I don't know if anyone has noticed this, but July 18 marks the two-year anniversary of when I started posting Miserable. And because I worked on this storyline for nearly two years, I wanted to write this extra and post it. I'm fairly happy with it, so I hope everyone enjoys! Thank you for supporting this story and for sticking with it for so long!

"Hey, Lee, come see what I found!"

Leon set a box down on the counter and walked over. "What is it, babe?"

"I found our old scrapbook," I said, flipping to the first page. "Wow, this was so long ago… It was what, six years?"

"Well, that," Leon said, pointing to a picture of us kissing, "Was just after we got back together, so… yeah, just about six years ago."

I smiled, running my fingers over the pictures. "Wow. We've been married five years."

He grinned and kissed my cheek. "Not 'til this summer, love." He reached over my shoulder and turned the page. "Speaking of which…"

The next couple of pages were from summer break. There were some of us together, just hanging out, doing things like eating ice cream or cuddling in the park or just walking down the streets with our hands clasped. There were some pictures of our friends, like Sora, Riku, and Kairi hanging out in front of Leon's old house, and Vincent glaring at a sheepish Yuffie…

"Hey, what happened here?" I pointed to the picture of Vincent and Yuffie.

"I think that was after she hid his clothes, wasn't it?"

I laughed. "That explains why he's actually wearing his swimming trunks."

"He never did like swimming, hm?"

"Him and Axel. They were like cats."

"Axel's still dating your brother, right?"

I frowned in thought. "As far as I know. They were kind of on-off-on-off for a while, but I think they're doing alright now. I haven't heard from Vincent recently, though."

"I think Yuffie said he's working at a corporate company now, right?"

"Oh, you're right! Uh, what was it called again… Shinra?"

"I think so."

I scanned back over the rest of the pictures. They were of Sora, Riku, Leon and me at his dad's summer house. We spent the first half of the week in the water, and Riku and I spent the second half moaning about our sunburns and complaining that Sora and Leon just looked tan (and, in my case, sexy) while the two brothers doted on us.

Leon turned the page again. This one had a couple pictures from Riku's party senior year, and then the rest were from graduation.

"Oh, remember this?" Leon pointed to a picture of Aerith sleeping on a content Zack. "She fell asleep during the movie."

"Yeah, and then when she woke up we all accused Zack of trying to cop a feel." I laughed. "She didn't talk to him for hardly ten minutes, and he was sore about it for a month." I pointed to a picture at graduation. "And that's just after your speech."

"How obvious was it that I looked at you the entire time?"

I smiled. "Pretty obvious, babe. To me, at least." There were some pictures of us with our diplomas, and one of us just after we changed out of our gowns.

Leon turned the page. These were all just before our wedding. There were some silly ones-- me wearing a veil in the bridal store, us covered in icing after a taste-testing mishap (okay, I had intentionally smeared icing on his nose), him carrying me off on his shoulder after we had been looking for a suitable place to hold the reception-- and some serious ones-- him comforting me after I told him about my mom, us making up after our first real fight…

Leon pointed at the one of me in the veil. "What we were even in there for?"

"Bridesmaid dresses, right?" I leaned back against Leon's chest. I ran a finger over the one following our argument. "I can't remember what we were fighting over."

"Me, either."

I smiled. "It's good that Yuffie wanted so badly to be a photographer."

"Yeah." He reached over and turned the page. "We made a lot of memories back then, didn't we? Now everything's routine: wake up, go to work, come home, go to sleep."

"Not all the time. Sometimes we get to eat." He laughed, and I leaned up and kissed him. "But I wouldn't give this up for anything if it meant losing you."

He kissed my jaw. "Me, too." He rested his cheek against mine, looking back through the pictures. The first few were from our wedding, and the ones after that were cute, usually crooked, impromptu pictures from our honeymoon. Yuffie took our wedding pictures, and we had one in a frame somewhere-- probably in a box by now-- but these were special ones: one of Leon nervously straightening his bowtie in the mirror (Yuffie had snapped that one without him noticing); one of me slipping the ring on his finger; one of us kissing just after the vows; one of our hands, with Leon's ring showing; and my favourite: it was before I'd changed into the dress, and he was holding me against him while we both laughed at Sora's very exaggerated story about how Leon proposed. I guess I liked it so much because we both looked so real and so happy, and even though we could've turned back, we didn't.

"This is my favourite picture of us," he whispered, pointing at one from our honeymoon. We were on a bench, and I was holding the camera at arm's length to take our picture, but right as I pressed the button Leon planted a kiss on my cheek.

I smiled and leaned my head back onto his shoulder. "We should finish packing."


"We're moving tomorrow," I reminded him with my eyes closed.

"I know."

"We still have to pack the rest of this closet and everything in the kitchen."


I rolled my eyes and smacked his chest lightly. "Well, get on it," I joked. I pulled away and put the scrapbook in the box. I could feel the nostalgia was getting to him, so I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Hey. We're going to make even more memories now. You've got a better job. We're moving to a nice house, and it's in Aerith's and Zack's neighbourhood. Everything's going to work out wonderfully."

He sighed and forced a smile onto his face. "I know. I just miss the spontaneity of everything."

I tilted my head with a coy smile. "Well, we can still be spontaneous in one way…"

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" he asked with a small grin.

"If you're thinking something creamy and delicious."

"…I'll go get the keys."

I laughed and let him go. "Y'know, the movers might have to wait on us now," I shouted as I walked to the door. Apparently the keys were in Leon's pants from last night, which were somewhere in our bedroom…

Leon jogged out of the bedroom to join me with a jingle. "Anything can wait for ice cream."

I laughed. We walked, hand in hand, out to the car, but halfway down the stairs I stopped and held up a finger. I grabbed the keys, ran back up to our apartment, and quickly peeked inside. I grabbed the camera from the table, locked the door, and jogged back down to join Leon, who was waiting for me with a soft smile.

"You don't think we have enough pictures?"

"Nope. When we're old and decrepit, I want to be able to look back and remember everything." I kissed him chastely.

He smiled. "We haven't taken pictures for almost five years."

"We can start."

Leon smiled. "Yeah. Let's start now." He took the camera from me and turned it on. He drew me into a deep kiss and just before we pulled apart, he snapped a picture. "C'mon. Let's hurry up so we don't have to spend all night packing."

I rolled my eyes and followed him.

"Hey, Cloud?"


"I love you."

I smiled and gripped his hand. "What was that for?"

"I haven't said that in a while, either."

My smile widened, and I kissed his cheek. "We can always start."

...I wanted to write something cute and fluffy, okay? Gosh. 'cause right now I'm writing drama, drama, drama. I wanted a break!

Ahem. Aaaanywaaaays. Please review? Pleeeeease?