landon!" Kristen shouted again. The nurse picked up a clipboard and looked at it.

"They're running some tests on him. He'll be up in about 20 minutes. You can wait out here and we'll come and get you when he's up, Ms.--" She glanced down at Kristen's left hand.

"Ms. Gregory." She said sharply. "I'm his fiancée." The nurse just raised her eyebrows.

"You can sit over there." The nurse said. Kristen walked over sat down in the scratchy upholstered chair. She pulled out her cell phone and a small card out. Looking down at her old friend's name she sighed and started dialing. She put the phone to her ear and somebody picked up.

"Hi. It's Kristen. I didn't know who else to call."


Who did she call? It could've been anyone. I think the next chapter may focus a bit more on cam and Claire and griffin. I will resolve Kristen's story so don't worry! So….I'm really sorry I haven't updated in a while. Track just started up and it's insane. I've also got excessive amounts of homework! Ugh. Anyway Read and review!!