Here it is; the last chapter

Here it is; the last chapter! This chapter is a little cheesy, but deal with it! ;) Hope you like it!


Chapter 17

The Note

Previously on Love is All You Need:

She was ecstatic. She got to go to one of the best schools for fashion. She was finally gonna start living her dream! Just one problem…it was in New York-in a whole other country. Away from her friends, her family…her Will.

Elizabeth was sitting crossed legged on the couch with her hands in her lap as she was in deep thought. Will would be home any minute and she needed to tell him. She had decided to go to New York. She knew it was for the best. And she was sure she'd be back once she finished school. But still, what would Will say? What would Will think? Elizabeth knew the answer. He would tell her she made the right choice and that he was proud of her. But inside; inside he would be hurt beyond belief. She knew that if she got accepted that she would have to move to New York. But she didn't think she would get accepted, and she thought that if she did, she would figure it all out when the time came.

Just then Will walked through the door. She had to tell him now. Or the longer she waited, the harder it would be.

"Hi, love. Did you hear from Parsons yet?"

"Yeah, I got a letter from them today" She smiled weakly at Will, but he didn't seem to notice.

"So; did you get accepted?" Will asked eagerly.

"Actually, I did"

"That's great" He hugged her tightly, but as he slowly let go, he noticed the sadness in her face. "Why aren't you happy?"

"I am. It's just that…Will I have to move to New York"

"Right, I forgot about that. Well it's a great opportunity, you should go"

"I am, Will. But what will happen to us? Do you really think we'll be able to keep up a long distance relationship?"

"That would be very difficult. But we can try, can't we?"

"No we can't. The long distance thing will be too hard because I'll be too busy to keep it up and a relationship needs more then just talking on the phone"

Will thought for a moment, and then his eyes lit up and gleamed. "I can move there with you!"

"Will, no. That's not a good idea. Living together is one thing, but moving to a different continent together is another. What if it doesn't work out? Or you'll get home sick and want to go back to London but you won't because I'll still stay in New York. Then you'll start hating New York and then you'll start hating me and…"

"Elizabeth, that's not gonna happen. I love you and I could never hate you"

"You don't know that and I don't want to take any chances"

"Well then what do you propose we do? Break up?" Elizabeth stayed silent at his last idea and then she shrugged. "You really want to break up?" He then asked hurtfully.

"What else is there?"

"What else is there?" He exclaimed. "I've given you a bunch other ideas and you turned your nose up at each one; giving a stupid excuse for each fucking one!" Elizabeth began to cry and Will just sighed. He wrapped his strong arms around her and gently rocked her back and fourth, kissing her head. "I guess this is it then, isn't it?"

Elizabeth slightly nodded her head into his chest. "I guess though" She looked up at him with red, puffy eyes and tears falling down her cheeks. "I wish I could say that we'd stay friends, but nobody ever does"

He looked back at her and as she said that, tears began to well up in his eyes as well. He cupped her face with his hands and kissed her passionately. When they broke apart, they looked longingly into each other's eyes. "I'll always love you. Remember that"


"I can't believe you're leaving me!" Sam whined.

"I'm sorry; it's just something I have to do" Elizabeth said.

"It's just something I have to do" She repeated with disgusts. "That's bull!"

"Sam, please. We'll still be friends and I'll be back; I promise."

"What did Will say?" Sam sighed.

"He was crushed. We ended up breaking up. We couldn't think of another way to make it work. He was gonna help me pack, but I couldn't be around him anymore. The more I'm around him the more it hurts. I contacted the school and I'm going there in about two weeks. But I'm gonna move there as soon as Saturday. I'm just gonna stay in a hotel there until I can find an apartment. Will said I can go get my stuff when he's at work tomorrow. Can you help me? And I also was hoping I could stay with you"

"Of course you can. But I can't believe you broke up"

"Well, I have to move on"


The next day Sam and Elizabeth arrived at Will's apartment to get her stuff. They began putting together cardboard boxes that they had brought with them. Elizabeth went to the bedroom to start packing her clothes while Sam packed some of Elizabeth's things in the living room.

Sam started putting a couple of Elizabeth's pictures that were on the coffee table in the box. But she stopped when she saw a note addressed to Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth" She yelled through the apartment.

"Yeah?" She asked, walking over to Sam. Sam just handed her the note.

Elizabeth looked at it oddly before slowly opening it. She began to read it out loud.

I wish you well and so I take my leave,
I Pray you know me when we meet again.

-William Shakespeare

"Is that from Will?" Sam asked.

"It doesn't say but that's my only guess. But what does that mean? I pray you know me when we meet again?"

Sam shrugged. "Maybe it means when you die you two will be together?"

"Why would he say that if we broke up?"

"I don't know. Why don't you just dig up Shakespeare himself and have him explain it to you"

"Oh yeah, that wouldn't be a problem"

"Hey, I'm just trying to help"


A few days past and Elizabeth had cleared everything up in London and arranged everything in New York. She had said goodbye to her friends and family, and was now sitting in a café in the airport with Sam, waiting for her flight.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you to help you get settled?" Sam asked.

"I'm sure; I'll be fine"

"Will you call me?"

"Yeah, I will; of course"


"Everyday" Elizabeth confirmed.

"First call for passengers boarding flight 359 to New York, New York, USA" A British voice announced over the intercom.

"That's me" Elizabeth said as she got up. She picked up her two suit cases that she was taking aboard.

