My Other Side

By: Me

Hello fellow fan fiction fans I will be back and writing again now that my computer has returned from getting repaired. I am also looking for a beta at this time so if you want the job contact me. I hope you like this chapter I think this is my best chapter yet.

1. Hana Inuzuka- 4

2. Anko- 2

4. Kurenai- 1

5. Shizune- 2

6. Kyuubi- 0

7. Fem Gaara- 2

I Would like to also tell everyone that I have decided upon a harem because I couldn't . I think I will be doing three girls with Naruto and two have already been decided but I will keep the first choice a secret for now but the second girl he will be getting with is Yugito. So when voting remember your voting for last member and that I will remove the Yugito harem choice since its already decided..

Naruto rushed through the forest jumping at speeds not seen by the common eye using chakra to stick to the limbs and bouncing off to the next tree in the path. Naruto continued on until he came upon a cliff over looking a small village but rich with merchants and visitors. The looked simple enough stands lined the streets, kids ran around playing games, and cheerful voices filled the air trying to get better prices from the merchants.

Naruto walked down the gravel road with a small smile playing on his lips happy that he could walk around and not be looked at like a monster or something that doesn't deserve to live to see the next day. He looked around before deciding it was time for a new set of clothes since his current pair were a little to small with all the growing that had been thrust upon him during the time of training.

Naruto entered a nearby clothes store and looked around finding all the clothes were separated by color and type of clothing. Deciding it would be best to start from the top down he walked over to the shirt section were clothes were hanging on racks. He first found a nice fishnet shirt that stuck to the skin showing off his many muscles then he put on a sleeveless red vest with a black cross.

With the shirt part of his wardrobe done with he quickly picked out a slightly baggy pair of black shinobi pants and a black studded belt. Naruto then changed his blue sandals into black ones that fitted tightly on his feet giving him a comfortable fill to it. Looking in the mirror at his new appearance it became apparent to him that he would need some extra accessories so he headed over to the back of the store were all the extra pieces of clothing were kept.

Naruto sighed at how troublesome shopping was but he was just glad that he was out of that orange monster "how did I ever think I looked cool with that THING on" thought Naruto. Who just shook his head and picked up a brown leather belt that was put on from the right shoulder down to his bottom left side which was not only for looks but could also hold onto big items that needed support. To finish up the trip up he wrapped red bandages around the bottom left leg and the middle of right leg.

Naruto strolled up to the counter to find a old man waiting for him at the cash register. "Will it be okay for me to wear the clothes out" asked Naruto who only received a nod from the man before he went away ringing up the prices. "That will be 2500 yen" said the old man who held a non caring face. (sorry if that's not much but I don't know that much about the differences in money)

The blonde ninja handed the money over being sure to keep his arms looking normal even though the only thing you could tell was if you touched the cold hard material. He looked around when something caught his eye he looked up on the wall to see black cloaks with hoods. "Hey do you think I could buy ten of those clocks added to my purchase" asked Naruto who was happy he found something that could get his arms out of view since his new clothes were short sleeved.

When he finally got done buying the clothes he had on and the cloaks he quickly left the store and up to a piercing/tattoo parlor. He walked in and sat into a chair when a young women somewhere in her twenty's with bright orange her walked in and up to Naruto. "hello young man what is it that I can help you with" she asked with a little excitement in her voice. "Hello to you too and I want a piercing in the top lobe of my ear and two on the bottom in both ears, I would also like a tattoo of a pair of wings the left side being the wing of a angle and the right of a skeleton, and to finish it all off put a picture of a nine tailed fox with thorns around it and in the middle the word protect".

"Wow kid you have a good imagination it might take a little while with as big of tattoo's your asking for" the women told. Naruto just sat back while the women worked on him he winced a few times from the pain of a piercing or a needle but over all he just enjoyed the little bit of freedom he held before the chuunin exams. "I don't know how this is going to work I really hate these people but they expect me to help them maybe master will allow me to join him in whatever it is he does it cant be any worse than what I'm doing now.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard someone talking to him "sir everything is done and if I may say so you could use a haircut its wild like you haven't cut it in a long time" "O sure do whatever you think is best" said Naruto who gave her a little smile. He listened as the scissors cut down his hair and she would some times randomly put in some sort of liquid substance in his hair but he didn't care too much he just wanted to look good.

