
Chapter 1

A.N. This is my new WWE story. It is a Trish/Randy story which also includes other WWE superstars.

The story is set in 2007 and Trish hasn't retired (otherwise there would be no story: P)

Rating – T (Beware lots of swearing…If you don't like swearing or think its 'naughty' then you can just Piss off because I like to swear!)

Disclaimer – I own sweet F.A. Vince McMahon does and the WWE Roster own themselves. The only WWE stuff I own are my Play station games, cd's, old (ripped to bits) sticker albums, Videos and my old 'The Rock' t-shirt I got when I was 10…maybe 12 from the boys department at the More store on holiday.

Two people's lives are about to change…for better or for worse?

RAW…14.06.07…New York City…9.30pm…

The crowd buzzed with excitement as the blonde haired Diva raised a triumphant fist in the air. 26 year old Trish Stratus had just pinned Melina and she was on the road to earning that match at SummerSlam and becoming the new WWE women's Champion.

Melina seethed as Trish made her way up the ramp. Once the Canadian got behind the curtain she heard a squeal of delight then nearly fell to her feet as her best friend Maria practically rugby tackled her before giving her a hug.

"Maria…Ria honey I can't breathe!" Trish gasped as the brunette squealed with delight as she embraced her friend.

"My bad! Oh Trisha I can't believe it! You are one step closer to facing Candice for the title!" Maria said with a grin.

"I know…I swear to you I will show that slut that I can beat her and to be a true champion you have to do more than act like a whore and actually wrestle!" Trish growled as Melina passed.

Melina flashed both women a dirty look and she was probably on her way to inform Candice that they were bitching about her.

"Oh! That reminds me…you up for clubbing tonight?" Maria asked her large brown eyes looking hopeful but Trish just smiled and shook her head.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but I think I'm gonna call it a night…"

"Come on Trish! All the guys will be there! John, Matt, Jeff, Randy…" Maria began and Trish's eyes narrowed when she mentioned Randy…she despised him. He was always showing off and being arrogant…to put is short he was an asshole.

"Randy? Hell! Now I know I am definitely not going…I'll see you later or are you and Jeff gonna be 'busy' tonight?" Trish asked with a smirk as her friend turned red.

"Here's hoping! (Trish winced and playfully closed her eyes as Maria hit her on the arm) Ok… I guess I'll see you tomorrow morning." Maria said as she hugged her friend yet again.

"Bright and early." Trish added as she hugged her back.

Thirty minutes later, Trish changed into a pink Juicy Couture tracksuit and headed towards the parking lot. She tied her blonde hair into a loose ponytail and she carried her bag aimlessly humming Irreplaceable. She was so lost in her own wee world that she didn't notice Ariel sitting with her tarot cards in front of her.

"Ouch!" Trish cursed as her leg collided with the table.

"You should be more careful." Ariel told her in her mysterious voice as Trish realised who she had bumped into.

Damnit! It's the WWE's freaky bitch! Trish cursed to herself. Ariel was weird and creeped her out…hence she avoided her.

"Sorry…Ariel… I um didn't see you there. I didn't knock anything down did I?" Trish asked not really caring as all she wanted was to go back to the hotel and relax.

"No everything is fine…well for now it is…beware Patricia…strange things are going to happen…beware the dark haired man! Midnight! Beware!" Ariel whispered and Trish walked away quickly not daring to look back.

What a Psycho! She thought as she jumped in her car and speeded off to the hotel.

Fast forward to 11pm…

Randy Orton was having the time of his life. He was at a club with some of the guys and had been constantly hit on by scantily clad women who wanted to dance with him and probably do more. He was sitting with a woman called Jacinta who had caramel skin and long silky smooth black hair. She was a size 4 and had huge breasts which threatened to spill out of her 2-sizes-too-small pink bandeau top.

"Dance with me Randy pretty please?" She purred as she pressed herself against him.

Randy smirked and was about to answer when he felt weird. His hand pressed against his stomach. He suddenly suffered severe stomach cramps. He also felt like he needed to sleep.

Staggering to his feet he winced as another jolt of pain took over his body. Jacinta looked at him with hopefully eyes but glared when he grabbed his jacket and walked off.

"Jackass." She muttered but moved onto Johnny Nitro who beckoned her over.

Randy made it back to the hotel and rushed to his room. He felt dizzy and shattered and he couldn't understand why. He only had 3 beers and he wasn't a lightweight.

Man I don't feel so good…maybe I s-should lie down… Randy thought as he lay down on his bed.

He fell asleep when his head hit the pillow. Meanwhile in Trish's room…

What's wrong with me? I don't feel so good…if I get food poisoning from that chicken salad…so help me I'll…AAAAH! God my stomach is killing me? Why do I feel so tired? Maybe if I lie down I'll feel better. Trish thought to herself as she made her way towards her bed.

She pulled back the covers and carefully lied down. She swore as another wave of pain swept through her body but before she could do anything to stop the pain she yawned and fell into a deep sleep.

At 12am Ariel who was sitting in her room smiled as she knew what was happening. Two people who detested one another would soon learn to get along and respect one another.

Oh yes this was going to be fun…

A/N- Please Review! Let me know what you think and I'll try and update soon!