Sam began crying and hugged her best friend close. "I'm really gonna miss you. Promise me you'll be back"

"I promise" They began walking together, arm in arm, to the boarding area. Elizabeth was waiting in line behind other passengers who were waiting to show their tickets to the man at the door. "Oh, Sam. When you see Will, tell him goodbye for me"

"Will do"

Elizabeth gave the man her ticket and pass port and, before boarding, she turned around and waved to Sam. Then she walked away and disappeared.

Sam suddenly stopped crying and got a wicked grin across her face. She took her phone out of her purse and dialed a number. "Hey, it's Sam. Yeah, she just got on. Okay, bye"


Elizabeth was sitting in her seat waiting for the plane to leave the ground. She ordered a soda and got out a book expecting the plane to leave soon. She sighed when the pilot announced that it would be up to 30 minutes until they departed.

She turned her attention back to her book. Although she couldn't concentrate. "Thank you" She said to the flight attendant that brought her the beverage. She drank it slowly, completely bored.

Elizabeth then reached into her purse and got her cell phone. After all, she only had a little while left to make this call, because as soon as they were in the air, she would loose her chance. She began dialing a number, but stopped. Elizabeth put away her phone. She continued to drink her soda, but then grabbed her cell phone again. This time she didn't start dialing at all. She put it away almost immediately.

This went on for about 10 minutes before the man next to her took out his ear plugs he had on and turned his attention to her. "Oh my god! Will you knock it off?"

"Excuse me?" She asked, shocked that a complete stranger would talk to her like that.

"I have been sitting here; trying to listen to my music and read, but you're driving me bloody mad! You take out your phone, start dialing, and then put it away. Just call him for god's sake!"

"How do you know it's a him?"

"Please, I'm not an idiot. You're nervous, sweating, and you have the look of heart break in your eyes. No doubt it's an ex-boyfriend. Possibly ex-husband. Unless of course you're a lesbian"

Elizabeth looked at him and then slouched in her chair with her arms crossed. "It's a him"

"Let me guess; you got a job or something in New York and you're moving there. You left him behind and now you're regretting it"

"How do you know all of this?"

"I'm a relationship expert"

"Oh" She said quietly. "And for your information, I didn't get a job. I got into a fashion school"

The man just laughed. "Did he love you?"

"Very much; and I broke his heart. We lived together too. We said goodbye about a week ago. Then I went to pack when he was at work. It was strange; he left me a note, poem actually. I don't know what it means though"

"What did it say?"

Elizabeth was about to answer when she stopped herself. "You know this isn't any of your business. Why do you even care?" She snapped.

"Hey, I was just asking. You were the one who willingly explained it to me. You wanna get it off your chest"

Elizabeth groaned, knowing this man was right. "It said; I wish you well and so I take my leave, I pray you know me when we meet again."

"Shakespeare" He stated.

"Do you know what it means?" Elizabeth asked eagerly.

"It means he'll be waiting for you"

"Waiting for me? Where?"

"In New York probably"

"How could he?" She exclaimed. "After what I did to him; he'll never want to see me again"


"You're wrong!"

"I was just saying…"

"No! Just leave me alone now" Elizabeth said angrily. She took out her book again, and although she still couldn't concentrate on reading, she was pretending to.

"PMS is a bitch" The man muttered to himself, luckily for him, Elizabeth didn't hear.


About nine hours later, Elizabeth was jerked out of her sleep by the man sitting next to her.

"Sorry to wake you, but the pilot just announced that we will be getting ready to land in about 10 minutes and to buckle your seat belts" He said.

"Oh, thanks" She did as instructed and got her purse. "Do have the time?"

The man checked his watch and replied, "9:33 pm"

"Sorry if I bothered you while I was sleeping. I tend to talk a lot in my sleep and flying in planes always makes me tired"

"No, uh, you were relatively quiet" Elizabeth nodded as the plane began to descend. "Look, miss, I'm sorry if I offended you earlier"

"It's okay"

They were quiet for about 15 minutes until they were aloud to get out of their seats and leave. However, Elizabeth couldn't help but think about what the man said. He will be waiting for you. She shook it out of her head. She grabbed her suitcases she had with her and left the plane.

She walked into the New York Airport and looked for a sign indicating where the baggage claim was. But something caught her attention. Or whether, someone. "Will" She whispered to herself. He saw her and smiled his sweet, charming, sexy smile.

She walked over to him, still believing her eyes were deceiving her. "What are you doing here?"

"You didn't think I'd let you go, did you? Not without me at least"

Tears began streaming down Elizabeth's face. "I'm so sorry Will. So sorry. I was stupid and I thought I needed to do this alone. But we're a team, you and I. We do things together. I need you, Will"

Instead of saying something, Will replied by pulling her close and giving her a long, passionate, kiss that seemed to last forever. When they finally broke apart, Elizabeth wrapped her arms around him. He buried his face into the crock of her neck and her eyes peaked over his shoulders. She saw the man that sat next to her on the plane looking at her from across the room and she smiled at him.

"Let's go get a hotel" Elizabeth said after getting her other luggage. "I'm tired"

"Not too tired I hope" He said, leaning in and giving her another kiss, this one sweet and tender.


The End! And I hope you liked it. I will be writing a sequel, but I'll probably write a couple of shorter Willabeth stories first. But keep an eye out for it!