Please review and tell me what you think of it. Don't flame though suggestions would be great! If you want me to use kun or san or chan, please let me know.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

Sakura, TenTen, Hinata and Ino were walking to the new dango shop. They are all 15 and are the best kunoichis in the village. First Sakura, then TenTen, then Hinata, then Ino. (a/n they look like there Shippuden selves all of the characters and Sasuke is wearing the clothing that Orochimaru did not give him, the other kind, or whateve. They are also all jounin). Though they are all friends, Sakura and TenTen have a closer bond with each other more then with Hinata and Ino because TenTen and Sakura spar and practice with each other more, plus the guys they like are emo and both have a kekkai genkai that's in there eyes. Ino and Hinata have a closer bond probably because they spar together more together then they do with TenTen and Sakura. Sakura and TenTen are like sisters and ever since the Sasuke Retrieval, they've become really close friends. But, either way, there all friends.

"Sakura, do you still like Sasuke" asked Ino, they were talking about there crushes. (a/n they are at the dango shop now, they all came back from training)

"Yes, but I don't think he'll ever like me back"

"The same goes with me with but with Neji" said TenTen

"Same here except with Naruto" said Hinata

"Same but with Shikamaru" said Ino.

They all sighed.

"You know what, who cares what guys think of us. I want someone to like me for who I am. I don't want to impress anyone by acting like someone I'm not. How about you guys?" Sakura said.

"I'm right there with you" said TenTen.

"Same here" said Hinata and Ino.

They all had a happy grin on there face and the dangos they ordered just came. They ate happily.


The guys are at the Ichiraku ramen shop. The way they are sitting is Naruto, Shikamaru, Neji, and Sasuke. They look like there Shippuden selves. They are all really good ninjas and just came back from training. Sasuke is back and Itachi is killed (a/n sorry Itachi fans, if you want him to be alive, let me know). Team Hebi went there separate ways. Sasuke and Neji have a really close bond due to the fact that they help each other spar a lot. They also understand each other and even though they may get into fights, they never last. Plus, they both understand each other, it's like they have a certain aura around them. Naruto and Shikamaru have a close bond because they spar with each other a lot and they understand each other. But either way, they are all friends.

"Another ramen please!" said Naruto

"Coming right up" said the ramen man (a/n I forgot his name).

While Naruto was eating ramen and Shikamaru was, well, eating, but slower then Naruto, Neji and Sasuke are talking about there mission.

"I see, so we have a mission to escort 4 men around Konoha" said Neji

"Yep, and we have no choice, it's a mission" said Sasuke

"When do we have to meet, Uchiha?"

"In about an hour, Hyuga"

Shikamaru heard all of this and told Naruto to hurry up. Naruto finished his ramen, they all then paid for the ramen, and left.

With the girls…

The girls split the bill, paid for it, and left. They were headed to Ino's flower shop so Ino could get more money (a/n she doesn't keep all of her money with her) and then go to the new weapon shop they heard about. On the way to Ino's flowershop, they came across the guys.

With the guys…

They came across the girls while heading to Tsunade's office.

"Hi Sasuke" said Sakura, smiling.

"Hn" he said. Right now he's looking into Sakura's eyes and sees happiness. He liked her smile, it just had something special about it. Her kindness was also great as well and it still is. Then he started thinking back about when Sakura and him were genin.

"She has improved a lot back then. Especially when she used to have long hair. Who even started that rumor about me liking girls with long hair anyway. When I said thank you on that day before I left, I really meant it Sakura. Thank you for liking me for who I am." Sasuke thought.

"Hi Neji" said TenTen, smiling as well.

"Hn" he said. They looked each other in the eyes and Neji saw happiness. Right now he's having all of these flashbacks of him and TenTen training together.

"I can't believe I haven't even said thank you once to her for helping me train even though she could have trained with someone else and just focus on herself. I was so selfish. But, thank you, TenTen, thank you for doing all of that." he thought.

"Hi Naruto" said Hinata, smiling shyly.

"Hey Hinata" he said. Naruto looked into her eyes and also saw happiness in her eyes as well. He was remembering all of the times she had comforted him. Especially about the time before the match against Neji. In addition, also admiring him and watching him train (a/n he knew she was there)

"Hinata, thank you so much for comforting me. Thank you for accepting me. You have always given me confidence. Even though I use to like Sakura, I realize that I liked her in a sisterly way, but I like you in a different kind of way. Thank you for being there. Thank you for comforting me and supporting me when no one else has."

"Hi Shikamaru" she said, smiling.

"Hey Ino" he said. He also looked into her eyes and seeing her happy. Right now he is thinking of the times they spent together.

"One reason why I wanted to become a ninja is to live up to my family's name. Another was because I thought being a ninja would make my life easier, but I was wrong in thinking that. But the last reason and certainly not the least is to impress you, Ino. You always liked Sasuke and every time you swooned or talked about him it pained me. I want to become a ninja so I could be able protect you, Ino" He thought.

The thought then struck the guys that they had to get to Tsunade's office. So, they said good-bye to the girls and head off.

At Tsunade's office:

"Your mission is to escort these men" said Tsunade pointing to the men.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?Any ideas for the next chapter?Any ideas on the names? Thank you for all of those who review or just plain take the time to read my fan fiction. It took me a long time to finish this, I hope you liked it!