Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly, or the characters on the show.

Author's Note: This is my first fan fiction that I've published on here, so I'd appreciate if everyone would read and review and tell me what you think. Thanks:

"Well, sadly that's all we have today for iCarly," Carly said gravely as Sam nodded in agreement, pressing a bright green button on her remote. A loud, 'Aww…" rang out throughout the slightly cramped room that was filled with every prop they had used for tonight's show.

"But don't feel too sad, because we'll be back same time next week for our special-," Sam hesitated in her sentence so that she and Carly could cry out simultaneously, "CRAZY BIZZARO OUTFITS!"

A loud cheer emitted from the tiny remote as Sam raised it into the air cheerily. Carly laughed slightly, throwing her head back as Sam smirked in pride at this, and Freddie grinned at her from behind the camera.

"And don't forget, we just might always have some crazy wacky thing happen right here that you wouldn't want to miss," Sam continued, smiling as she shoved the remote deep into her back pocket. "Like Sam being nice to Freddie," Carly said, and they both looked at each other solidly.

A moment of silence stretched between the two, and then the laughter broke out, filling the room and blaring through the tiny speakers on the computers people were using to watch them right now. "Ha ha, very funny," Freddie mumbled from behind the camera, unable to think of any good comeback that would get back at them, and not willing to offend Carly just to get back at Sam.

"Well, see you next time at iCarly!" Carly cried out, and with that Freddie counted down from three on his fingers. On one, his familiar, "Clear!" sounded out, and Carly and Sam broke their smiles into ecstatic laughter, jumping around in excitement.

Freddie set the camera down, watching with a smile as they jumped up and down. "Can you believe that we actually made Lewbert fall down the stairs?" Sam asked, and Carly laughed loudly, shaking her head. "I know-do you think it was too mean?" she asked, and the jumping up and down halted quickly.

There was a moment of silence again, and then they both burst into laughter. Freddie watched Carly's dark hair swish around her face, but it got slightly tangled with Sam's as they leaped about in happiness again, and he watched the golden strands flick about. He was surprised by how he had never noticed the color of Sam's hair-it reminded him of sand, and the sun-though he still snapped away from it almost less than a moment later to watch Carly.

"What did you think Freddie?" she asked, seeping down into a polka dotted purple bean bag chair that let her sink towards the bottom. Sam glanced around and finally found her water bottle near Freddie's technical station, and he watched nervously to make sure she didn't 'acidentally' dump water all over his new equipment, but she was surprisingly careful, gently lifting the bottle over it all and not opening it until she was a few feet away.

"It was awesome!" he said happily, sitting next to Carly on a small box near her. Sam sat on the other side of him, comfortably curled up in the car/sculpture Spencer had made for them. "Except of course, I'd appreciate if you didn't call me a 'lopsided thing not of human species' on the web cast when thousands of people are watching it," he said, glaring over at Sam.

"Oh, you just don't want your mother to be disappointed," she rolled her eyes, and he shot her a dirty look, unable to come up with a good enough comeback to match her's until he had a few more moments of thought.

"You two are unbearable," Carly mumbled under her breath, easily flicking her hair away from her face. "Don't compare me to it!" Freddie mumbled, and Sam gave a callous laugh. "You don't realize how lucky you are," she said, tossing a balled up gum wrapper at his head, and easily hitting his ear.

He winced slightly when it struck him, swinging around easily to face her. "That was totally uncalled for!" he said, and Sam rolled her eyes. "Your birth was uncalled for," she said easily, sitting up straight to face him. "You smell like a donkey," Freddie retorted. "You look like one," she said easily, leaping to her feet.

Water struck them both across the face, and Sam jumped away from him, though he jumped to her, his hand brushing against her's. They both pulled their hands away quickly, glancing awkwardly back at Carly to make up for the momentary rush of shock.

"Can't you two just say something nice to each other for once?" Carly mumbled, and Sam wrinkled up her nose in disgust, shaking her head. "Carly-," she started, but Carly merely held up a hand to halt her. "Sam, you go first. Compliment Freddie," she said, and Sam looked over towards Freddie with a look of pure loathing on her face.

She leaned her head towards him slightly, a tiny smirk on her face. "Nice outfit. I didn't know Toys R Us carried juniors now," she said, and Freddie glared at her, trying to think of a comeback, but another compliment shot out of his mouth before he could stop it.

"Your hair is beautiful," he said. She shot him a weird look, raising her right eyebrow high. "Right, Fredward. You just go back onto dreaming about Carly," she rolled her eyes, stepping back.

Carly merely watched this, tilting her head to the side. "Sam, couldn't you think of anything really nice to say to Freddie?" she said, wondering if she could let something slip like Freddie seemingly had. "Oh, yeah, of course." She said, then glanced at Freddie, though seeming to not really look at him. She was focused on something past her, or inside him-he wasn't sure, but her gaze was so intense right now it frightened him.

"Nice shirt," she said finally, rolling her eyes as she turned to walk towards the elevator. Freddie sighed slightly, shaking his head. Why was it so hard just to get along with her?