A/N: Anything recognizable does not belong to me. First multi-chapter fanfiction. First slash, first Mpreg. Constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated. Huge thanks to my beta Blackbeltkunoichi who fixes my comma issues.

Chapter 1

The light click of the lock as the key turned. The gentle creak of the door as it opened. Danny entered the room, shut the door, and let his coat drop to the floor, not bothering to hang it up. He sighed as he made a beeline for the couch, pausing only to crank up the thermostat to banish the winter chill. He flipped on some basketball game and sighed again. It had been a hell of a day. A kid from his neighborhood had been the victim of a hit and run. Once they had tracked down the perp, he put up a hell of a fight. He winced as he brushed a hand over his bruised shoulder. As his shoulder twinged again, he gingerly hoisted himself up from the couch and entered the kitchen. He grabbed himself a beer and a couple of aspirin. Just as he was leaving the kitchen, he heard the familiar creak of the front door. Not bothering to turn around, he dry-swallowed the aspirin and set his beer on the low table in front of the couch. Arms circled his waist and he felt himself being pulled into the familiar embrace of none other than Don Flack Jr. He leaned into the taller man and breathed in his scent; black coffee with a hint of peppermint. Danny closed his eyes and let himself bask in his lover's presence. Don gently maneuvered them so that they were sitting on the couch, his back against the cushions and Danny between his knees. Keeping Danny pressed to him, Don trailed his hands along Danny's chest, beginning to undo the buttons on his shirt. He lightly rested his chin on Danny's head.

"How's your shoulder?"

"Sore," came the mumbled reply.

Don gently tugged off the outer shirt revealing a thin, white wife beater and a large, deep purple bruise. Don cautiously explored the wound with his fingers, noting the swelling, earning a hiss from Danny.

"Just a moment." He placed a kiss on the back of Danny's neck, carefully got up, and disappeared into the kitchen, only to return a minute later with an ice pack. When he had settled himself behind Danny once more, he tenderly pressed the ice to the younger man's abused shoulder. Danny sighed again, this time with relief. With his free hand, Don began to work out the knots of tension in Danny's neck and good shoulder. Danny let his head roll forward, chin on his chest. He moaned when Don reached a particularly painful knot. They sat like that for what felt like hours, content to ignore the worries of the world.

Finally, Don broke the relaxed silence, "Danny?"

"Hmm..?" came the drowsy reply.

Don took a deep breath, trying to assemble what he wanted to say next into some sort of coherent order.

"Look. . .I know that we agreed that we wanted this relationship to become somethin' more than fuck buddies a long time ago. . ." He paused again. Danny, now fully awake and thoroughly confused, turned to face Don. Seeing that Danny was taking his statement the wrong way, he hurriedly continued, "I'm not sayin' that I want to go back on that. Nothin' like that. What I mean is. . . that it . . . well it just didn't seem formal enough, ya know?"

Before Danny had time to process what exactly Don said, Don had moved out from behind Danny and was kneeling in front of him. "What I'm trying to say is that," Don reached into his jacket pocket for a black velvet box. "I want you Danny. For myself. And I want the world to know it. Danny, will you marry me?" Don opened the box revealing two intricately carved solid gold bands. "I know that it won't be legally binding or anything. . ." His nervousness was causing him to ramble. " . . . But you know it would -" Danny pulled Don out of his anxiety-induced blabbering with a deep, passionate kiss. Danny pulled out of the kiss first.

"So that's a yes?" Don said meekly, slightly breathless. Danny just threw him his trademark Messer grin and picked up the smaller of the two rings. It was finely made and on the inside was engraved 'Love is not just physical.'

"If you don't like the engraving I can. . . I can get it changed if you-" Danny cut him off once more.

"You're rambling again," he whispered around the other's lips.

"I'm sorry, it's just that I want everything to be perfect. . ." mumbled Don.

"It's short, sweet, and to the point. So, you gonna put this thing on me or what?"

Once the rings were settled on the respective left hands, Don muttered, "What are the guys at work gonna say?"

"They know we're together, they've known that for awhile. Besides, since when do you care what other people think?"

"Yeah, I s'pose you're right. But what about that chick from Montana? The one that's always hitting on you?"

Danny smirked, "Well, she's gonna be in for a rude awakening, now, isn't she?"

Don stood, pulling Danny to his feet. "So ya really do like it?"

"I love it. And I do believe this is a cause for celebration." He had that unmistakable glint in his eye. Their lips met in a bruising kiss. Neither got much sleep that night.

A/N: ok this first chapter is really short the next ones should be longer. I will attempt to get at least one new chapter up every week or every two weeks. You kno you want to click that little button that says review.