Dorm Days

Chapter 18:

Mikan ran towards Ryo and hugged him in the back. "Ooof," he grumbled and turned his head to see Mikan, clinging to him like her life depended on it. "Ryo-kun, I've missed you so much," she mumbled. He smiled at her and put his hands on top of hers. "I've missed you too, Mikan-chan," he said.

Natsume watched numbly as the two exchanged words of affection towards each other. "Damn," he cursed inwardly, clenching his fist.

"Isn't that Ryo?" Ayumi sprang behind him and scrutinized the fellow Mikan was hugging. The other girls looked at the direction Ayumi was looking. "Hey! You're right! That's Ryo!" Kaori exclaimed.

The girls sprinted towards the said guy, even Hotaru. "Oi, Ryo! It's been long since I last saw you!" Ayumi shouted. Mikan released Ryo from her hug and he turned around to meet the others, he caught Mikan's hand and held it firmly. She blushed from this contact.

"Ayumi-chan!" Ryo grinned. "I see, you've grow a lot."

Yuuko snorted and said, "She grew physically but not mentally. She's still childish." Ayumi pouted and complained, "You don't have to tell Ryo about that."

Ryo chuckled and saw Ryoko. "Hey, Ryoko! Have you been doing fine with your cooking?" Ryoko flushed and hollered, "I've been improving a lot! Just you watch, I'll make you a sweet cake later."

"Better prepare the medicines then," Kaori commented. Ryoko smacked her in the head and said, "Haven't I said that I was improving?" Hotaru stepped in and faced Ryo, looking at his entwine hands with her best friend.

"I see, you've made your move Choutaro," Hotaru uttered. Ryo blushed and looked away, "Shut up Hotaru-chan!"

"Tch, I hate to break this to you Choutaro, but you've got some competition over the idiot," Hotaru said. "You've been gone for so long."

"What are you saying Hotaru?" Mikan asked. She was confused to what her best friend meant. Hotaru glared at her and muttered, "Just shut up idiot. I'm not talking to you."

Ryo smiled bitterly and muttered, "I know. But I like her so much that I've got to have her back." Hotaru sighed and said, "Well, I really don't care who ended up with the idiot as long as she's happy."

"You haven't changed a bit Hotaru-chan. All you cared about is Mikan-chan," he patted Hotaru's head and added, "Thanks for always been there for her." Hotaru snorted and mumbled, "Don't give me that crap."

Ryo chuckled and his eyes trailed to the sole person down the dormitory steps. "Who's that?" he asked, pointing a Natsume. "Oh, she's a new border," Mikan answered. "I'll go get him," Ayumi saluted and ran towards Natsume.

"Reirin-chan! Let's go! I'll introduce you to one of the nicest guy in the universe," Ayumi dragged Natsume and pushed him in front of Ryo. "Uhm, Hi?" Ryo hesitantly spoke to him.

Natsume looked up and meet Ryo in the eyes. They were in the same height and he's facing him face to face.

"My name is Ryo Choutaro, what's yours?" Ryo pleaseantly smiled at him. "My name is Natsu—" he said in the gruff voice then shook his head, "—Reirin Matsumoto. It's not nice—I mean it's nice to meet you."

"Where's Eri-san?" Ryo asked to everybody. "I'm here Choutaro," Aunt Eri answered, walking towards them. "Let's all get your things out of the car and go inside for a nice chat."

"Hey, you're forgetting about me too," Ruka grumbled. "I'm still here, you know."

Dorm Days

"Why did you go back Ryo?" Ayumi asked. "I thought you're staying overseas for good."

"I just have to go back," Ryo answered and looked at Mikan. Ayumi squealed and said, "Hey, does that look means you've come back to take Mikan with you?" Ryo chuckled, "Maybe."

Mikan flushed and looked away. She was sitting beside Ryo in the couch. "Isn't that sweet?" Natsume muttered sarcastically and sat in between Ryo and Mikan. Thank goodness, there's still a space in the couch or he would embarrassed himself.

Hotaru and Aunt Eri smirked at Natsume. Ruka went towards the couch and tried to sit down beside Natsume. But because of lack of space, he still ended up in the floor.

A pregnant pause hung towards the group. Mikan tried to lightened up the mood and get the plate with cookies and offered it to Ryo. "Ryo-kun, do you want some?" she asked. He nodded and picked one. He ate it and smiled, "This is good."

"So Choutaro, what's your plan in staying here?" Hotaru told Ryo as she also ate one of the delicious cookies. "In the meantime, I'll stay in my grandfather's house and go to your school, Hotaru-chan," Ryo answered.

"Then I'd take that you'd like to be in the same class with Mikan," Hotaru said. Ryo nodded and uttered, "I think that could be arranged."

Mikan turned red again and gobbled some cookies to ease her tension. Natsume brought down his lips to her ears and whispered, "How about what you feel for that rude, obnoxious jerk?"

I can't believe I describe myself as that...I must be desperate...Natsume thought. Mikan looked down and replied, "To be honest right now, I really don't know. Yes, what I feel for Ryo-kun is really strong but the same goes for Hyuuga. I feel really attached to him and I don't know why, considering he's really mean to me."

"Well, maybe he likes you back," Natsume blurted out. "You know, boys in his age tend to bully the girls he likes."

Why am I saying this? Ugh, Natsume Hyuuga...you're such an idiot...Natsume pondered. He forced a smile in his face as he saw Mikan looking at him, like he was crazy or stupid or something revolves around that category.

"Well, that's only my opinion," he said. "We don't really know how he feels about you."

"I-I just don't know what to do anymore, Reirin-chan," Mikan leaned to Natsume.

"Mikan-chan," Ryo gently called her. Mikan straightened up and replied back, "What is it, Ryo-kun?"

Ryo slipped his hands on Mikan again. Natsume scowled and accidentally stomped on Ryo's foot. He quickly stood up, setting Mikan's hand free and hopped in pain.

"What's wrong Ryo-kun?" Mikan asked, standing up and held Ryo's arms to steady him. Natsume went in between them again and took Mikan's place. "I'm sorry, Choutaro-san. I accidentally stomped on your foot. I just saw a cockroach," Natsume said in his pretence voice.

Ryo nodded and smiled, "It's alright." Natsume smiled and said, "That's great. Thank you for your understanding."

"Reirin-chan, someone stomped on my foot too. Please comfort me," Ruka wailed. Natsume glared at him and said, "Go and rot for all I care."

"What?" Ruka looked really surprised. Natsume stepped back, realizing what he said. Then he smiled sweetly at Ruka. "O-Oh, poor Ruka!" He stammered, kneeling down. He gently patted Ruka's foot. He blushed.

"Ryo-kun, are you sure you're alright?" Mikan asked, concerned. Ryo held Mikan's hand and smiled, "I'm alright as long as you're here."

Mikan flushed. Natsume turned around to look at Ryo and chanted in his thoughts...You're going down...I just made you in the top list of my enemy...Prepare to cry when polka is mine...

Dorm Days

anime16: Mikan is confused. Ryo is taking Mikan from Natsume. Natsume is furious. Ruka is still in love with Reirin. Oh well, thanks for reading. Leave reviews while at it, ok?