He felt a last tug on his hair before she turned him around to where a mirror stood. He looked up at his new hairstyle with a grin thinking about how much more sexy it made him look. His hair was pulled back into a Itachi looking ponytail which left hair coming down his face in a spiky manor.(Here is a picture of what Naruto looks like except the bandages on his legs are red, his arms look more wooden, and he has blue eyes but over its him korilin./art/Naruto-Original-Nin-Sekiwa-9046479?offset10)

"Thx a lot lady maybe we will see each other again in the future and I will be able to help you" sad Naruto while handing a handful of bill over to the owner. Naruto reached out and pushed the door open when he heard "wait what's your name" asked the lady and he responded "Uzumaki Naruto and you"?

"Tikona Hikaru" the woman replied with a hint of pride for some unknown reason to Naruto. He raised his right hand and gave out a little grunt before walking down the road.

"We will meet again and your destiny will begin young Uzumaki" said Hikaru while watching Naruto walk away.

Next Morning..

Naruto woke up and put on his new clothes and brushed his hair before walking downstairs and checking out of the hotel he rented last night. Once that was done Naruto put on his new cloak and started his way towards the leaf village.

Chuunin exam..

The stadium was buzzing with excitement waiting for the exam to start for they could watch the chuunin hopefuls fight with everything they have to get a step closer in there dreams. Most of the talking was about the last Uchiha but luckily there were a few scattered people with real brains that knew the kid was just going to cause problems in the future.

"Welcome everyone to this years Chuunin exams and we have a little announcement Uchiha Sasuke and Hyuga Neji will be switching places for there matches today and that's enough with that lets get the first match started" yelled Hayate. The crowd cheered happy that there Uchiha would be able to hurt and hopefully kill him.

"Now would Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke please come down to the arena floor" said Hayate before he jumped back onto a little judging platform. Sasuke appeared on the arena floor in a swirl of leaves in a outfit similar to his regular but all black and he had his regular smirk on his face.

"Ha looks like the dobe was too scared to come and face me today" said Sasuke in his annoying bastard way. "If Naruto doesn't show up in twenty seconds he will be disqualified from the match" told the Procter who took the time to look around for the young man that had yet to show up. "10...9...8...7...6.…5...4...3..2.." BOOM Hayate was cut off as a object slammed into the stadium floor and dust was flying everywhere keeping anyone from seeing what the object turned out to be.

Everyone watched with anticipation as the dust started to settle to show a 6'0 foot tall man or what they were thinking was a man since they couldn't get a good look under the cloak. No one moved not knowing what was going to happen or why the man had interrupted the countdown. "Sir we are trying to get a match underway why are you here?" asked Hayate.

"I'm here for my match of course I want to make sure I become a chuunin" told the stranger who let out a little laugh that could have been taken a laugh of a mad man.

"Sorry sir but I don't know who you are tell me your name are I will have you arrested for interference in a important event".

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto" said the man now know as Naruto. Everything in the stadium became quit and bug eyed as they were all looking at a midget turned man who hit a growth spurt that shouldn't even be possible considering the how different there sizes are.

"Trying to act cool Naruto just because you became a little taller but I'm going to have to tell you your still just a little weakling" said Sasuke who now had to look up to Naruto because of the increase in height. "Tell you what Sasuke if you beat me I will let you burn me alive and I want resist my death but if I win you will do anything I tell you to do for a whole day" came the calm voice of Naruto.

"I accept" was the reply that came to the shocked audience who couldn't believe Naruto was so confident he was willing to risk his life on this one little match. The two opponents starred each other down until a leaf came floating down and when it touched the ground both opponents were off in a mad dash to get the first blow on the other.

Naruto sent a low kick which Sasuke jumped and did a round house kick that was blocked by Naruto's forearm. Sasuke jumped back and did a back flip landing on the ground trying not to show the pain that was in his leg "Damn it felt like I kick a tree" thought Sasuke who was moving back avoiding the blonds punches.

"Err I guess its time to step it up a notch Naruto I hope your ready" said Sasuke who jumped and started going through hand signs before shouting Goukakyuu no Jutsu and shooting a large fire ball at Naruto. Sasuke watched as his opponent was drowned in flames before he felt a tingling sensation in his back right before he heard "Suiton, Suiryuudan no Jutsu"

Sasuke took off running towards the arena wall while the water dragon was still coming at him fast. Sasuke ran up the wall and turned around then ran down charging up a chidori in his hand and pushing his hand forward hitting the water dragon making him go flying back and hitting the wall while water rained down upon the stadium.

Naruto stood in the middle of the arena with his arms crossed bored out of his mind he had only used one ninjutsu and Sasuke was already on the ground hurt. Naruto decided he wanted to show more of his skill so it was time to do a little helping for Sasuke. So Naruto turned around and started walked out until he heard sounds of chirping until he turned around to see Sasuke's fist full of lightning before the said hand went straight into the area of the heart.

Everyone waited looking on and filling like they wanted to throw up seeing Naruto just killed by his best friend. The rookie nine were all stunned and slightly crying for there fallen comrade who wouldn't get to go past today but then everyone heard a loud clicking noise coming from the area were Naruto and Sasuke stood so everyone turned there head to see what the noise could be.

Naruto's hood came slipping off to show a wooden head with the right side black and the left side white with no hair and a regular looking mouth. "Wh-what the hell is that" screamed Sasuke who was desperately trying to rip his hand out of the body he now realized was wooden. "Naruto" raised his hands and grabbed onto Sasuke's hand while the mouth opened and out shot senbon needles that struck Sasuke in the arm rendering it useless.

"Naruto" let Sasuke's arm go and jumped back towards a tree and bended down on one knee leaving everyone confused and annoyed at everything being a mystery. "kukuku Sasuke I hope you had fun with my little puppet" said a dark voice behind the tree before another Naruto with the hood up stepped out of the shadow with his back against the tree and his arms crossed.

"Err Naruto how did you get over there and what is that other thing I hit" said Sasuke who was being made a fool of. "You see Sasuke I wanted to test your strength so from the very beginning I have had my puppet take my place while I ran the operation from here now look upon the greatness of the 10 Death Puppets " said Naruto held a finger pointed up. As the last word was said ten objects came fast towards the ground and landing showing 9 more copies of Naruto in different poses.

"Everyone remember this day for you will be the first to see the faces of my puppets" said Naruto who snapped his fingers and the puppet the had been hit threw off his clock showing a muscular looking humanoid puppet with each side the color of there side of the face then in the back were two wings one of and angel and the other that off a dead bat wing. "I am Death Angel" (im to lazy to check for the Japanese word for it) said the puppet before it flew into the sky and hovered with a chakra string attached to its back

Naruto once again snapped his fingers before a snake like hiss came from one of the puppets who threw aside his cloak to reveal a half man half snake humanoid with the top being the man with a snake like bottom body. "I am Orochi" said the snake before slithering in a snake like manner around the tree with a chakra string in his head.

Then another figure came out of its clothes to show a kid holding a zig zag shaped yellow dagger the kid was a little shorter than the old Naruto and wore blue shirt and shorts. " I am Flash" said the kid before running away.

With two more snaps from Naruto two twin humans came out of there cloaks each puppet had one white katana and one black katana in there hands they wore regular black clothing. "Our names are Ten and Shin also known as the double wielders" said the pair in perfect harmony not missing a beat.

"I would show you more Sasuke but I want to save my other puppets as a surprise for later if I find the need to use them since this battle wont be much of a problem against you" said Naruto who finally jumped down out of the trees and in front of his puppets before one of his arms reached out and tore the cloak off revealing him in his new outfit.

"You may or may not know my full name now but you will want to remember it for I am Naruto Uzumaki the Demon master puppeteer" said Naruto who spread his feat apart and put one arm straight out with the other straight up in the air. Then his arms clicked three times before the wooden pieces opened up into four pieces showing off the weapons.

People around the arena stared in scared shock at the demon brat looking absolutely different and having wooden arms.

Rookie 6

"Holy crap I cant believe that is Naruto I mean OMG what a hotty" Said Ino who had stars in her eyes. "Hmm whatever Naruto is still a dead last Sasuke is just holding back" said sakura who was showing her fan girl attitude.

"Guys you know we may have more to worry about I mean he seems kind of dangerous we might just need to watch him closely" said shikamaru while laying down on a nearby bench. "Come on shikamaru this is Naruto were talking about I mean the I am going to be hokage idiot I think he is just trying to act cooler he is still the same idiot we use to skip school with.

"Hmph just watch him we don't know what brought on this change" said Shikamaru who got a nod from Shino and Neji.

"Whatever" said Kiba

Chapter End

Thx everyone for reading my latest chapter and don't forget to vote for one of these women. O and plz review I think this was my best chapter. Next chapter should be a poll that you will want to vote in so the next chapter should come soon.

1. Hana Inuzuka- 4

2. Anko- 2

4. Kurenai- 1

5. Shizune- 2

6. Kyuubi- 0

7. Fem Gaara- 2